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Barrister says age of consent should be 13

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Dont let it bother you hun.

I hate the phrase as much as anyone.

Survivor indeed :rolleyes:



What words would you use to describe a woman who has experienced sexual abuse then?


Do you agree with the person you quoted that ''no-one has ever died of sexual abuse''?

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What words would you use to describe a woman who has experienced sexual abuse then?



A victim of abuse.



Do you agree with the person you quoted that ''no-one has ever died of sexual abuse''?


Yes and no.

I dont fully agree with his statement but i agree even less with your label, calling them survivors is just a modern, PC monica.

Victims of abuse are just that, Victims.

Weather or not they choose to remain victims for the rest of their life is up to them.

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Would that be any different if it were a 16 year old that only "thinks" she wants the sex, or an 18 year old?


16 is just an arbitrary number that we happen to have settled on in the past, it's not sacrosanct and should be up for debate.


There is a good reason for a legal age of consent and if anything, it should be older than 16, not higher.


People have sex to reproduce, if a person is not in a position to look after their children (I mean physically and mentally, not financially) then they should not be old enough to have sex.


Do you honestly think that a 13 year old single or couple) is mentally stable enough to look after a child, independently??


We're not in the dark ages anymore where children were looked upon as young adults. Today's children have extended childhoods, they grow up slower and mature (mentally) at a much older age. Today's 13 year olds' are still learning and playing; not on their hands and knees in the cotton mills!


Any of you on here who have children, particularly daughters; would you be happy to let her go out at 13, with a condom in her handbag, knowing that she was planning on shagging the chav down the road??


And for those of you that are saying "what's the difference between sex at 16 and at 15 years old?"....Well, lets reduce the age to 13, then what would be the difference between having sex at 12 or 11??


Come on people!! We are still children at the age of 16, never mind 13!!

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Which bits do you not agree with then?



The VAST majority of sex abuse victims dont die.

There may be a tiny minuscule proportion who take their own lives, an even smaller amount may die during the attack but no, for the most part (most meaning massive) sex abuse does not kill.

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Just the latest. Yes, she killed herself. Would she have done it in the abscence of the abuse? No. What killed her? The abuse.


No the failure of support by both the courts and other government agencies caused her death. The abuse, heinous as it is, didn't kill her.


People commit suicide, that is true, but it effects people from all walks of life. Very rich people kill themselves. People with the world at their feet kills themselves. People with nothing kill themselves while others live happy lives.

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Bonzo77. I will only answer you to let you know ive reported your post.

Im not being spoken to like that.

You dont agree with me, hey thats fine hun but dont talk to me like that please.


Then don't make stupid comments. We're talking about rape and sexual abuse victims here, not someone who doesn't like being 'spoken to like that', on a forum!


People HAVE dies as a direct result of rape and sexual abuse! People die as a result of being bullied at school, for crying out loud!

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The words are not mine they are the title of the blog concerned. In any case we survive all manner of things in life and your narrow application of its meaning is incorrect.


sur·vive (sr-vv)

v. sur·vived, sur·viv·ing, sur·vives


1. To remain alive or in existence.

2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere:

3. To remain functional or usable:


Furthermore, there is more than simply the views on the age of consent to be challenged in Hewson's article. Her minimising of abusive practices also warrants comment which is, in all likelyhood, what motivated the open letter.


Arh, in which case its my interpretation. I always thought survive meant not to die from it.


---------- Post added 10-05-2013 at 09:42 ----------


I didn't realise compassion was your middle name!


I don't think you've used your nugget before typing here, have you?


Would you class a suicide as a result of rape, or years of sexual abuse as dieing of sexual abuse? If not, you should!


No, I would say its caused by the failure of support.


If I fail to maintain my car and it falls apart resulting in my death, is that the fault of the car or my fault for not maintaining it?

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There may be a tiny minuscule proportion who take their own lives


You are factually incorrect here.


Various sources I've found suggest that approximately a third of rape victims have had suicidal thoughts and around a tenth make attempts.


I wonder why you seem so keen to downplay the distress that rape and sexual assault creates?

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