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Immigrants in the uk

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Yet the government seems happy to pick on most people, from hard-working families with kids regardless of their social background, council tenants, the unemployed, the disabled, security forces, the NHS and the civil service at large to name but a few. There must be one hell of a bribe being planned for 2015 to get people to vote Conservative.


You sound like a spoilt kid.If there's no money then you cant have it, it isn't that hard to understand is it?

The real target should be Labour who go us into this mess in the first place, they had all the years of good world economy and even then massively over spent.

No matter who got in were never going to have an easy task ahead but people could accept cuts but not while Everybody else is coming here and given jobs that UK residents either have no chance of getting or just cant afford to take.

Then people wonder why the housing market is in the dog house,why wouldn't it be,UK residents who want to build their lifes cant get jobs to buy housing and the immigrants arnt interested in buying them many already have their own back at HOME.

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Then people wonder why the housing market is in the dog house,why wouldn't it be,UK residents who want to build their lifes cant get jobs to buy housing and the immigrants arnt interested in buying them many already have their own back at HOME.
The housing market isn't depressed because of the job situation, it's because property's are over priced and mortgage funding is harder to come by than it was 10 years ago.


What difference does it make if immigrants have a property back home? They still need somewhere to live and compensate the property owner by paying rent.

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The housing market isn't depressed because of the job situation, it's because property's are over priced and mortgage funding is harder to come by than it was 10 years ago.


What difference does it make if immigrants have a property back home? They still need somewhere to live and compensate the property owner by paying rent.


Ah here comes the expert!!


You will have to excuse me for thinking that people on the dole cant get mortgages sorry.

You will also have to excuse me for thinking if immigrants wasn't doing the jobs someone else would be.


And of course excuse me for thinking that while some want to tar everyone on the dole lazy its far from the truth.


I get all over this country into areas the public are never allowed and almost everywhere I go is rammed full of them,and they arnt picking potatos!!

They are doing jobs British people would be proud to do ,which would then allow them to buy houses and help the economy grow.


Im afraid I don't see the profit in people coming here with with empty pockets doing jobs the british are more then eager to do but cant, and then sending money home after loading all the services to breaking point in a lot of areas,and futher to that expecting special treatment which they often get.


Its a bit bad don't you think when you over hear British people wishing the were foreign?

Everywhere I go nowadays its the topic you over hear and the people of this country want something done about it and the recent votes for UKIP is apsolute proof of that!


Don't bother coming back with a reply BF im sick and tired of seeing threads took over by you,ramming crap down peoples throats,people are sick and tired of being told they are racist when actually there isn't another country on this planet gives as much as we have but there is limits..........

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You will have to excuse me for thinking that people on the dole cant get mortgages sorry.
That might be the case but it isn't the reason for the housing crisis.

You will also have to excuse me for thinking if immigrants wasn't doing the jobs someone else would be.

Blaming immigrants for shortage of jobs is a red herring, if a UK citizen is competing against immigrants at the bottom end of the labour market, then perhaps they should look at themselves first. Immigrants filling jobs in the highly skilled/professional areas are doing so because there are shortages of indigenous labour to do those jobs.

And of course excuse me for thinking that while some want to tar everyone on the dole lazy its far from the truth.

Well I didn't do that, but as I said before if you find yourself competing with someone who's travelled from a foreign land, doesn't have all the advantages of having been born a British citizen and in many cases doesn't have English as their first language could you tell me why they might be in front of British folks as far as UK employers are concerned?

I get all over this country into areas the public are never allowed and almost everywhere I go is rammed full of them,and they arnt picking potatos!!

They are doing jobs British people would be proud to do ,which would then allow them to buy houses and help the economy grow.

..and why do you believe British people aren't doing those jobs?

Im afraid I don't see the profit in people coming here with with empty pockets doing jobs the british are more then eager to do but cant, and then sending money home after loading all the services to breaking point in a lot of areas,and futher to that expecting special treatment which they often get.

You keep resorting to rhetoric. Why can't British people do these jobs that you say theyre so eager to do?

Its a bit bad don't you think when you over hear British people wishing the were foreign?

