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The 'Barford Atom'

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Had a glance at the Howard Hotel thread and it reminded me of working for John I Fearn which was situated on the opposite corner of Howard St.

I started there as a shop lad back in 1948 (yeah, that's 1948). Although I was a kid who liked a drink of beer I never went in there because I'd been brainwashed into thinking that Stones's was the only beer worth drinking. I think I only went in there once. My immediate boss at John I Fearn was a guy called Mr Bright. He was a musician, played tenor sax', and was a borderline alcholic (he was my hero). He often would often disapear during opening time leaving the shop to me.

J I Fearn sold farming goods. One of the items he sold was the 'Barford Atom'. This was, in modern day parlance, a rotavator. This machine was a marvel though, it did anything you care to mention with working soil,and much, much more. It'd wake you up in the morning with a cup of tea if you asked it and I think it cost about £50 back then, a lot of money.

Anyhow, Mr Bright was in the Howard having a nip, I was in the shop minding the store, and in came this guy interested in the 'MACHINE'.

At first I thought he just wanted to buy sile pads or something, or rummage through the brochures on farming equipment, but no, he was interested in the 'Barford Atom'

It was my first panic in working life. I remember thinking that this was important and I must try and sell this thing that I didn't know squat about. After what seemed a lifetime of me trying to bluff the guy into thinking I knew what I was talking about old 'Brighty' came across the road. And he ballsed up the sale.

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