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Nigel Farage Worse interview exposes UKIP policies

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Whether you believe those principles are for the benefit of the country or for their own wallets is up to you, but only a village idiot would say they have no principles at all.



I have voted 'Grren' in the past, I know one of the 'Green' EU candidate is ex-Labour and on my local council many independents are ex-Tories and ex-Liberal Democrats; ex-Tory is also now Labour.


So what does that party name mean?

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Should rebel backbenchers be kicked out of labour or the Tories then? I bet Dennis skinner has forgotten the amount of times he spoke out/voted against Blair and brown. If we aren't going to encourage independent thought do we need mps?


I'm not saying that though. I'm commenting on the fact that UKIP fought an election on Thursday and abandoned almost the entire manifesto on Friday.


That isn't encouraging independent thought, that is misleading the electorate. It is lying. We shouldn't tolerate it from a supposdly mature party.

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I'm not saying that though. I'm commenting on the fact that UKIP fought an election on Thursday and abandoned almost the entire manifesto on Friday.



If you were payer closer attention, they abandoned it before Friday. All it takes is one of the electorate to ask a question, but they rarely do.

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I'm not saying that though. I'm commenting on the fact that UKIP fought an election on Thursday and abandoned almost the entire manifesto on Friday.


That isn't encouraging independent thought, that is misleading the electorate. It is lying. We shouldn't tolerate it from a supposdly mature party.


I haven't listened to it, (I've better things to do;)) but I'm not sure saying they don't have to tow the party line is the same as abandoning a manefesto (like the lib dems did).

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Don't you think that he was a bit flaky on the policy details?


Nothing new. Ask Ed Milliband about how he's going to pay for his policies.


Ed Miliband admits Labour would borrow more to fund VAT cut after 13 question-dodges



They were elected on a manifesto yesterday. That manifesto has just been abandoned.


That's no way to run a party. In fact, it is just short of fraudulent behaviour.


Again, nothing new.


Tony Blair promised to hold a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon in the 2005 election manifesto. I'm still waiting Tony....


Remember the Liberal Democrats' pledge not to increase tuition fees, whereupon it formed a coalition with the Conservative Party and soon after voted for an increase in tuition fees.



Do you think MPs should be whipped?


As long as they don't claim for it on expenses, I'm not bothered.


UKIP may be doing well right now but I doubt they will get 25% of the vote at a general election, more like 2.5%.


Historically people tend to vote for the "big three" at general elections.

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It's cringe worthy:o

This brief interview with Nigel Farage, exposes just how weak and totally unprepared UKIP and their policies are. His own members don't even have to tow the party line. They are totally unprepared for government.

And this party wants your vote? They have a very long way to go.



Starts 9.42. Ends 12.00


You mean if I went to see a UKIP councillor he could help me in the way he thinks is right instead of following national party policy.

Sounds good to me, if only they had said that befor the vote, I might have gone out and voted for them. :)


---------- Post added 04-05-2013 at 07:13 ----------


I can answer for them if you like:


Nothing. Nowt. Nada.


Which makes all of this local election stuff seem ridiculous. The one policy that they have to abide by, is the one policy that they can't influence.


Local councillors can't influence any government policies, they don't get to vote on defence, the economy, they just get to vote on trivial local matter and what local people in Sheffield think is important, may not be important to the people in London.

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You mean if I went to see a UKIP councillor he could help me in the way he thinks is right instead of following national party policy.

Sounds good to me, if only they had said that befor the vote, I might have gone out and voted for them. :)


---------- Post added 04-05-2013 at 07:13 ----------



Local councillors can't influence any government policies, they don't get to vote on defence, the economy, they just get to vote on trivial local matter and what local people in Sheffield think is important, may not be important to the people in London.


Did you even bother to listen to this interview?

Listen from 10.42. It clearly states this is about their Local Council Manifesto.

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Did you even bother to listen to this interview?

Listen from 10.42. It clearly states this is about their Local Council Manifesto.

Why vote for UKIP in your local elections?


Elected councillors should put their communities, not party politics, first.


Because UKIP stands for bringing government back to where it belongs –

with the people. We believe in power for local people over the councils, and for

local councils over central government.




It appears they have been told to do what its says in the manifesto.

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And what are the new UKIP members of, say, Norfolk County Council do about the UK's benefits of being in the EU?


I can answer for them if you like:


Nothing. Nowt. Nada.


Which makes all of this local election stuff seem ridiculous. The one policy that they have to abide by, is the one policy that they can't influence.


If the implication is that UKIP councillors cannot affect our relationship with the EU, you are wrong.


The very fact that they have been elected, and received a sizeable chunk of the vote, sends a message that people are not happy with the current setup with Europe and are not happy with the levels of immigration. If it wsn't for the growing popularity of UKIP, the PM would never have put an EU referendum on the agenda (but still won't anyway otherwise he will legislate for one before 2015).


In local government, they an withdraw funding from left wing organisations that don't fit the UKIP agenda. For example, a UKIP council in Sheffield might withdraw support for Sheffield as a "City of Sanctuary", it might withdraw funding for interpreters, multi-lingual literature, tighten up on housing rules for migrants to give priority to locals etc.

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Sounds good to me, if only they had said that befor the vote, I might have gone out and voted for them.


1) You're already on record on here many times saying you vote UKIP.


2) There were no elections in Sheffield on Thursday other than in Fulwood.


So if you live in Fulwood you're admitting to not voting UKIP despite saying many many times on here that you do vote UKIP.


Or, if you don't live in Fulwood you couldn't vote. In which case why claim you would have voted UKIP when there were no elections where you live.

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