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Why is UKIP called racist by some?

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In answer to the opening post, the mud-slinging happens because we have bred a generation of deeply misguided prats who think they need to pursue an agenda championing political correctness, and however logical the concerns of those who see the UK going down the toilet as a result of Labour's immigration policies and the massive influx of anti-British minorities in our inner cities, those prats relish the opportunity to shout 'racist' at any opportunity.


Shame really that those white English do-gooder lefties are among us, I'd chuck 'em in the chambers ahead of the pikeys.


Yet another right wing troll. Yaaaaawn


Arh, crossed wires then :)


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 12:50 ----------



Not sure, but I don't see why you are jumping to such a conclusion .. oh hang on, yes I do. I suppose the one word question of "which" can be answered with a one word answer "All". This wont stop communities from funding their own cultural centres, just not the government.


We should be protecting the British culture, not diluting it. This is why people have less and less of a sense of belonging.


British culture, much like our language is constantly changing and evolving. What is interesting is that people think that, or complain about their culture eroding when immigration is discussed. In my opinion there are other pernicious influences on our culture that have nothing to do with immigration (the gutter press being an example).


That doesn't mean to say that British people shouldn't be proud of their achievements. But even there I think people would differ in what our prodest achievements are.


I think one of the reasons why the Olympics opening ceremony got up the noses of some right wingers is because it deviated from the usual narrative of British culture that is normally fed to us (e.g. royalty, empire, industrial revolution), but was more inclusive of things like civic society and the NHS.

And I think sense of belonging is more about people having to move around for work, rather than having a shared narrative.

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It's what you usually do on virtually evety thread you post. Has it not occurred to you that it people like you that probably drive most UKIP supporters into that party's arms?


Hahaha...evidence please? "People like me", I wonder what you mean ;)


---------- Post added 07-05-2013 at 19:44 ----------


Early get out clause, wondered when you'd bring it up.


I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it...perhaps you could point to any of my posts where I say UKIP is a racist party?

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According to their website in 2010 they got £120K of council taxpayers money, £50K of which was for a manager.


There are only 9100 British African-Caribbeans in Sheffield according to here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Sheffield. Thats £13 each. How much gets spent on promoting British culture to the rest of us?


I'm not attacking African-Caribbeans, they are as much British as I in the large part, but if people want to dwell in cultures from outside of the UK, they should go live there.

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I'm not attacking African-Caribbeans, they are as much British as I in the large part, but if people want to dwell in cultures from outside of the UK, they should go live there.


Come again? Are you really suggesting that immigrant communities should leave behind all their cultural norms and values, foods and styles of dress when they come here?


Or are you saying something else? Also, one needs to ask why? Is it just because you don't like it or is there some valid reason also?

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There are only 9100 British African-Caribbeans in Sheffield according to here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Sheffield. Thats £13 each. How much gets spent on promoting British culture to the rest of us?


I'm not attacking African-Caribbeans, they are as much British as I in the large part, but if people want to dwell in cultures from outside of the UK, they should go live there.


Let's not forget they might all be rate payers.


I've never visited this centre but Im still paying to subsidise it just as I am the community centre at Parson Cross which I'm also unlikely to visit, but I don't resent contributing to them because they provide a valuable service to the people who use them and as far as I know there are no exclusions placed on the ethnic origins of the users of either.

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Let's not forget they might all be rate payers.


I've never visited this centre but Im still paying to subsidise it just as I am the community centre at Parson Cross which I'm also unlikely to visit, but I don't resent contributing to them because they provide a valuable service to the people who use them and as far as I know there are no exclusions placed on the ethnic origins of the users of either.


Looking into this group in a little more it does seem to be explicitly racist. Non-blacks can be "associate members" with no voting rights but only blacks can vote. Not really something the council should be funding IMO.


(i) 'Ordinary membership" shall be-open to all Afro-Caribbean persons and their-descendants who live in Sheffield-Such persons shall have full voting rights in General Meetings of the Company;

(ii)Associate membership” shall be open to all persons regardless of race, religious beliefs or nationality who are actively interested in the aims and objectives of the Company. Such persons shall not have voting rights-in General Meetings of the Company;

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Looking into this group in a little more it does seem to be explicitly racist. Non-blacks can be "associate members" with no voting rights but only blacks can vote. Not really something the council should be funding IMO.


Oh please. Get a sense of perspective...

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Oh please. Get a sense of perspective...


Sense of perspective? I don't think the council should be funding racist organisations. I wouldn't support public money going to an organisation which said non-whites cannot vote, I don't support public money going to an organisation which said non-blacks cannot vote. What's to get a sense of perspective about? It's just a consistent view on public funding of racist organisations.


If you need to ask what colour the person doing the racism is before you decide whether it's wrong or not then that's, whats the word?


Oh yeah, racist.

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According to their website in 2010 they got £120K of council taxpayers money, £50K of which was for a manager.


Thanks andygardener for the link.


These are the sort of things I cannot agree should be publicly funded / subsidised by local tax payers. Why on earth does it need public funding? And why should it?

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