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Catching a bus is not rocket science

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Being a bus driver is the only occupation i know that you don't get into trouble for being late, however, you are not allowed to be early. If you leave a bus stop timing point early, then this can and does lead to disciplinary.


When i first started, i knew the route, and all the timing points apart from one, and i left that 3 mins early, not knowing. When i came to work the next day, i was called into see a manager, who asked why i left a timing point early. So they are monitored.


If a bus gets back to depot early, they too are monitored, and are noted what time they arrive.


So, no buses are not allowed to leave early, and if a driver reaches a driver change point, and sign off early, they have to explain why, and the take over driver should not sign on until his time.


they are the rules

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Trouble is it might not be rocket science to you or I but it is to some people.


When waiting at a bus stop, have your money/pass ready. The number of times i stop at a bus stop, and then the passenger fumbles around for their pass or money, delaying the bus. It's easy, have your money or pass in your pocket, not your handbag, so you can board the bus quickly and not making the bus late.
This really grinds my gears. You know you are waiting for a bus, make sure you have the means to board it close to hand, not at the bottom of your handbag!
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Perhaps if all you bus drivers got together and said the amount you are given for a float is ludicrous there wouldn't be such an issue. There is never such an issue on the trams - perhaps we should bring back bus conductors

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When wanting a bus to stop at your destination, press the bell in plenty of time. The number of people who press the bell when i am within a few yards of a stop is unbelievable. If this happens, then i don't brake harshly so i can stop, this causes passenger injuries and possibly accidents, i just carry on to the next stop, then get abuse for doing so.


Too damn right you do - it's not like the bus stops move. I once had to pull some demented prat off a driver who was being thumped for daring to go to the next stop and not slam the anchors on for Mr Angry. As he pointed out before Mr Angry got started there were people standing up on the top deck making their way to the stairs, and he has to consider them as well as people pushing the bell late.

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There are many forums on buses, many relating to lateness, change etc.


Easy solutions.................


Have the correct fare, or near. A bus driver carries a float, but isn't a bank, i carry a £10 float in 10p's 20p's 50p's and £1 coins. If a passenger gets on with a £10 note, then most of my float is gone, resulting in no change for next passenger. This float is my own money, not the companies, some people say carry more float, but when will it stop?? and why should i carry a massive float? Only the other day, a student got on my bus, asked for a 80p fare and produced a £20 note saying that's all he had, but behind him was a shop, who obviously has more change than i did. I had started in town, and had not travelled a mile, picking up about 5 passengers, so i had not taken enough money above my £10 float, and this is not a one off event.


When waiting at a bus stop, have your money/pass ready. The number of times i stop at a bus stop, and then the passenger fumbles around for their pass or money, delaying the bus. It's easy, have your money or pass in your pocket, not your handbag, so you can board the bus quickly and not making the bus late.


When wanting a bus to stop at your destination, press the bell in plenty of time. The number of people who press the bell when i am within a few yards of a stop is unbelievable. If this happens, then i don't brake harshly so i can stop, this causes passenger injuries and possibly accidents, i just carry on to the next stop, then get abuse for doing so.


Buses are late for a number of reasons, beyond the drivers control. We do not want to be late. The later we are the less break time we get. Traffic congestion, road works, passengers taking time getting on/off buses, diversions, accidents are just a few reasons why buses are late. One passenger complained to me that my bus was 5 mins late, and asked if we park up for a few mins just to make the bus late? which left me puzzled why people think that.


I personally try to be on time, give passengers an efficient comfortable ride, and am polite at all times, all this is in my nature, but when people get on the bus, and start abusing, it's hard to keep your cool, but we have to, but we shouldn't have to put up with it.


So to sum up, please have the correct fare, or near to it, not £10 or £20 notes (unless you require a weekly saver etc), have money or passes ready, and press bell in plenty of time.


It's not rocket science


I thank you

well put together, shame most people that use bus either cant read, or dont care enough to care

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Perhaps if all you bus drivers got together and said the amount you are given for a float is ludicrous there wouldn't be such an issue. There is never such an issue on the trams - perhaps we should bring back bus conductors


Conductors would be great, as would release a lot of pressure off the drivers; I remember the conductors of the 60's and 70's they were so cheerful. I remember the old ticket machines they used to have slung round their necks, and the different coloured tickets we got.

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Perhaps if all you bus drivers got together and said the amount you are given for a float is ludicrous there wouldn't be such an issue. There is never such an issue on the trams - perhaps we should bring back bus conductors


:loopy: Yeah that`ll keep fares low:roll:

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Ok, and pulling in better at bus stops is not rocket science either! How many times do I come across buses whose drivers don't bother to pull closer to the kerb, preferring to keep the back of the bus well into the road so cars can't get past?

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