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Never thought Tarbuck was funny.

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The people that can best protect the next potential victims are the victims, if they don’t report the crime at the time the crime is committed they are allowing an abuser to continue abusing. Reporting it many years later doesn't stop anyone being abused.


When will this victim blaming ever cease?


Agreed quisquose. Rape or child abuse is NEVER the victim's fault.


let me repeat that...

NEVER, NEVER, ever... even if the attacked person is walking down the street naked, or is passed out drunk, or is a child who hasn't got the means to fend off an abuser, THEY DID NOT "ASK FOR IT"


I'm really really, angered, by your comment, Mr Smith. you cannot blame the person who has been raped or abused, for being so traumatised by the assault, or so afraid, that they cannot bring themselves to report it, or cannot cope with the idea of facing their attacker in court.


let me reiterate...


Rape is the fault of NO-ONE.. (To clarify, that's NO-ONE, just for the record!) except the man who finds himself somehow unable to keep his fly zipper closed, or his "tackle" away from the person he is assaulting.


and for those reading this who might feel themselves in the position of wanting to rape someone, here's a handy checklist, on how to avoid raping someone.


It might be a good idea to distribute this list. Please, think about putting it up in your place of work, in your university’s library or wherever you think a potential rapist might be reading it:-


1. Don’t put drugs in people’s drinks in order to control their behaviour.


2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!


3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!


4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.


5. If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, DON’T ASSAULT THEM!


6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.


7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.


8. Always be honest with people! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.


9. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!


10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone “on accident” you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.

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I have no doubt that yes,some have been assaulted but this sentence seems to confirm my doubts has to others :-

"Mr Collins said he could not confirm whether all the victims seeking compensation formed part of the criminal court case."

If these people were not part of the criminal case will we see more charges leveled against Hall ?People are going to jump on the merry go round,like it or not ,sadly thats a trait of todays society of greed,the fact that they can claim anonymity in search of said claims is a major factor in their actions especially given the length of time passed,Im sure its very easy to trawl back through someones biography thats been arrested to find out where they were on a particular day,the blokes already been found guilty so who are the authorities going to believe ? I mean come on who was the first to be arrested in the Saville case ? quelle surprise Mr Gadd himself, he must be guilty because he was seen with Saville in the BBC studios,nothing to do with the fact that Saville was the number one disc jockey at the time and that Glitter was one of the biggest acts in the country.hes been a naughty boy, so yes, he must be guilty.

The prison system is full of devious men who look for the easy money ,but heres something that may surprise some people on here ,theres also womens prisons full of the same kind of person


Do you think the police are incapable of differentiating? You are trying to defend the indefensible and I wonder why.

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Yes it is, but if the accused turns out to be innocent the repercussions and stigma would be very unjust even if they are a minority compared to the opposite.


Agreed, it will take a long overdue societal sea change before we see an end to such insidious stigma. There will certainly be cases where anonymity is judged to be appropriate and others where naming is considered essential. We can only hope that those lines are drawn intelligently, respectfully and, above all, correctly. I don't believe one size fits all.

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I'm really really, angered, by your comment, Mr Smith. you cannot blame the person who has been raped or abused, for being so traumatised by the assault, or so afraid, that they cannot bring themselves to report it, or cannot cope with the idea of facing their attacker in court.



Try quoting one of my posts in which I have said that abuse it's the fault of the victim, I know you won’t because you won’t find one.

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Try quoting one of my posts in which I have said that abuse it's the fault of the victim, I know you won’t because you won’t find one.


Err, she did quote it.


Originally Posted by MrSmith

"The people that can best protect the next potential victims are the victims, if they don’t report the crime at the time the crime is committed they are allowing an abuser to continue abusing. Reporting it many years later doesn't stop anyone being abused."


Victims are the fault of other victims, and other victims are the fault of the victim. :o That's victim blaming writ large with a big pink highlighter pen!

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Err, she did quote it.


Originally Posted by MrSmith

"The people that can best protect the next potential victims are the victims, if they don’t report the crime at the time the crime is committed they are allowing an abuser to continue abusing. Reporting it many years later doesn't stop anyone being abused."


Victims are the fault of other victims, and other victims are the fault of the victim. :o That's victim blaming writ large with a big pink highlighter pen!


It doesn't say that at all, you are just reading into it what you want it to say, in order to further your argument.

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Do you think the police are incapable of differentiating? You are trying to defend the indefensible and I wonder why.

Where am i defending rapists etc :huh:


---------- Post added 10-05-2013 at 10:28 ----------


That is a very long-winded attempt to justify the scarcity of evidence to back-up your assumptions.


I'll ask again - where is the evidence of fasle allegations made for financial reasons?


If there is a significant problem, beyond a handful of extreme cases (and even those haven't been cited yet) then there will be evidence as laws will have been broken and prosecutions sought that are not covered by anonymity concerns.

Well seeing as the Saville case re compensation is still active I doubt any evidence would be forthcoming,the problem is that with all the hoo hah surrounding the case most false accusations will be payed out anyway so no one will be the slightest bit wiser ,only a fool would believe in this case that every claim is a legitimate one as I stated earlier...Greed...again...Shannon Mathews anyone ?

Question..do you believe that ALL claims made for whiplash or street accidents are legitimate ?

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Well seeing as the Saville case re compensation is still active I doubt any evidence would be forthcoming,the problem is that with all the hoo hah surrounding the case most false accusations will be payed out anyway so no one will be the slightest bit wiser ,only a fool would believe in this case that every claim is a legitimate one as I stated earlier...Greed...again...Shannon Mathews anyone ?

Question..do you believe that ALL claims made for whiplash or street accidents are legitimate ?


Once again, that would be no evidence beyond your own suspicion. Neither the Matthews case nor road accident claims are evidence that false allegations of rape and child abuse for reasons of financial gain are made in any significany numbers whatsoever. Your argument is basically that people are greedy therefore it must be true which is weak beyond belief.

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I never thought Tarbuck was funny either. What is clear by this thread these people have not a cat in hells chance of a fair trail.All the mentioned celebs are already guilty before a trail as started.If the general public who make up a jury think the same way as most people on this site I can not see how a fair trail can take place Every body as already made up their minds.What ever happened to innocent till found guilty.


..or even innocent unless proved guilty?

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