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Catching a bus is not rocket science

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Catching a bus may well not be rocket science BUT all the advice above assumes that the bus has pulled up at the bus stop to allow you to get on the bus.


The 52 bus run by Stagecoach is a prime offender of not pulling up at the bus stop to pick people up.


Before anyone says 'you have to make it plain to the driver that you want to get on the bus', I was on a 52 Stagecoach approaching ASDA and could plainly see two potential passengers with hands outstretched attempting to pull the bus over. What did the driver do? Pulled over to the outside lane and completely ignored them. Mind you the bus did have four people on board so perhaps the driver had his quota for that trip.


I have been on buses, pressed the button to indicate I want to get off at the next stop and then had to ask the driver if he was going to stop to let me off. I thought it best to apologise to him for interrupting him as he did appear to be reading the bus timetable.

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There are many forums on buses, many relating to lateness, change etc.


Easy solutions.................


Have the correct fare, or near. A bus driver carries a float, but isn't a bank, i carry a £10 float in 10p's 20p's 50p's and £1 coins. If a passenger gets on with a £10 note, then most of my float is gone, resulting in no change for next passenger. This float is my own money, not the companies, some people say carry more float, but when will it stop?? and why should i carry a massive float? Only the other day, a student got on my bus, asked for a 80p fare and produced a £20 note saying that's all he had, but behind him was a shop, who obviously has more change than i did. I had started in town, and had not travelled a mile, picking up about 5 passengers, so i had not taken enough money above my £10 float, and this is not a one off event.


When waiting at a bus stop, have your money/pass ready. The number of times i stop at a bus stop, and then the passenger fumbles around for their pass or money, delaying the bus. It's easy, have your money or pass in your pocket, not your handbag, so you can board the bus quickly and not making the bus late.


When wanting a bus to stop at your destination, press the bell in plenty of time. The number of people who press the bell when i am within a few yards of a stop is unbelievable. If this happens, then i don't brake harshly so i can stop, this causes passenger injuries and possibly accidents, i just carry on to the next stop, then get abuse for doing so.


Buses are late for a number of reasons, beyond the drivers control. We do not want to be late. The later we are the less break time we get. Traffic congestion, road works, passengers taking time getting on/off buses, diversions, accidents are just a few reasons why buses are late. One passenger complained to me that my bus was 5 mins late, and asked if we park up for a few mins just to make the bus late? which left me puzzled why people think that.


I personally try to be on time, give passengers an efficient comfortable ride, and am polite at all times, all this is in my nature, but when people get on the bus, and start abusing, it's hard to keep your cool, but we have to, but we shouldn't have to put up with it.


So to sum up, please have the correct fare, or near to it, not £10 or £20 notes (unless you require a weekly saver etc), have money or passes ready, and press bell in plenty of time.


It's not rocket science


I thank you


Hear, Hear, this is exactly what I've been saying for years, when I was working I always made sure I had the correct fare and I understood about roadwork's and accidents being the biggest reason for any bus being late. The post by Vizzbucks should be printed out and a copy put on every bus in Sheffield.

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Well Vizz you must have had a bad day. I don't drive so I use the bus all the time.


On a couple of occasions I've bought a ticket for someone who hadn't got the

correct change or had a high domination note.


Probably the thing I find most annoying are the passengers who board the bus with the mobile phone

stuck to their ear having a conversation with both the bus-driver about the cost of a ticket and the

phone recipiant about the cost of shoe repairs, while at the same time rummaging around their bag/purse

for the correct fare.



Here's a link to a Bob Newhart sketch on bus driver training


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As a bus driver at ecclesfield if we have time to wait at the bus stop opposite morrisons then yes we shall wait til it is safe to to pull into the bus stop even if that means blocking the road off.


Cars that pull up on zig zags and in middle of anywhere to talk on their mobile phone also causes problems it's not rocket science to go and pull up somewhere safe to do so or car drivers who stop in middle of road to say hi to a friend so try becoming a bus driver then you'll understand.


Vizz I totally agree with you and i only carry a £6 float why the hell should I have to give people change out of my pocket if they come on with a £20 on my bus they can collect their change from the depot!

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well put together, shame most people that use bus either cant read, or dont care enough to care


I'm sure they would expect (nay demand) that it be read to them.


By someone from the council.


Whilst holding their hand.


"What!?! You expect me to have to do something for myself? What is this, the 1950s?"


I blame the Coalition.

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Not very often I agree with a bus driver, but sounds like they broke the mould when they made you, you are a breath of fresh air.


I agree though I used to see people getting on at stops and asking for 80p fares or kids fares, and producing tenners.


Other things wind me up, students who get on for cheap pass, know they need to produce their card, do they ever have it out do they eckers.


The worst one for me is women you see them stood at front of a large queue, so you know they've been there a while. A bus turns up they get on, put bags down and proceed to look in bag for purse, why cannot they get it out at the stop.


I have said this before in Cardiff the driver has a sealed unit, and you put your fare into that, if you want say a £1.50 & put £2.00 coin in tough, they don't give change.


Perhaps Sheffield could incorporate this kind of thing as trust me, everyone I saw get on had the right money.


Oh & yes my pass is always out ready, for the drivers machine.


Well I ensure I have my NUS card ready thank you very much. I've recently been forced to take the bus to Uni and there are a million and one things worse than that, a thank you from the drivers wouldn't go a miss when I pay my fair, I do it when I'm working when a customer pays me. I say thank you when I get off and it's rare that I hear a ''you're welcome'' or anything like that. I got on the 51 outside the Peace Gardens today, the driver stopped for 5 mins or so, I assumed it was his break, but when he let me on, he barely took his eyes away from his phone to even acknowledge me. I've had a car for roughly four years, so haven't used the public transport for a while, but when I did use it, in College and what have you, it was a little better.

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Perhaps if all you bus drivers got together and said the amount you are given for a float is ludicrous there wouldn't be such an issue. There is never such an issue on the trams - perhaps we should bring back bus conductors


you should always have the right money to proffer straight away on the trams too. It is not difficult to anticipate this. Once and once only I gave a tram conductor £20. He disappeared up the tram and I had to basically chase him to recover the change in the short time I was on the vehicle. But that was my fault. I should have made sure I had the right money £1.50 or at least £2. Even giving them a fiver, you should avoid. Maybe you have an excuse, if you have had to take a bus or tram totally unexpectedly, 'on the hoof' as it were. But most people use public transport as part of a daily routine, and they should know.

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But if there are so many folks giving the correct money, and those with tenners are few, then surely, the driver must have BAGS of change. It seems sheer laziness on their part.


Most other business also seem to be able to cope with ten pound notes, so I don't understand why this is an issue.

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