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Sleeping Patterns

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I feel the more sleep I get the more tired I am :huh:

Yeah, the human bodyclock works in weird ways...


I have found i need 8 hours a night... Any more and I'm AS tired as when I've only had 6 hours.


I go to bed, set my alarm for 8 1/2 hours after that point. Normally takes 20-30 mins for me to fall asleep!

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i work nights 3 times a week and i am off the other 4, i go to bed about 8am get up at about 12 dinner time,and that is with taking a strong sleeping tablet then dont sleep again till 8am next morning ,then when i am off i dont sleep at all i have been doing this for 8 years now and still cant get into a sleeping pattern

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If sleeping ever becomes an international sport sign me up for Britain. I can sleep for ever but normally 4 or 5am until about 12 or 1pm when I don't have to get up and 1 or 2am til 7am when I do. but If I didnt have anything to get up for at all (no child ) I would sleep for ever.

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My sleeping pattern has been shot to hell for years, I get 4 hours minumum and about 6 hours max of an average night. However, when I've done a long run of shifts then my body just shuts down and i'll sleep for abour 12 to 14 hours at a stretch.


This morning I woke up at 4.30am and had watched Kill Bill 2, done the washing up and sorted through the house paperwork before our lass was up for work! I then slept from 12 til 2. I'm going to have an early one tonight so if you see me on here past 9.30 tell me to go to bed! :thumbsup:

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I've suffered with insomnia for years, I suppose shift work doesn't help but I average between 4-6 hrs sleep at a time and a lot of that time it is just rest with my eyes shut.... sometimes though my body just goes into shutdown and I could sleep for a day.... sometimes I suffer from sleep paralysis where I wake up being fully aware of everything around me but unable to move.... someone could be trying to slit my throat and I wouldn't be able to scream.... it seems to last forever and I get groggy after that. Hate that it's scary.

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I've also had a pretty ****** up sleeping pattern :rolleyes:


Can sometimes go weeks on end without sleeping more than two or three hours a night and don't feel tired. But other times I'll sleep constantly. Even from being little I've never been able to go to bed before 2am.


It's worse when your unemployed!! I was out of work for around six months last year; I'd find myself going out and not getting to bed until 7am then sleeping till late afternoon / early evening :loopy: Used to drive me mad!

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I sympathize with you all. I have trouble getting to sleep every night. I think I must live a 27 hour day (sleep for nine hours ,awake for eighteen). I get about the right amount of sleep in relation to my awake hours, but end up going to bed later and later and getting up later and later each day, until I get fed up with it and just skip sleep one night. Then the process begins again. It sucks. I just wish I could get to sleep at a normal time. I expect to be up until ridiculous oclock tonight as I didn't wake up until half three this afternoon.

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  • 5 years later...
Does anyone else here have a really weird sleeping pattern?


I tend to go to bed around about 4am in the morning, and most of the time I'm awake for 6am. Unless I'm at work and then its around 1am bed and up at 4am.


I find going to bed early just irritates me as I lay there feeling not tired.



Anyone else suffer from sleep oddities?




Yes! My sleep pattern is well and truly buggered!


I was awake all last night then accidentally fell asleep at around 3pm today and woke up at 10pm.

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