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How is British history taught in schools?

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America effectively rules a huge part of the world by applying political pressure, it also has had, & still does to an extent 'puppet' governments installed in country's of interest.


OK lets examine your latest totally unsubstantiated stab-in-the-dark blind leftist dogma claim. Which 'puppet' governments are these at the moment, right now in 2013, and just exactly how are they 'puppets' ?

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Britain became an Empire when it started invading, administering & taxing other countries which is pretty much the blueprint.

Monarchy has little to do with it. During it's greatest period Rome was a Republic.


No it was not, Augustus became emperor over a century before Rome reached it's territorial peak.

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OK lets examine your latest totally unsubstantiated stab-in-the-dark blind leftist dogma claim. Which 'puppet' governments are these at the moment, right now in 2013, and just exactly how are they 'puppets' ?


If you will allow me? At this time all the Caribbean apart from Cuba are puppets of the US. Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea, Japan, whilst having responsibility for internal government have their foreign relationships dictated by the US. Israel is totally reliant on the US, (whether this makes them a "puppet" is debatable).


The interesting fact that your question reveals is the declining nature of US influence and how rapidly it is declining.


Had you asked that question some years ago you would have included much of South America, western Europe and the middle and far East.

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OK lets examine your latest totally unsubstantiated stab-in-the-dark blind leftist dogma claim. Which 'puppet' governments are these at the moment, right now in 2013, and just exactly how are they 'puppets' ?


Callipo I've come to the conclusion that you are simply not worth debating anything with. You apparently live in your own little self delusional world where you appear to believe that a debate entails you questioning everything which is said, displaying a breathtaking lack of knowledge in the process, & then asking people to provide you with proof.

If you are that unaware of what is going on then I simply do not have the time nor inclination to educate you.


Why don't you read a few books & try to enlighten yourself as to what's going on in the World?

May I suggest that you start with 'The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire' by Peter Clarke. It's published by Bloomsbury Press. The sub title is 'Churchill,Roosevelt, and the birth of Pax Americana.

The book basically explains how we got where we are.

Peter Clarke was Professor of Modern British History & Master of Trinity Hall Cambridge. He is an excellent writer & the book is very readable.

Once you have read it you will know better than to come out with the nonsense posted above.


One final point. Leftist dogma? What in hell gave you the impression I'm a

left wing supporter?

I hold no affection for any political philosophy & view all politicians-with a few honourable exceptions- in exactly the same way that they view the electorate, with contempt.

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Eisenhower was hardly Montgomerys boss since, and I hate to tell you this, America did not win the war - indeed it was half over before they joined in.


Google Operation Overlord 1944, all will be revealed.

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Probably the Russians, without the Eastern Front we would have been stuffed.


Give that man a cigar :). The actual pedantic answer is of course The Allies but you're correct, without the Russians we would most probably have lost.


The Russians were responsible for 80% of all German troops killed in action.

To illustrate the enormity of that fact, hold your hand up in front of your face with the palm facing you, fingers extended. Each digit represents a German combatant. Then close four of your fingers into your palm, those four were killed by the Russians. It took the combined might of the British, Americans,Canadians, South Africans, Indians & assorted other Commonwealth & resistance groups to kill that other soldier.


Thank God for Georgy Zhukov the greatest General of WW2 & arguably of all time.

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Give that man a cigar :). The actual pedantic answer is of course The Allies but you're correct, without the Russians we would most probably have lost.


The Russians were responsible for 80% of all German troops killed in action.

To illustrate the enormity of that fact, hold your hand up in front of your face with the palm facing you, fingers extended. Each digit represents a German combatant. Then close four of your fingers into your palm, those four were killed by the Russians. It took the combined might of the British, Americans,Canadians, South Africans, Indians & assorted other Commonwealth & resistance groups to kill that other soldier.


Thank God for Georgy Zhukov the greatest General of WW2 & arguably of all time.


I am not aware of the figures but assume those quoted above are correct. It is important however to acknowledge that the Russian effort was concentrated on Germany and the western allies had Japan to deal with.


This in no way seeks to minimize the Russian cost, it was horrendous. Personally I cannot bandy figures as in these amounts they are meaningless, I tend to focus on the useless waste of young mens lives whether it was in the Deserts of Africa, the jungles of the far east the snows of Russia or the icy waters of the Atlantic.


General Zhukov was a great general, but the greatest Russian general is immortal, he is General winter. He defeated Hitler and Napoleon.

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Agree to a certain extent with your last point but the winter was also there fighting against the Russians. The figures are correct, impressive & heartbreaking.

Totally agree with you about the waste of life, & whilst we don't do such huge numbers anymore, we still can not seem to exist as a species without killing each other on a regular basis.


Our claim to be civilized is somewhat tenuous at best.

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