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Time to hold Duncan Smith to account

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Labour did this. The Tories did that. They all screw with the stats. They're politicians!


It doesn't make it right whoever does it.


They will never learn.


They lie because if they didn't the people wouldn't vote for them, the population doesn’t want or like the truth.


Who’s going to vote for the party that tells them we up **** creek without a paddle. :)

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We have some pretty awful political parties with some pretty awful politicians in them....quite how anyone can defend this current shambles is beyond me, mind you the last lot weren`t really any better either.


My faith in our political system is all but gone, they all promise one thing, get elected then do whatever they want to do. As deaf andy said.... no politician gets voted IN, only voted OUT....and I see very little difference between LIB/ LAB / CON....all a bunch of lying gits, in it for themselves rather than helping their country and the people in it.


As for these online petitions....change.org is a for profit US company, their petitions are meaningless and hold no sway over our politicians, as was proved with the recent IDS £53 a week petition which garnered over 400,000 "signatures" and did....nothing....it was called a stunt by IDS and promptly ignored!

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We have some pretty awful political parties with some pretty awful politicians in them....quite how anyone can defend this current shambles is beyond me, mind you the last lot weren`t really any better either.


My faith in our political system is all but gone, they all promise one thing, get elected then do whatever they want to do. As deaf andy said.... no politician gets voted IN, only voted OUT....and I see very little difference between LIB/ LAB / CON....all a bunch of lying gits, in it for themselves rather than helping their country and the people in it.


As for these online petitions....change.org is a for profit US company, their petitions are meaningless and hold no sway over our politicians, as was proved with the recent IDS £53 a week petition which garnered over 400,000 "signatures" and did....nothing....it was called a stunt by IDS and promptly ignored!


No one expected Duncan Smith to try and live on £53 a week, he will spend more than that on his lunch. But we have a right wing media in this country that supports the Tories so petitions are a good way of showing these unelected dictators that we are not going to roll over and let them walk all over us.


The deficit was caused by multi millionnaire bankers, the recession causd by multi millionnaire Tories. None of these people are affected by their mistakes. They just pass it on to us.

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No one expected Duncan Smith to try and live on £53 a week, he will spend more than that on his lunch. But we have a right wing media in this country that supports the Tories so petitions are a good way of showing these unelected dictators that we are not going to roll over and let them walk all over us.


The deficit was caused by multi millionnaire bankers, the recession causd by multi millionnaire Tories. None of these people are affected by their mistakes. They just pass it on to us.

my bold he might spend that on his lunch but its us who pays for it :loopy:.
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They lie because if they didn't the people wouldn't vote for them, the population doesn’t want or like the truth.


Who’s going to vote for the party that tells them we up **** creek without a paddle. :)


Well, the Tories told us we were up **** creek but they had a motorboat to power us out of it.


Turns out they actually had a lilo with a puncture in it.

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well, the tories told us we were up **** creek but they had a motorboat to power us out of it.


turns out they actually had a lilo with a puncture in it.




So only a half-truth then.

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Of course Labour never mislead people with dodgy statistics did they?


*cough* September Dossier

*cough* Hutton Report

*cough* Gordon Brown Immigration Figures

*cough* Gordon Brown Budget


....try again next time. Cant wait for your next pathetic anti tory thread.


---------- Post added 09-05-2013 at 20:10 ----------



Well said.


These e-petitions are the most stupid thing ever introduced. It just encourages any moron with a pointless grudge to click away and "campaign" for the cause.


Absolutely pathetic.


That's daft, that was then, this is now. I mean, how far do you want to go back in time? I think you'll find it's been the tories who have been the bigger exponents of dodginess over the years.


I think Keith Vaz needs his ear'ole bent too.

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Of course Labour never mislead people with dodgy statistics did they?


*cough* September Dossier

*cough* Hutton Report

*cough* Gordon Brown Immigration Figures

*cough* Gordon Brown Budget


....try again next time. Cant wait for your next pathetic anti tory thread.


---------- Post added 09-05-2013 at 20:10 ----------



Well said.


These e-petitions are the most stupid thing ever introduced. It just encourages any moron with a pointless grudge to click away and "campaign" for the cause.


Absolutely pathetic.


It is obvious that Duncan Smith has tried to deceive the public with his false claims about disabled people. Yet rather than being angry with him you are angry that this deceit has been revealed.


This speaks volumes about you and other Tories on this forum. You are never angry about Tory lies, deceit and incompetence but become angry when their lies deceit and incompetence are revealed.

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As for these online petitions....change.org is a for profit US company, their petitions are meaningless and hold no sway over our politicians, as was proved with the recent IDS £53 a week petition which garnered over 400,000 "signatures" and did....nothing....it was called a stunt by IDS and promptly ignored!


That petition soon died a death when it was found out the guy who challenged him to live on £53 a week didn't do so himself, making him look rather hypocritical.

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It is obvious that Duncan Smith has tried to deceive the public with his false claims about disabled people. Yet rather than being angry with him you are angry that this deceit has been revealed.


