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Rentier parasites putting productive workers out of work.

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And you're not the norm if you spend well over £2k every year on decorating / DIY etc.


monkey104 didn't say they spend that every year, it was a one off cost to bring the house up to standard followed by decorating when the tenants move out, which might be six months or six years.

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monkey104 didn't say they spend that every year, it was a one off cost to bring the house up to standard followed by decorating when the tenants move out, which might be six months or six years.


monkey104 said they recently spent £2k on DIY and asked if you spent that on a yearly basis to which you replied "yes, well over".

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It is a competitive market and like I have said in my previous posts you also need to do the maths. Buy a £132k like I did and it needs to make after costs at least what that £132k would have made in a high interest savings bond.



I reckon that house and what it has cost me in the last 6 years in repairs and home improvements is running at a loss compared to other investments. I have not took one penny as income in the time I have had it as any surplus what is left over is going into making it up to a thermal standard fit for the next 20 years. This property is going to supplement my pension eventually.


As to Chem1st well he is a parasite in my books and a sick one at that.

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monkey104 said they recently spent £2k on DIY and asked if you spent that on a yearly basis to which you replied "yes, well over".


I did not make myself clear there. I have just spent that amount on DIY, deorating and new carpets throughout as a one off.

Ho wever I have a certain amount of pride and respect for myself that when the present tenant leaves I will make sure that the property is at the same standard for the next tenant.

My point was that I could have new tenants every six months and I would maintain and decorate to the same standard for a new tenant thus spending on diy on a regular basis, hence my attack on chemist insidious, 'let's tar everyone with the same brush' comments.

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monkey104 said they recently spent £2k on DIY and asked if you spent that on a yearly basis to which you replied "yes, well over".

Now, do you spend or do that much to your house on a yearly basis.


We decorate and change some furnishings on a yearly basis, which is more than monkey104 does on a yearly basis because the £2K was a one off cost and we have no idea when they will next decorate since they will only do it when the tenant moves out.

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While I am at it Chem1st why not slag of the energy companies that are bleeding us all dry and the supermarkets rigging the price of food. The buses that make it so expensive to get anywhere it is cheaper to walk or cycle. have you seen how many cycle to work in the morning? The robbing tax man with their high duties on fuel.


---------- Post added 06-05-2013 at 22:01 ----------


Oh and I forgot, the benefit scroungers (Parasites) as well. The ones that do sod all while mugs like me pay into society and get little back. They pay nothing into society and live ok? I know loads on Parson Cross and the Arbourthorne who are fat as bacon pigs yet have not worked in years. This last winter I was living on £5 a day for food because it was to cold to work.

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First word of the title, it's the chemist on his "crusade" about rental properties...


Second line, yep it's his parasites abuse that he trots out..


So if I'm taking rent off people to live in houses, (that I let them decorate how they like within reason) that's bad...


But you think it's ok for people to rent you land to use and grow stuff on right? That's not being a parasite at all?


Don;t bother answering, I ask merely for ilustration. I wouldn't want you to think too hard.

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