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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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would it be a brazier?


Bang on. Thanks.


---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 14:43 ----------


A pound to a pinch of snuff.......Not much chance of loosing this bet.


Granma was hooked on snuff, it was a right mood changer.


Top Mill was her favorite, and if the shop was sold out of regular and we brought back "menthol" we were in for a few days of misery.

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" Put big light on" (the one that hung from a cord int middle ut "front room" that was never used unless you had "Proper folk" calling).

"Well ill go to top of our stairs"- astonishment.

"He's got monk on we thy" - not a happy bunny.

" Thall get a lathering that not too old" - teenager pushing dad too far at tea time.

"Shut thy cakeole -shurrup "- same teenager pushing mom too far at tea time.

"Gu tut top shop fawme" - Run an errand to the shops.

" Nowt as queer as folk" - odd fellow.

"Throws his money away like a man we no arms"- difficult to do

"He's a right taiter" - he is an idiot

"Hes a daft apeth" - same chap as above

"Tha needs a good fettling" - dirty boy in need of a bath

"Sharnt tellthy again"- Last words before dad clips afore mention teenager

"Gi thy mother yur keep" -once working a payment to mother for cooking and cleaning etc.

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  • 1 month later...
one i used to hear off the old folk, though not out loud...


felchwallah - a ne'erdowell of the worst sort


i can recall my granddad saying that - but not too let my gran hear it - otherwise he'd be in big trouble!

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