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Sleeping Patterns

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Does anyone else here have a really weird sleeping pattern?


I tend to go to bed around about 4am in the morning, and most of the time I'm awake for 6am. Unless I'm at work and then its around 1am bed and up at 4am.


I find going to bed early just irritates me as I lay there feeling not tired.


My line of work also calls for some weird hours working, so I quite often find myself being awake for 48 hours or so at a time, if not longer. I dont really seem to feel the effect, I just sleep well afterwards. For example I was in London working a few weeks back, and was awake from the Friday I arrived to the Sunday when I left. I slept a little on the train going there and coming back (Not so much on the coming back.. Bloody fat man moaning all the way).


It gets a bit irritating when I'm tired at work, but as soon as I get home I'm not.


Anyone else suffer from sleep oddities?



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Im in here with you mate. It would probably help if i had some structure to my life, i.e. a job! Its the nights that do it. Get to bed at about 4am, then sometimes i wake up early (8am) and feel crap for the rest of the day and dont go to sleep till 4am again... and things just get screwed up.


Ive found when i have a normal sleep pattern my body dosent let me have more than 7hrs sleep max whatever the circumstances.


The sleep you are getting dosent sound healthy though. Especially if you are pumping iron still ;)

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Your sleeping patterns are not healthy man.


If you are sleeping 2-3 hours a night, you probably aren't entering REM sleep for long enough, and thus not dreaming.

Not dreaming can effect cognitive abilities over a long period of time (At least, that's what my Psychology lecturer told me a couple of years back)


I used to sleep for between 3-5 hours a night - and although I felt fine (reason for feeling fine was stimulants such as Red Bull/Coffee), it severely messed me up after 6 months or so.


If you are happy though mate, and geuninely don't find yourself falling asleep at random times like a narcoleptic (sp?), then fair play to you.


Just out of curiousity Joel, do you drink a lot of caffeine?

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A fair amount I guess, not to extremes tho, and mainly when I'm at work.




I used to drink SHED LOADS (around 2-3 cans of red bull, and 9 or 10 coffees per day!) when I started feeling sleep deprived. I had to cut it down to 0 caffeine intake per day - which gave me migraines for 2 days!


It may well be your diet mate. I am not intending to pry, but diet/caffeine have serious effects on your sleeping patterns!

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I went through a phase of Insomnia after losing my Grandad on New Years Eve. I found taking sleeping tablets for a week or so restored my normal sleep patterns (8-10 hours per night).


Although if your normal sleep patterns are 3-4hrs per night it may not work the same. Probably you should go to see your GP as this amount of sleep on a regular basis isn't a all healthy :)

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Ive found when im felling depressed or anixious about something sleeping is a nightmare... I split with my ex in my final year of uni and also had loads of work to be handed in but i just couldnt seem to be inspired and come up with anything decent. So i was behind on work and adjusting to singledom. Bad combination for sleep!

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