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If you died in your house, how long till you would be found?

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There was a TV documentary about 7 or 8 years ago about a company that go into homes and clean up after someone has died but not been found for months or years. I won't go into detail as you may have just eaten but it was horrible especially when describing how corpses....well you get the picture. I thought that was one job I couldn't do.

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There was a TV documentary about 7 or 8 years ago about a company that go into homes and clean up after someone has died but not been found for months or years. I won't go into detail as you may have just eaten but it was horrible especially when describing how corpses....well you get the picture. I thought that was one job I couldn't do.



I watched that..:gag: They even had to rip up the floor boards because the decomposed body had seeped through the timbers.

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A bloke who i used to know lived alone but used to go to visit relatives in penistone and stay with them so it was common not to see him for weeks at a time.The person who lived next door had reported a smell to the council but they could find no problem with the drains etc.To cut a long story short someone opened the letter box and the stench was so bad they were sick , the police forced the door and found him sat in his easy chair reading the star the TV was on and the gas fire was alight.From the date on the paper they worked out he had been dead for three months.


Nah, he'd only been dead for one day. The Star always has 3 month old news.

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This lady wasn't found for four years.


I highly recommend the film too.




Dead Spanish man lay undiscovered at home for up to 20 years


The remains of a Spanish man have been found lying in the corridor of his terraced house in the north-western village of Canizal some 20 years after he died.

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