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Israel Bombs Syria ( AGAIN )

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it really isn't that difficult to understand.


Iran cannot attack Israel on its own. Neither can Syria. It needs a proxy terrorist militia in Lebanon to do that in the form of Hezbollah, but at the risk of of provoking an Israeli response in Lebanon. Iran does not care, about the majority of Lebanese that are not Shias like them and Hizbollah are Shias. All the Sunni Muslim, Christian and other Lebanese do not mean anything to the Iranian regime. So right now, when they fear that the Allawite Syrian regime might be about to fall, Iran is putting as much energy as they can afford into making sure Hezbullah gets weapons to use against Israel. Syria cannot afford to do anything to help Hizbullah now. They are running low on rockets of their own, but Iran does not care about Assad and his Syrian regime any more - whether he, and it, lives or dies. They just want to supply Hizbullah, in Lebanon, while they can. Israel knows this which is why they are trying to stop the weaponry, getting through to Hizbullah. As usual with the Israelis, they will be trying to minimise civilian casualties.

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it really isn't that difficult to understand.


Iran cannot attack Israel on its own. Neither can Syria. It needs a proxy terrorist militia in Lebanon to do that in the form of Hezbollah, but at the risk of of provoking an Israeli response in Lebanon. Iran does not care, about the majority of Lebanese that are not Shias like them and Hizbollah are Shias. All the Sunni Muslim, Christian and other Lebanese do not mean anything to the Iranian regime. So right now, when they fear that the Allawite Syrian regime might be about to fall, Iran is putting as much energy as they can afford into making sure Hezbullah gets weapons to use against Israel. Syria cannot afford to do anything to help Hizbullah now. They are running low on rockets of their own, but Iran does not care about Assad and his Syrian regime any more - whether he, and it, lives or dies. They just want to supply Hizbullah, in Lebanon, while they can. Israel knows this which is why they are trying to stop the weaponry, getting through to Hizbullah. As usual with the Israelis, they will be trying to minimise civilian casualties.


funniest thing is tho, none of thesr countries have attacked israel, and how many other countries has israel violated airspace and attacked??, all in the name of stopping weapons, that we have errr omly israels word for it!!, im sorry but open your eyes and see who is doing all the attackes on other countries!!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Israel Bombs Syria yet again ,






The first time they LIED and said they bombed a shipment of weapons moving too Hezbollah ( when the truth was they bombed a research centre ),


What about muslims sending rockets into israel then? I suppose that's a noble cause in your view

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if you were being invaded and land taken, would you just say ok have my land?, even the UN have said israel stealing palestine land, dont believe me, go find out for yourself instead of believing israel propaganda



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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the 'paid trolls' thing is an old chestnut as old as the internet. It's just the usual antisemitism really, straight out of the Chronicles of the Elders of Zion. Israelis and Jewish people often joke about it actually, saying stuff like 'every time I post on facebook I go to the mailbox the next day hoping that somebody will have sent me a check - but it never comes. Am I doing anything wrong?' Think about it. Only Jews have the money, organisation, and motivation to have it together enough to have an elaborate, organised network on all the social networking sites. But nobody else does it. Only Jews. People like SBCY who regularly opens up totally laughable anti-Israel topics, is of course unlike the pro-Israeli posters in that, unlike them, he isn't being paid and he does it out of the 'goodness' of his heart. Why are the pro-Israeli posters always paid, but all the anti-Israel ones, are not?


Your funny . So paid troll fact is a conspiracy for you , recorded history about the Kazar empire is a conspiracy what else ?

And calling some one anti semitic as they speak out against Israeli aggression is a old chestnut slander .



---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 15:20 ----------


What about muslims sending rockets into israel then? I suppose that's a noble cause in your view


Do you mean the homemade glorified fireworks ?


I suppose you are suggesting while Hamas fired these rockets Israel sat back and did nothing ? Is that what your suggesting ?


There is always a cause which people like you always side step , and then there are always facts which people like you try too hide and bury ?

Example Israel has fired more "rockets " ( aka real proper BOMBS ) into Gaza which no one hears about , but we always seem too hear about these proxy rockets ?



Any way today Israel bombed Syria again ( 3rd ) time , guess al-Queda and Israel are fighting on the same side now .


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 15:21 ----------


nobody ever says the numerous people like SBCY that troll internet forums posting anti Israel topics on a daily basis and put far more time and energy into it than anybody pro-Israeli does, are being 'paid'. Think to yourself as to why that is.


