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What do you do alone?


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Go to the cinema on my own all the time - I prefer it that way - no distractions.


Been clubbing on my own once to see if I could do it - felt a bit uncomfortable at first but I just danced all night. It was ok. Trouble is, there is no one to rescue you from unwanted attention!


Been on a weekend break on my own - it was just kind of dull. I thought it would be good being able to do what I wanted when I wanted and not have to accomodate someone else in my plans but I had no motivation to do much really and it's boring sitting on the beach with no one to talk rubbish to or play frisbee with.


My main problem with doing stuff on my own is motivation - I'm a lazy cow and I need other people to make me get up and get out or I'm just inclined to stay in bed and sleep...


I used to know someone who would go to the pub on his own and take a book to read, sitting in the corner in some country pub. In theory it sounded nice but I know I'd feel self-conscious and kind of odd reading in a pub. I'd rather read at home and not have to pay for my drinks or breathe in other people's smoke.

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I have done the cinema on my won and often do. I have also eaten out alone but generally only at buffet type places such as Pizza Hut lunch or Chinese buffets. I wasn't embarrassed at all.


I haven't done but know many others who go to the pub on their own, only beacuse they know others who may be in there. I would go to the pub on my own if i felt the need but would take a newspaper or something.

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I go clubbing on my own all the time, because I like to dance so it makes no difference whether I am on my own or not. I did feel rather uncomfortable on saturday when I was forced to sit in a bar for 2 hours on my own (this just seems different), I ordered a pitcer of cocktail and asked for one glass and got very funny looks by the end of my third pitcher of cocktail I had gone to sit on a table full of lads whether the wanted me there or not. Wouldn't advise it and am not planning to do it again in a hurry will wait at home for friends. :(

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Been to the cinema and the pub lots of times on my own . As someone else said, I would feel uncomfortable in certain pubs, especially getting my laptop out:)

Although you could argue you're never truly alone if you have a laptop:hihi: :hihi:

It can be nice to have a solitary pint and read of the paper on the way home from work.

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I wouldn't have a problem doing most things alone if need be. If there was a film I really wanted to see and had no one to go with then I'd go by myself, although I've never done this so far.


I go to pubs quite a lot alone; nice to have a quiet pint every now and then.

I've been to away matches alone as well. Although this probably doesn't count because I always bump into people I know when I'm there...


I've never gone to a gig alone, but again wouldn't have a problem if it was someone I wanted to see and none of my mates were interested. The thing is though, almost every place you go (with exceptions to the cinema) you can get talking to someone quite easily, so your not exactly stood there like a lemon!

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