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Wow, just 8%.


Not such a big deal as some people like to make out then.


No Jim, they're getting away with it scot free. That's why some people get a bit annoyed about stuff like this. Rapists, raping and getting away with it. No comeback. Nothing.


Of course people falsely accusing men of rape is shocking, but not nearly as shocking as 98,200 rapists raping and getting away with it, don't you agree?


Do you think it important enough to convict every guilty person if as a consequence rather a lot of innocent people end up in jail?

I believe such systems are popular in countries where stonings and chopping off hands is also quite popular.

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What you're saying there simply doesn't make any kind of sense Tom.

Perhaps you misunderstood. Tens of thousands of rapists never even get charged - of those that are, only a small number are convicted.


In this country most rapists get away with it..


That's not really answering the question is it. I'll try another. How many innocent people do you consider acceptable being sent to prison if it ups your conviction statistics.

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Mmm, let's plug those numbers into my fag packet calculator then ...


Around 473,000 women and men are sexually assaulted each year, with one in 20 women reported as being a victim of a serious sexual offence. That's 800,000 women who have been victims of sexual assault.


We know that of the 100,000 rapes reported annually, only 1,000 rapes lead to a prosecution.


So we can conclude from the British Home Office study that of the 100,000 rapes reported, 800 (8%) are false, of which about two a month lead to prosecution for perverting the course of justice. These are usually reported in glorious detail in the media.


So proving somebody is lying about rape is about as difficult as proving rape, which makes sense.


But, and here's the big but, ...


Of the 99,200 genuine rapes we have 98,200 rapists getting away with it. Of the 800 people lying about being raped, we have 770 getting away with it.


So that's the problem we have. Every year we have 98,200 rapists causing untold trauma and getting away it, and 770 liars causing untold trauma and getting away with it.


And yet in our efforts to reduce overall harm, some people continuously seem to think the problem lies with the 770, with the tedious reference to "compo seekers". Seems rather odd to me. :huh:


I think you need a new fag packet. If 8% of reported rapes are false reports and there are 800,000 reports that makes 64,000 false reports. As with all crimes of this nature the conviction rate is low as proving the case in court is difficult.

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I have no idea but clearly they do it anyway.


Men SHOULD be afforded anonymity in rape trials - it's a human right': High Court judge Maura McGowan is correct.


Even UK charity Rape Crisis admit that almost 1 in 10 rape allegations are fake. This means that, out of every 10,000 cases that go to trial, around 800 men will be named and shamed in the media. All of them innocent sons, nephews, husbands and fathers.


Oh look! Peter Lloyd writing in the Mail about gender politics again! Not only that, but being wheeled out by one of SF's most prolific and persuasive defenders of progressive causes!


Gladdens the heart, it does.

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Seems like there's lots of angry, inadequate and above all misogynistic people around. They deny the suffering of rape victims, bang on about the low percentage of false claims, want a reduction in the age of consent....is it just me or are they a bit suspicious?

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Seems like there's lots of angry, inadequate and above all misogynistic people around. They deny the suffering of rape victims, bang on about the low percentage of false claims, want a reduction in the age of consent....is it just me or are they a bit suspicious?


Stick around long enough and a shower per hour or so becomes the norm.

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Stick around long enough and a shower per hour or so becomes the norm.


I fear that I am entering Howard Hughes territory in this respect.


---------- Post added 11-05-2013 at 21:20 ----------


Anyone who is triggered by this and other threads, you can contact:


Samaritans (24/7): 08457 90 90 90


Rape Crisis: 0808 802 9999 (Open 12 – 2.30 and 7 – 9.30pm every day of the year)


NAPAC: 0800 085 3330 (men and women)


Survivors UK: male rape or sexual abuse: 0845 122 1201 Monday & Tuesday between 7pm and 9.30pm or Thursday between 12pm and 2:30pm

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And on that sensible note closing. As before the thread has gone entirely off topic. If you wish to discuss the issues of rape then please do so on a thread dedicated to that subject.

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