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Our EU Referendum

Our EU Referendum  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Our EU Referendum

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Seeing as our governments will never get around to it, what do you think we should do?

Oh, start an armed insurrection, Bedrock, definitely. It's the only answer.


You're being ridiculous again.


If you don't like any of the legitimate political voices in the democracy in which you have the right to vote, then you should campaign (legitimately, as is your right) for a different system/party...or shut up and stop moaning.


Your poll is rubbish, btw and will reveal nothing whatsoever that is useful or reliable.


---------- Post added 06-05-2013 at 08:08 ----------


"Shake it all about" option please. :)


Ha! That would be my choice, too.

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Oh, start an armed insurrection, Bedrock, definitely. It's the only answer.



I will be right behind him :)


I have voted in almost every election, but only once or twice has my vote counted towards one of the persons that were elected.

The EU has PR as its voting system, and so too every other new parliament, as the Electoral Commission would never allow first past the post.


We do has a broken democracy, taking to the streets is the only answer.

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I will be right behind him :)
Good luck!


I have voted in almost every election, but only once or twice has my vote counted towards one of the persons that were elected.

The EU has PR as its voting system, and so too every other new parliament, as the Electoral Commission would never allow first past the post.

So if you wait long enough we'll probably have an EU style voting system, too! Problem sorted.


We do has a broken democracy, taking to the streets is the only answer.
To match our broken syntax!
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The principle of a "United States of Europe" is a great idea.

We would all be Europeans rather than French, Danish, Italian, etc., as in the USA people are learning to be Americans rather than Californians or Kentuckians.


But there's a lot of pain in the detail.


To have a European currency, you need a European government; for instance, pension rights need to be the same all over. The government of "Ruritania" can't be allowed to buy office by making promises to its electors which the whole European community eventually has to pay.


How far east will the EU eventually spread?


Will the Chechnyans want to join?


I don't think I want the UK to join up yet!

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We do has a broken democracy, taking to the streets is the only answer.


It is only broken because we don't use it properly.

Taking to the streets persistently fails to accomplish anything, we should take to the polling station, but on a question of our own choosing.

I suggest "Is Parliament fit for purpose?", or if you want to start a bit smaller: is "SCC fit for purpose?"

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The biggest threat to UK independence is globalisation which seeks to break down all the employment rights that Unions and workers have achieved over the years. One of the few remaining barriers to this happening is the European Union and the employment rights that are enshrined in its laws.


While ever global companies deny Trades Unions access to their workforce and attempt to manipulate sovereign governments into weakening existing laws then I vote to stay in the EU.


Just read this so it may be too late: 114 year Workers Rights scrapped by Coalition Government.

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The biggest threat to UK independence is globalisation ...

It has often struck me as odd that the meanings of "globalisation" and "nationalisation" are almost entirely opposite.

Nationalisation means that the company is as far as possible, owned by and run for the benefit of the nation.

Globalisation means that the globe is as far as possible, owned by and run for the benefit of the company.

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Originally Posted by BEDROCK


Very many points there man, nothing good will ever come from dying on a sinking ship.


Perhaps we should have seperate polls on the reasons for pulling out?


Who is against the free movement of people?


Dont let in foreign nurses, doctors, football players; would you not let in the experts that we are said to need or would you not let in the cheap labour that work in the fields and clean toilets?


there is no freedom of movement between the uk and europe, in europe you can freely move between countries without a passport, the uk does not allow this, we opted out nearly 15 uears ago!!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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there is no freedom of movement between the uk and europe, in europe you can freely move between countries without a passport, the uk does not allow this, we opted out nearly 15 uears ago!!!



So how come all the foreigners are coming over here then?

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