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U.S Gov Shipped Guns Too Mexican Drug Cartels , cover up

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A story which has been omitted by most of the British media .


Fast and Furious was a operation launched by the American government to send thousands of guns too Mexican drug cartels in the hope of tracking them .


Thousands of guns were flooded into Mexico with no means of tracking them whats so ever , the fiasco has caused thousands of deaths including American border guards gunned down by the very weapons the Governemnt sent too the cartels .


Is Fast and Furious is a gun running operation orchestrated by the Obama administration? It certainly looks that way .


Is This the Obama Administration's Greatest Cover-Up? Yes sure :

















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A story which has been omitted by most of the British media .


Fast and Furious was a operation launched by the American government to send thousands of guns too Mexican drug cartels in the hope of tracking them .


Thousands of guns were flooded into Mexico with no means of tracking them whats so ever , the fiasco has caused thousands of deaths including American border guards gunned down by the very weapons the Governemnt sent too the cartels .


Is Fast and Furious is a gun running operation orchestrated by the Obama administration? It certainly looks that way .


Is This the Obama Administration's Greatest Cover-Up? Yes sure :








This is old news in the US already. Better google Youtube for more more up to date material for your usual anti US- Israel rants

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This is old news in the US already. Better google Youtube for more more up to date material for your usual anti US- Israel rants


I am pro life , pro freedom , pro liberty , pro human , things the ruling class / elite are not , which includes gun runner Obama .



Do you know how many people were killed with these guns which the American Gov gave too the drug cartels ?


Are you aware of the spike in murders when this programme was at its height ?


The news maybe a year old but like I stated it has been omitted by the mainstream corporate media which means most of Sheffield is unaware of how thousands upon thousands of guns were simply just given too Mexican drug cartels .

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Ahhh, well, let's forget all about it shall we?


You're living in the past SBCY, quit living in the past.


Indeed 2010 and the 12,000 guns given too Mexican drug cartels is something too distant in the last too be bothered about , isn't it ?









Arizona Sheriff Explains Fast And Furious


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As a small sample.


It got loads of coverage at the time in the UK media, as did Iran-contra etc etc. They just don't harp on about it if there's nothing new to say, unlike alex effing jones.

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As a small sample.


It got loads of coverage at the time in the UK media, as did Iran-contra etc etc. They just don't harp on about it if there's nothing new to say, unlike alex effing jones.



What's wrong with Alex jones ?


Or should we only be getting our news from the dinosaur corporate media ?

Who have been caught red handed making up false stories or caught red handed covering up for pedophiles ?



The BBC likes too white wash stories such as this gun running one , examples can be cited .

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What's wrong with Alex jones ?


Or should we only be getting our news from the dinosaur corporate media ?

Who have been caught red handed making up false stories or caught red handed covering up for pedophiles ?


Alex Jones is a complete fraud who makes his money flogging rubbish to the survivalist nutters who also buy his dross DVD's and books to remind them why "They" are coming to get them and his loyal followers need to stock up on even more survivalist stuff from his website. Still he's made $5 million out of the schmucks who are too stupid to realise they are being ripped off by a fat conman so he's happy.


Are the mainstream media perfect? Far from it. They're a lot more reliable than a chubby snakeoil salesman though.


I referenced British media coverage because you said "A story which has been omitted by most of the British media .", a blatant lie on your part.

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