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The correct way to process unsolicited phone calls?

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I saw a TV programme the other week; this chap was getting unsolicited calls from companies, and he was recording the calls (he worked in IT, phone connected to computer etc)..


So, one company called, and he stringed them along a bit, just to get them to confirm company name and address, and he also mentioned his own name and I think, address. All of which was recorded. He then lets the company know, not to call back, and that if they do call back, they will be charged at £10 per minute for his time...


Company did call back. He spends 18 minutes talking to them. Again, all recorded.


He then sends them an invoice for £180. Which they ignore. Later he sends a final demand, with a notice of intent to pursue the matter through the courts after a certain time.


Eventually, he files a claim through the small claims court; and the company pay up the £180. Result!!! ;)


Did anybody see the programme? Does that all sound feasible? Why aren't more people taking that kind of approach, rather than wasting their time with the TPS (who seem pretty inept to me).



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For a company based in the uk, as long as you get all the paperwork right then it possibly might work.


For a company based overseas then your probably wasting your time as there isn't really an economic way to enforce the claim

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