There is massive massive proof that there is a army of paid trolls too push Israeli propaganda , but we are not allowed too discuss it on sheffield forum are we ?

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Your funny . So paid troll fact is a conspiracy for you , recorded history about the Kazar empire is a conspiracy what else ?

And calling some one anti semitic as they speak out against Israeli aggression is a old chestnut slander .



---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 15:20 ----------



Do you mean the homemade glorified fireworks ?


I suppose you are suggesting while Hamas fired these rockets Israel sat back and did nothing ? Is that what your suggesting ?


There is always a cause which people like you always side step , and then there are always facts which people like you try too hide and bury ?

Example Israel has fired more "rockets " ( aka real proper BOMBS ) into Gaza which no one hears about , but we always seem too hear about these proxy rockets ?



Any way today Israel bombed Syria again ( 3rd ) time , guess al-Queda and Israel are fighting on the same side now .


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 15:21 ----------



There is massive massive proof that there is a army of paid trolls too push Israeli propaganda , but we are not allowed too discuss it on sheffield forum are we ?


Israel have the capability to wipe out Gaza and the Palestinians, any idea why they haven't?

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Israel have the capability to wipe out Gaza and the Palestinians, any idea why they haven't?


As they are the kings of propaganda they use slow kill and oppression ,


They use lies so people think they have justification for killing hundreds of kids and thousands of civilans .



The rockets is a great example of modern day propaganda and how the story had been imbedded into the minds of the west .


We heard all the mainstream bang on about the thousands of rockets fired from Gaza but never did we hear about the thousands of High explosives fired by the IDF during the same time .


Pure and shameful propaganda .


But hey please tell me how the Israeli regime is all up for peace and tell me why they are bombing Syria now and then telling BLATANT LIES about the bombings ( just on cue )?

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As they are the kings of propaganda they use slow kill and oppression ,


They use lies so people think they have justification for killing hundreds of kids and thousands of civilans .



The rockets is a great example of modern day propaganda and how the story had been imbedded into the minds of the west .


We heard all the mainstream bang on about the thousands of rockets fired from Gaza but never did we hear about the thousands of High explosives fired by the IDF during the same time .


Pure and shameful propaganda .


But hey please tell me how the Israeli regime is all up for peace and tell me why they are bombing Syria now and then telling BLATANT LIES about the bombings ( just on cue )?


But that doesn't make sense, Israel has had many opportunities to wipe out Gaza and the Palestinians yet they haven't, they have allowed the Palestinian population to expand which again doesn't make sense, unless they don't actually want to wipe out the Palestinians and just want to defend themselves.


The Palestinian leaders on the other hand have said they wish to wipe out Israel but fortunately don't have the capability.

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But that doesn't make sense, Israel has had many opportunities to wipe out Gaza and the Palestinians yet they haven't, they have allowed the Palestinian population to expand which again doesn't make sense, unless they don't actually want to wipe out the Palestinians and just want to defend themselves.


The Palestinian leaders on the other hand have said they wish to wipe out Israel but fortunately don't have the capability.


I guess my words did not make a impact on you now did they ?


If the state did nuke the Gaza strip ( like some extremists Jews have suggested )


It would cause severe problems for the regime both At home and abroad .


So instead the regime decides too oppress and starve the local palastinians.


You also ignored my other points completely so there is no point talking about israeli lies when you can't even speak about them .


Rockets from Gaza ( used for Israeli propaganda )

Wipe of the map ( more israeli propaganda as the only country which has been wiped of the Map is Palastine )

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never did we hear about the thousands of High explosives fired by the IDF during the same time .




I don't know where you get your news from, but I suggest you widen your sources. There are numerous regular reports about Israel targeting terrorist camps / weapon factories and the like, and plenty of admissions that they may have accidentally killed a few civilians who were in the wrong place, along with the accusations of human shields being used to stop them targeting places.


The primary reason that the Palestinian rockets get more coverage is because they, as you describe them, are no more than glorified fireworks, and as such have no targeting and are just being used to injure and kill civilians.


If Palestine want the moral ground on this, they would stop attacking Israel and just defend their current positions. What they're doing at the moment is no different to whacking an alligator with a stick and then complaining when it starts snapping at them. As has been said, if Israel wanted to wipe out the Palestinians, they would be in the history books by now.


IMHO, both countries are as bad as each other, and both need their heads banging together, and anyone who promotes that only one country is the aggressor attacking the other who are simply defending themselves is either deluding themselves or posting 'propaganda'.

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