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More Israeli airstrikes on Damascus.

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We should thank the Israelis, they've probably just put an end to the civil war. The Syrians will forget about all the killing of each other and Syria will become united against aggressors Israel, because if there is one thing they all hate more than each other, it's Israel.


no they really are busy, in Syria at the moment. This is one of the few times when yes, they do not have time to hate Israel too much and it is one of those moments, when they are much busier, fighting among themselves. The Israel-Turkey deal brokered by Obama really said, we are going to have to take them (Assad's regime) down. But only slowly, and risk the possible or conceivable consequences of doing it too slowly, rather than too fast.

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Well the bigger picture might read differently. Iran is a friend of Syria, why? Because of the same religion being the majority, and not the Saudi nightmare interpretation of it, that breeds terrorism, and states all other beliefs are false.


So its a ploy to upset Iran, and anyways bullies these days do what they like, the US will not let this violation of International Law go anywhere.


We live in a work ruled my money, once there was honour, now that has no value. It a game of grabbing what one can, Iraq, Libya was for the oil stupid! We sent or young men as does the USA all for the sake of Corporate Oil. Mali for the gold, and also uranium next door in Niger, but let us pretend there its about honour.


Politicians are just liars, cheats and fraudsters, but we vote them back in, and they collude to sell all of us into debt slavery, which will last a generation or two, and still people swallow their slick, PR lies, reinforced by a compliant media. The masses turn on themselves, who is deserving of handouts, and who is a scrounger, and never a glance at how corporations run almost everything, as they suck on the NHS, and every government department tit, helping to point out which of the poor deserves vilification.


As for Israel shout all you like, they will grab, murder, destroy, steal, rip off who they like, so get used to it! Welcome to the world shaped by western values. Greed is the only GOD

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Well the bigger picture might read differently. Iran is a friend of Syria, why? Because of the same religion being the majority, and not the Saudi nightmare interpretation of it, that breeds terrorism, and states all other beliefs are false.


So its a ploy to upset Iran, and anyways bullies these days do what they like, the US will not let this violation of International Law go anywhere.


We live in a work ruled my money, once there was honour, now that has no value. It a game of grabbing what one can, Iraq, Libya was for the oil stupid! We sent or young men as does the USA all for the sake of Corporate Oil. Mali for the gold, and also uranium next door in Niger, but let us pretend there its about honour.


Politicians are just liars, cheats and fraudsters, but we vote them back in, and they collude to sell all of us into debt slavery, which will last a generation or two, and still people swallow their slick, PR lies, reinforced by a compliant media. The masses turn on themselves, who is deserving of handouts, and who is a scrounger, and never a glance at how corporations run almost everything, as they suck on the NHS, and every government department tit, helping to point out which of the poor deserves vilification.


As for Israel shout all you like, they will grab, murder, destroy, steal, rip off who they like, so get used to it! Welcome to the world shaped by western values. Greed is the only GOD


Sounds like you don't have a very high opinion of white folks or jewish people.


Why's that then?

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And your bias against them is well know too. I look at it this way. Israel has never attacked this country so if they wipe out a few muslim terrorists they are protecting our back door.


No bias against Israel on my part it's just that I believe you should follow the rules you expect other countries to follow.

I see no one commenting on Israels possession of non declared nuclear arms, just the usual jump to the defence of Israel supporters.

I don't have no problem with Jewish people or Israel it's just the way the government goes off that bothers me.

Did they get UN approval for these airstrikes or did they just do as they wanted?

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No bias against Israel on my part it's just that I believe you should follow the rules you expect other countries to follow.

I see no one commenting on Israels possession of non declared nuclear arms, just the usual jump to the defence of Israel supporters.

I don't have no problem with Jewish people or Israel it's just the way the government goes off that bothers me.

Did they get UN approval for these airstrikes or did they just do as they wanted?


We can't deport a known terrorist (Quatada A.) to the nicest neighbor they have because they are not considered human or suchlike, rough neighborhood. The Israelis have a civilized carry on in the midst of medieval messes that want them dead, arming themselves better than the nutter next door who wants to kill you while screaming about snackbars seems sensible to me.

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We can't deport a known terrorist (Quatada A.) to the nicest neighbor they have because they are not considered human or suchlike, rough neighborhood. The Israelis have a civilized carry on in the midst of medieval messes that want them dead, arming themselves better than the nutter next door who wants to kill you while screaming about snackbars seems sensible to me.


So civilised???? What is civilised these days, treating the rest of the human race as varying forms of detritus? It no longer an eye for an eye, as WW2 taught how ghettos worked, how containment is like shooting snakes in a barrel and what a load of laughs from that particular barrel. Cruelty is fun, another truck from WW2, as the sub humans get what they deserve, but they refuse to move, except when settlers decide its time for a killing, as such sport is fun. The biggest joke is watching the once oppressed, turn into the oppressor, and power corrupts completely. Religion give a few the chance of discovering their identity, a flag, a tribe, where the last bastions of corruption can be utilised under the idea of nationalism.


The real game is greed, grabbing, stealing, murdering, all for gain, for GOD in some cultures. Some can run but actions after a time expose the excuses as the lies they were to begin with.


So honour is dead, fairness is a joke, in the world of the insatiably greedy.

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So civilised???? What is civilised these days, treating the rest of the human race as varying forms of detritus? It no longer an eye for an eye, as WW2 taught how ghettos worked, how containment is like shooting snakes in a barrel and what a load of laughs from that particular barrel. Cruelty is fun, another truck from WW2, as the sub humans get what they deserve, but they refuse to move, except when settlers decide its time for a killing, as such sport is fun. The biggest joke is watching the once oppressed, turn into the oppressor, and power corrupts completely. Religion give a few the chance of discovering their identity, a flag, a tribe, where the last bastions of corruption can be utilised under the idea of nationalism.


The real game is greed, grabbing, stealing, murdering, all for gain, for GOD in some cultures. Some can run but actions after a time expose the excuses as the lies they were to begin with.


So honour is dead, fairness is a joke, in the world of the insatiably greedy.

So the Jews got a nation and made a sucess of it and you don't like it. Boo hoo. Get over it little mr anti-semite. You and your kind can't keep them down because they control their own destiny now.

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Do you remember a few years back, when Hezbollah guerrillas killed a few israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border and israeli retaliated with a month-long assault that destroyed Lebanon's infrastructure and killed hundreds of Lebanese civilians?


So, based on israel's rules of engagement, would the Syrian Army be justified in attacking israeli's civilian infrastructure?


We all know a direct assault is unlikely, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a few guerrilla attacks attack israeli and jewish targets across the globe in retaliation.


So the Jews got a nation and made a sucess of it and you don't like it. Boo hoo. Get over it little mr anti-semite. You and your kind can't keep them down because they control their own destiny now.


Criticising the policies of the israeli government doesn't make you an anti-semite. I'm sure you've done it yourself from time to time.


What happened?


I think I know.


Criticising israel on a public forum that you leave your contact details on isn't very bright idea, is it?

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Criticising the policies of the israeli government doesn't make you an anti-semite. I'm sure you've done it yourself from time to time.


What happened?


I think I know.


Criticising israel on a public forum that you leave your contact details on isn't very bright idea, is it?


Crticising particular policies of the Israeli government of course doesn't make a person an anti-semite and yes I have been critical of some of their policies. Hating jews makes a chap an anti-semite, and you have a long track record of that, even if you choose to blame it on your catholic upbringing.


As for being critical of certain Israeli policies on a public forum, what on earth do you think would happen. Do you think Mossad have people scouring the web for any hint of criticism of Israel and ruthlessly exterminating anyone who says anything they don't like?

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