This speaks volumes about you and other Tories on this forum. You are never angry about Tory lies, deceit and incompetence but become angry when their lies deceit and incompetence are revealed.


I have not made any opinion or comment on tory lies. How do you know im not angry? I have said nothing about it.


What I am trying to get into your skull is that ALL parties are as bad as each other. Im not saying that's right. However, you are your little friend have ONE clear agenda. Tories all all bad. Everything tories do are wrong. Tories are the "Nasty Party".


If the tories found a solution to world peace, ended famine and managed to discover a cure for cancer, you would still be on here slagging them off.


You bang on about the tory bias in the media. Really? What about all the left wing press/media/blogs and forums out there. You are quoting sources from a blog website which is *ta da* LEFT WING.


Get over yourself. You sound like a broken record. What about you admitting to some of your own side's failures.? What about you admitting to some of the disasters and deceptions created by Blair & Co?


We are all in a mess. Someone has to take control and get us out of it. Cameron & Co have not done everything right. BUT at least they admitted there was a problem in the first place and have took a bullet by creatign ill feeling amongst the masses and actually make the well needed cuts.

Of course that's unpopular nobody wants to hear the words cuts, redundancy, recession. Does not mean that they were not needed. It was good for us. Of course the super rich will be unaffected but what did people expect. If you are super rich nothing will effect you. If you brought in massive taxation it would only create a bigger gap and drag more people down into poverty. Yeah lets have a 50% / 60% tax rate but how would that effect people on the "massive incomes" 50k / 100k / 200k. They would become the new poor and those earning millions would still not feel the pinch. However, what else could you do. You might want to but no law can be passed to create a tax for Alan Sugar and City Bankers only can it?


HMRC was a disaser and the loopholes should have been brought down but our previous administration were not exactly on the ball with that were they? Or has that slipped your mind. Did Gordon and Tony bring in mass reforms to prevent tax loopholes... errm. NO.


Why? Because they both knew that eventually they would be earning a pretty penny off the back of their PM "fame" and most likley are not wanting to get stung by such high tax.


You talk to me about home truths - prey tell what would labour have done? Obviously they wouldn't dare attempt to cut even a stationery budget in their precious public sector so that would still bleed the country dry with its flabby, overstaffed, overmanaged operations. They would have not dared properly tackle immigration as it would upset their friends in the home office so that's half of the EU flooding in then and no figures or documentation to control it.. God forbid they would have tried to cut any aspects of welfare so that's a load more "jobless" sitting on their behinds for 5/10/15 years. They would not have dared tackled the unions bringing the private sector to a standstill - so that's a load more foreign imports and cheap tat flooding through the country then.


Nobody is perfect and I dont agree with everything what the present government are doing. However, like it or not we have managed to keep some credit rating. We have managed to keep a boyant currency, we have managed to avoid mass banks collapses causing public to clear out all their cash. Others have not. So? someone must have been makign the right decisions otherwise we would have been another Ireland, Greece, Italy, Cyprus.


Nobody is doing everything right. But think about the actual situation. People like you bang on about fat cats and bankers all the time - that is a totally unrealistic and rediculously simplistic view


The deficit and global recession as a whole is an extremely complex thing to analyse. The bottom line is it was caused by MANY factors.

Poor governments, excessive public spending, poor management and enforcement of taxation, poor management and enforcement of regulation, excessive private spending with businesses expanding too fast without sufficient assets, mass consumerism fueled by excessive credit purchases, people living beyond their means, people buying above their income levels, people buying multiple properties without solid assets to fund them, changes in consumer habits, changes in society, lack of self control and financial discipline, general lack of understanding, lack of appreciation as to the value of money, general apathy with regards to saving and budgets, demand for cheaper and cheaper goods causing home markets to weaken, rapid increase in importing over exporting, mass losses of employment due to foreign competition, lower circulation of money, cost of living increases....... round and round it goes.


Banks are at fault YES. so are we.

Governments at fault YES. so are we.

Fat cats are at fault YES. so are we.


Mass consumerism and chasing the lowest prices causing an increase in foreign goods? oh yeah, we caused that.


mass job losses in the home market leading to unemployment?

oh yeah, we caused that.


Buying properties we cannot afford and not putting proper protection insurances and back up plans in place?

oh yeah, we caused that.


Do you get it. Every action has a reaction. Things are not so black and white. Or in your tiny mind. Red and Blue :roll:


The whole system needs a shake up. Every time I watch debates from westminster its the same. Person A stands up and says something - cue jeers and heckles from the opposite side. Person B stands up and responds with the exact opposite with a bit of finger pointing for effect - cue more jeers and heckles from the opposite with maybe a rar rar thrown in for good measure.


Its a glorified school debating society. They might as well be arguing over a pen colour for all the good sitting there is doing for the country.


Nuts to that. Time to put party policies and towing the party line aside. Time for them to get off their backsides in their debating hall and actually get some work done - WHATEVER is required to sort out the mess. Leave the mass debates to election time.


I dont personally care whether ones particular choice of party supports an action or not. If its a solution to a particular problem get on with it.

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