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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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We always said


Hickey with his eye cut, this is the nearest I can get ...http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/weird/charles_albright/22.html


Thanks for that rossyrooney, I always said it was " with his eye cut " but I was told I was wrong so I'm now going back to my original thoughts.

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Yeah, I suppose kids are still taught tables by rote but I wonder if the system has improved them........... Seeking some photostats I went in a corner shop where a young girl, maybe just a school leaver, was behind the counter. " Seven copies at 8p each...... " I said to help count out the right money, ".......... that's 56p". " Er, No!" she said " Can't be right, 'cos eight sevens is 56 ".


hiya, a similar thing happened to me in 1988, I was in a shop who had had a new electric till with the contents printout, he told me it had broken down and one of the assistants who was on work experience from school was serving a customer with a short list when it broke down, when the boss said get a piece of paper and add it up but she wanted a calculator as she hadn't used the mental way for a long time.


---------- Post added 10-10-2014 at 20:33 ----------


We did our times table but the only money bit I remember was at the end of each table.

12 x 12 = 144, 144 pence = 12/- or 12 x 8 = 96, 96 pence = 8/-


Thought that was the reason the tables went up to twelve, but after all those years of swatting , they've only gone and went decimal dint di ...........:mad:


---------- Post added 04-10-2014 at 16:39 ----------



Also I never could under stand why it was L. s. d. ?

Apparently L and the D were Latin and the S was Austrian plus I believe the nearest we ever came to a decimal coin was the two bob piece..


hiya j grinder ar tha well owd lad, nar then wen tha sez l.s.d. tha dunt read l.s.d. tha reads £.s.d. or els pound shillings and pence. the sees in ar yung days thi wer no butns tu press lyk turday so pound sign got mixed up with the letter l.

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Or "'e's 'ad a good innings"


Sheffield City of Sport.......


---------- Post added 10-10-2014 at 22:14 ----------


Having a good time......


Lettin yer chickens fly

letting yer hair down!

Havin a shin dig

A relght bun fight


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