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Nigel Farage for PM

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What's on the UKIP website are not policies but more of a wish list of vague promises that they don't want to tied down on.


Even senior party members think they don't really have properly prepared policies. From this article:


A VERY GOOD ARTICLE. The problem is Nigel Farage (Mr Blokey), is trying to be everything, to appeal to everyone. It won't wash.

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Vote "None of The Above". It is the only sensible choice.


If only it was a choice! We don't get that option. Got to either vote for some plonker, don't attend or spoil your ballot.


I think many people are just voting UKIP instead of 'None of the above', without having a clue what they'd do if they ever came to power (do UKIP even know, after leaving the EU?).


---------- Post added 04-05-2013 at 19:56 ----------


I don't need to, UKIP policies are on the UKIP website.


No they aren't.


UKIP Immigration Policy is currently undergoing a review and update. The full policy will be published in due course.
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Vote "None of The Above". It is the only sensible choice.
If only it was a choice! We don't get that option. Got to either vote for some plonker, don't attend or spoil your ballot.


I think we need to make it an option... preferably before the next general election.

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I think we need to make it an option... preferably before the next general election.


What would the point be?


What would happen if the "None of the above" option got the highest votes?


If people actually voted for the option which they most agreed with, it would be worthwhile for independents to stand and probably win. As it stands, too many people vote for party x because they don't want party y to win, even though they actually support party z. And then complain that neither party x or y actually represent their feelings.

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What would the point be?


What would happen if the "None of the above" option got the highest votes?

There are a number of options.

I favour the idea that the MP is picked at random from the electorate, like for jury duty.

I'd like to see something done to boot voter apathy up the backside: perhaps a financial penalty for not voting.

If people actually voted for the option which they most agreed with, it would be worthwhile for independents to stand and probably win. As it stands, too many people vote for party x because they don't want party y to win, even though they actually support party z. And then complain that neither party x or y actually represent their feelings.

But party z has Bob Hope of winning, so a vote for them would be wasted.

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But party z has Bob Hope of winning, so a vote for them would be wasted.


But party z only has no chance of winning because everyone who agrees with them and could get them into power are voting for party x who they don't like. A wasted vote is one which is cast for a party who the voter doesn't align themselves with.


Look at it like this - the Tories are currently panicking about how they're going to get voters back from UKIP, and what policies they need to adapt to make themselves more like UKIP. Now if people are voting for UKIP, not because they agree with UKIP, but because they don't want to vote for any of the three big names, does this panic policy updating do the country any good?


Would it not have been better if a loosely linked bunch of independent candidates, standing on a policy of fair government, with more voter choice, run locally and not abusing the system (like UKIP are doing) had taken those votes - that would have sent a much better message to the big names than "people are scared of foreigners".


But like you say, nobody will vote for those people, because they're too scared of someone else winning, so instead they waste their vote on the party they think will beat them.

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which constituency Nigel chooses to stand in for 2015 is a bit of a guessing game. I wonder if any bookies have started taking bets on it. It needs to be a Tory seat, like Eastleigh was except unlike Eastleigh, it would be better if it hadn't been stolen from the Tories by the Lib Dems. I think it is probably going to be somewhere in the east of England, in Norfolk, or Lincolnshire. Sleaford and North Hykeham. Or Even Grantham and Stamford, Thatcher's birthplace. That is a safe Tory seat where the Lib Dems and Labour are evenly split, with the Lib Dems ahead. Nigel could emerge the winner in a 4 party or at least 3 party contest like that one would become if he decided to stand there. He can only squeeze a win. There is surely no way he could win any constituency anywhere in Britain, by a landslide. He can never hope to take all that many, as in most Tory votes in any constituency in a general election. But he could be able to take maybe 20%, or 30%. And if he takes Labour and Lib Dem votes as well, and also more people vote Labour as well i.e. switch from Tory or Lib Dem to Labour like they might usually do, then he could just emerge the winner.


but make no mistake, despite all this hubbub, for Farage or any other UKIP candiate to actually win a seat in parliament in the next general election is not all that easy at all. The odds are stacked against them winning even one. Nigel's best chance of being an MP was Eastleigh in the recent by-election. I reckon he probably would have won that, had he been the candidate and not someone else. He might even get lucky if the right kind of seat, with a suitable make up, comes up within this parliament in a by-election, like Galloway was when he won in Bradford last year. In a general election, Nigel's chances are less than in a by election in the right kind of seat. But it is not likely that the right kind of seat, like Eastleigh was, will come up as a by-election again this parliament in the two years it has left. But if an MP dies, or resigns, in the right kind of seat, expect a very interesting by-election to ensue if Nigel stands and shows that he really does want to become an MP, which he might not (why did he not stand in Eastleigh when surely he must have known that would be his best chance to become an MP?)

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I dont get TOLD anything.


I read things through in detail and pick out the key information they are trying to bury within the pages of horse crap.


Read it for yourself..... Its there in black and white.




Yes I read it too, and most of what you claim to be in there in conspicuous by it's absence. For example, can you provide a link to where it says UKIP will ban gay marriage (as you claim), because I can't find it anywhere?

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