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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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Cum 'ere an' ave some chin pie = Dad threatening to rub his stubbly chin on your cheeks before he had a shave.


Toilet dahn't yard, a wash int sink every night and a proper bath at weekend at mi Grans


Rain coming in through coal 'ole and making cellar damp. Cellar 'ead being cold enough to set jelly on

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Cum 'ere an' ave some chin pie = Dad threatening to rub his stubbly chin on your cheeks before he had a shave.


Toilet dahn't yard, a wash int sink every night and a proper bath at weekend at mi Grans


Rain coming in through coal 'ole and making cellar damp. Cellar 'ead being cold enough to set jelly on


My Bold


Whether you needed one or not,

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He's a bit of a rum un that lad....He couldn't stop a pig in an entry.....gi yore wi thi flannelin .........an she's no better than she ought to be..... ?


hiya grinder, sorry to read your letter about Harold broadhurst passing,i knew him from the early 40s,

nar den wots a marrer wid de den, dat orl ort shant, i remember when we were getting togged up to go to the city, or Glossop dances, I started using brilliantine on my hair, my dad only used brylcream, when I had this on my tony Curtis d.a. haircut he would always say " wots that. tha smells like a drury lane ooer" aftershaves weren't out much then in the early 50s.

Edited by willybite
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Ah do Willy

The only aftershave I remember back then where Life buoy soap, anyway thad gerra funny look if tha walked in pub wearing perfume.

As for haircuts, a where a Crew cut man mi sen and a bit of drippin on it worked wonders as long as it dint get too warm so it started running down thi foreead.....


She's got teeth like stars, thi come out at neet....

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