I've never heard that wish expressed anywhere, have you really? It would of course be quite easy for them to be considered foreign if they moved to countries where their skills were in short supply and 'sent the money home', just as thousands of British ex-pats working abroad already do and have done for centuries.

Everywhere I go nowadays its the topic you over hear and the people of this country want something done about it and the recent votes for UKIP is apsolute proof of that!

You must mix in some very peculiar circles.

Don't bother coming back with a reply BF im sick and tired of seeing threads took over by you,ramming crap down peoples throats,people are sick and tired of being told they are racist when actually there isn't another country on this planet gives as much as we have but there is limits..........

You really appear to have a problem don't you fella? If you're such an expert of my past contributions you'll be well aware I've never described anyone as a racist (the search facility will help you), because I'm well aware of how it detracts from the argument at hand and I certainly haven't implied on this thread that anyone is.


Personally I get sick and tired of posters like you playing the reverse race card to devalue others contributions. If you're unable to debate the topic based on factual information perhaps it's time someone took your crayons off you.


Incidentally, even if you were a racist it wouldn't make two hoots to me, my approach towards you would be exactly the same.


---------- Post added 07-05-2013 at 10:18 ----------


You sound like a spoilt kid.
The mirror is your friend.
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You sound like a spoilt kid.If there's no money then you cant have it, it isn't that hard to understand is it?

The real target should be Labour who go us into this mess in the first place, they had all the years of good world economy and even then massively over spent.

No matter who got in were never going to have an easy task ahead but people could accept cuts but not while Everybody else is coming here and given jobs that UK residents either have no chance of getting or just cant afford to take.

Then people wonder why the housing market is in the dog house,why wouldn't it be,UK residents who want to build their lifes cant get jobs to buy housing and the immigrants arnt interested in buying them many already have their own back at HOME.


If we can't spend what we don't have, why is the government borrowing even more money than Labour did? Why did this government blame Labour for the global collapse in 2008 and for the current economic crisis but is still borrowing more than Labour did and in less tome too? With all these cuts and increased borrowing, just where is all the money going?

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If we can't spend what we don't have, why is the government borrowing even more money than Labour did? Why did this government blame Labour for the global collapse in 2008 and for the current economic crisis but is still borrowing more than Labour did and in less tome too? With all these cuts and increased borrowing, just where is all the money going?


I fear it's all going to be wasted on PFI scams. You know, where the government disassembles public services before parcelling them out to their local friendly neighbourhood outsourcers.


(Yes, just like Blunkett and A4E)

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overheard a conversation commenting on how many are in England now, then saw the person driving in to a car wash, immigrants cleaning the cars. Why have these people washing their cars?


I think that immigrants are prepared to do the jobs that the bone idle in this country wont get off their sofas to do!


Theres no Jeremy Kyle at work!

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You must mix in some very peculiar circles.


Or Xt500 mixes with different people to you that live in a different area to you, and are affected by immigration differently to you, and have different life experiences to you. It may come a surprise but the country is full of people that are all different and just because they are different doesn't make them peculiar. :)

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Or Xt500 mixes with different people to you that live in a different area to you, and are affected by immigration differently to you, and have different life experiences to you. It may come a surprise but the country is full of people that are all different and just because they are different doesn't make them peculiar. :)


I wasn't born yesterday MrSmith, the one advantage I have over Xt500 is that being the offspring of a 1st generation immigrant who was a single mother, I subsequently became a business owner and employer so I've seen both sides of the coin he refers to.


I lived as a child on Skinnerthorpe Road, Firvale being popular with immigrants from the Caribbean at the time, who moved on as they established themselves. The first property I bought for myself in the early 80's was in Nether Edge, popular with Asians as you know.


I've since been fortunate to live in the leafier suburbs, but that doesn't mean I've no idea of what Xt500 is talking about, and to generalise about immigrants as he seems to is perversely wrong..they are just like the rest of us, they want the best for their families, some are shirkers and some are keen on self improvement after all anyone with the gumption to leave their country of origin and their families behind must have something about them in terms of motivation.

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