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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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the saying we had in Pitsmoor a long time ago was


As wide as Wicker Arches = not entirely honest, they knew all the ins and outs of things


Wide, meaning he/she knew how to get there own way fair or foul.

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The Strange bit is how some words are now acceptable that were banned back then while other words that were acceptable back then are now banned !!!! [ Quote ]


I know, it's off thread a bit but maybe not too much......... I caught a bit of a phone-in on Radio Footie yesterday ...... er Radio Sheff that is....

The caller had some inconsequential point to make about an event in Brazil which has grown men in tears. He referred to one of the participants as "....... that coloured chap " . The anchor man in the studio was incensed, jumped in and tore the caller off a right strip. Then issued an apology when the caller had rung off for the word being transmitted over South Yorkshire. Insisted "coloured" should be deleted and "black " be used instead. I can't believe this is in the Beeb's book of rules. The world's gone mad !!!!

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The Strange bit is how some words are now acceptable that were banned back then while other words that were acceptable back then are now banned !!!! [ Quote ]


I know, it's off thread a bit but maybe not too much......... I caught a bit of a phone-in on Radio Footie yesterday ...... er Radio Sheff that is....

The caller had some inconsequential point to make about an event in Brazil which has grown men in tears. He referred to one of the participants as "....... that coloured chap " . The anchor man in the studio was incensed, jumped in and tore the caller off a right strip. Then issued an apology when the caller had rung off for the word being transmitted over South Yorkshire. Insisted "coloured" should be deleted and "black " be used instead. I can't believe this is in the Beeb's book of rules. The world's gone mad !!!!


The presenter would not have been offended, neither would any of the listeners. The B.B.C is run by the London based P.C, liberal elite, who have nothing in common with ( and probably despise )the white northern working class. They run the organisation with an iron fist and instruct presenters to feign outrage under such circumstances.

Sorry, a bit off topic but beware, you are being forced to conform!

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Eyup Duffs, how the hell are you? :D


I'm very well Lin, how's yoursen?

I allis cum on 'ere to see what' thart up to but, I dunt very oftens post nowadays, I've seen that thart still posting rude stuff along wi thi cohort rossy!


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