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UK decline - people borrowing money to buy food.

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What does that tell you??


This speaks volumes to me. We can't afford to buy real food, such as organic veg and meat. So we buy cheap crap from supermarkets.


Supermarkets are the main problem with modern life. They are to blame for more than you think.


They pepper us with BOGOF offers on crap. They cheat us with their price reductions, that aren't really price reductions. They pur sweets and chocolate next to the tills because they know that's where they are most likely to sell them to children.


Tesco (to drop a name) didn't even know that they were selling horse meat in their burgers for crying out loud!!


No wonder we are getting fatter as a nation when our food supply is controlled by a bunch of greedy, selfish, ignorant b*****rd like Tesco & chums.


---------- Post added 06-05-2013 at 23:11 ----------



To grow your own veg you need money. Ideally you need land too. A window box isn't g=enough for growing carrots or tomatoes.


Most council estates are lacking in land and usually have flats. Also, compost isn't cheap. Plus, despite what you might think. People who live in council accommodation (not everyone, granted) also work and may not have enough time to grow their own veg.


And the supermarket owners drag people kicking and screaming off the streets and make them spend all their money in their stores?

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Wherever I want, no one makes me spend my money in a particular place. I have a mind of my own.


Very commendable Jim, I'm sure that us folk who shop in supermarkets for our food look upon you with envy.

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I`m sorry but I don`t understand how people cannot afford to buy food?


I`ve already mentioned I am a single parent on JSA on another thread. I hate being poor, I hate having to sign on, I am used to working and providing for my family, and there is nothing I want more than to be working again.......


But....I have learn`t to budget, I know how much money comes in every week, I know what my bills are....my son knows we don`t have extra money for luxuries, and is aware that we have to save, and sell some of our belongings if there is something "special" he wants...yeah really, we sell stuff to buy new stuff.


We get by, it`s not pleasant, it`s certainly not the luxurious holiday that some people seem to think unemployment is..but we manage...because we have to...


As someone who is struggling daily to ensure we have enough money for food / gas / electric / and can pay the rent each month, I really don`t understand those borrowing money for food...


Perhaps they need to take stock of their situation, work out what is and isnt a necessity and re-budget accordingly?

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Predictably the right wingers are all over this thread like a rash.


Nothing like a benefit bashing right wing hater thread to brighten up a Sunday afternoon.


I've read the article. The BBC are getting more like a rag-mag every day.


It would seem that the Lib Dem/Tory coalition plans are working; we have a distressing story about poverty and the rise of debt and food banks and all we get on Sheffield Forum are the usual sanctimonious bunch saying it's people's own fault.


Divide and conquer, it's working here.


A distressing story about poverty? The first line alone is a joke.


One in five UK households borrowed money or used savings to cover food costs in April, a Which? survey says.


It suggests the equivalent of five million households used credit cards, overdrafts or savings to buy food.


1 in 5 use credit cards and overdrafts to buy food/things? Hold the front page!


Using savings to buy food?! Savings? How poor are we that we have to use savings to buy food. Is this not some kind of oxymoron?




Why do the lefties constantly go on about this divide and conquer max? You are beginning to sound like a rag-mag now, and I know you are cleverer than that. Who is this right dividing and conquering? The very rich against everyone else? That won't win enough votes to win an election so what's the point. Aren't the left doing exactly the same by trying to divide the poor and the working classes against everyone else? What's the difference? (supposing these premises are correct)




Have you seen the survey?


Are you satisfied with your household income? 39% said yes. Pointless question.


Are you satisfied with your job? 55% said yes. Pointless question.


Need I go on?

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My clothes, when I need to buy them come from George, my phone is a 2nd hand sony ericsson I bought off Ebay for £11....its on PAYG, I put £10 on it in March and I have about £8 left on it.


I don`t do drugs, never have, and as much as I like a beer, it is secondary to food.


I used to have Sky TV, and a car...I have neither now, in fact I don`t watch live telly anymore, so no need for a TV license.


I buy smart price rather than branded goods, some of it isn`t so good, and some of it is OK. Word of warning, smart price tea tastes awful, and the toilet paper....well...lets just say you will def need to wash your hands!


I pray for the day when I`m back in work full time and can have a better standard of life to this

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What's interesting about this survey is that it isn't just the 'usual suspects' borrowing money to buy food. It includes families earning up to the average wage.

That's a poke in the eye for those that like to smugly trot out the usual guff about a sub section of society that are different to the rest of us.


It doesn't surprise me with food prices so high that people are borrowing to buy food and essentials.

And if interest rates rise - then God help them if they have a mortgage that they are struggling to pay.


Insecure employment, no savings, little social housing, rising food prices and the screws being turned on social security claimants. Worrying times :(


Indeed and people on low incomes do not ALL get free school meals. There are criteria.

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Why do you have to introduce the concept of 'right wing hate' just because most people don't like the idea of freeloaders?


But most people with more than a Brazil nut between their ears don't advocate the following..



Society needs a mechanism to weed out the weak and useless. The gene pool needs that to happen.


Letting those who can't use their limited grey matter to provide for themselves die out is a start. A more direct and effective method would be preferable, but anything is better than nothing.


Those of you out there who don't pay taxes and just live a life sponging and whining, you know who you are ;)


You just seem a little disappointed that the "direct" method isn't available is all...never mind, mum'll make you Horlicks before nighty night.

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Society needs a mechanism to weed out the weak and useless. The gene pool needs that to happen.


Letting those who can't use their limited grey matter to provide for themselves die out is a start. A more direct and effective method would be preferable, but anything is better than nothing.


Those of you out there who don't pay taxes and just live a life sponging and whining, you know who you are ;)


Reminds me very much of an old Conrod thread.

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