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What do you do alone?


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been recently to showroom on my own for the first time and really enjoyed it! after all you're there to see a film, not to have a chat..there were only 2 of us in there, and it was great, like being home with a huge screen.

i used to go clubbing on my own too when i was "on the pull", as i thought it made it easier to do whatever without mates around. I also enjoy going to pubs and bars on my own during the day/ after work to read paper or just relax, not too sure about going to pubs in the evenings though, i think i wouldn't feel too comfy..

Once again, just do what you feel like doing, be it on your own or with your mates!

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I'm very comfortable in my own company (well, it's kind of difficult trying to get away from yourself!!). I have no problems going to pubs on my own although I would exercise some caution as to precisely which pubs I would venture into alone.


As others have rightly pointed out, a pint and a good read in a quiet pub can be very relaxing and more often than not it presents an ideal opportunity to speak to people whom you may otherwise ignore if you are drinking with your friends. (I recommend befriending bar staff or if you can, the landlord at such opportunities!)


If I find myself on my own, at home for example, then I'll either go and plug in and have a blast on my guitar louder than is really sensible or just listen to the radio or a CD, possibly something like Rachmaninov's 2nd Piano Concerto.


Being alone has never phased me and I've worked alone in my own office for over 20 years.

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I also enjoy going to pubs and bars on my own during the day/ after work to read paper or just relax, not too sure about going to pubs in the evenings though, i think i wouldn't feel too comfy..


Yes I find it best if you switch to boozers you are a "known face" in in the evening.

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I have no worries about going solo to anywhere. Cinema I have always been happy going on my own...although I suppose now even when alone I am in company of friends (due to working there). I often enjoy having a quiet drink at the local pub, usually with the latest copy of Total Film, or a fortune in comics to plough through.

Back in the day I used to go clubbing on my own a lot. I actually felt less self-conscious when alone, and would love to just end up meeting new people and slamming myself about in a mosh frenzy.

I've been for meals alone quite a few times, and have been to a few gigs alone (my mates dont share the same taste in music as me so it is hard to convince them to tag along).


What is curious is that I was always very shy and insecure through my school life (and thus the victim of taunts and fists on a regular basis). The thought of going anywhere alone would have petrified me - I needed someone else to hide behind. Back then it was only the cinema I would go to alone. Once I came to Sheffield to study my whole perspective changed, and I didn't care what others thought of me.

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I'm always going clubbing alone. I can't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes it's even better, because you are not fixed to your mates and can do your own plan.

I'm going on my own to the cinemas and for meals as well. I have gone on my own for holiday to Brazil this christmas.

In my case it's just because I'm new in Sheffield and all my mates are living in my hometown, but it dosn't mean I can't enjoy my life! :hihi:

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I go clubbing on my own all the time, because I like to dance so it makes no difference whether I am on my own or not. I did feel rather uncomfortable on saturday when I was forced to sit in a bar for 2 hours on my own (this just seems different), I ordered a pitcer of cocktail and asked for one glass and got very funny looks by the end of my third pitcher of cocktail I had gone to sit on a table full of lads whether the wanted me there or not. Wouldn't advise it and am not planning to do it again in a hurry will wait at home for friends. :(


U came on saturday? and sat on your own? how was you forced!?! If you read the actual thread you would known were everyone was.. surely!?!


Bit strange id u ask me..

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