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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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Reight pleased to see Duffems has confirmed "dubs" was schoolyard speak for bogs. Thought I was dreaming it up after all the cynical disbelief !


And in the Channel Islands they'll certainly know what a "ganzie" is, Think woolly pullys and also "Jersey". The locals will tell that the patterned bit where sleeve joins the rest had a special function. Each parish had a unique pattern. If a fisherman's body was washed up, they could tell where he came from. Recently only one pattern is produced.


I hope tha't reight abaht that cartav, I dunt want to ask these posh locals and show missen up!

Another one: put your liberty bodice on or tha'll not feel benefit when tha guz out.


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I hope tha't reight abaht that cartav, I dunt want to ask these posh locals and show missen up!

Another one: put your liberty bodice on or tha'll not feel benefit when tha guz out.





Would I tell porkies Duffems ? Me, wi' me great, great grandad in t' Foulon boneyard theer after ee'd popped 'is clogs.......... Get thissen up't't museum at top o' Candie Gardens, 'ave a shufti theer, they'll put thee reight !


.........So back to thread.... SHUFTI , there's one, military origin, not just Sheff. Middle Eastern from where our brave lads put one over on the Mahdi when he wanted a holy set to. And another ! MARDIE, mardy or mardey however it's spelled, that's local. How the Mahdi was after his lot were rolled in the sand. ,

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Don't forget to doubt t' fire.


(put the fire out)


........or "bank it up" at night.


Mum always told us to "take clinkers outtut fire."


When mum could only afford cheap coal it would "send bangers out" meaning it was "nutty slack" or some such and would bang like mad sending bits shooting out all over the place, we then had to go round trying to find if the lino or carpet (front room only) had caught fire. It gave us much entertainment on a Winters' night.

Of course the coal came in "through't coil hoil", another place you could gain access to your house if you'd lost your key.

Kids today have missed out on so much!

Edited by DUFFEMS
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