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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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Here is a saying I heard one morning in the Barnsley area,I thought it funny and fitting at the time!.It happened in a paper shop around 8am,I nipped in for a paper,the shop was very busy people queuing waiting their turn when this little old dear pushed her way to the front!.She must have been a regular as the shop owner who was a double for Uncle Fester asked"Can I help you love?" "Ar has tha got Exchange and Mart?",he passed it to her,then she flicked through it keeping everybody waiting,found what she was looking for closed it turned walked out leaving it on the counter!.Exasperated Uncle Fester looked at everyone and said"Well did ya see that its enough to make you grind ginger with your arsehole!",at which we all burst out laughing,it cheered my morning up that day!.

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Just because dictionarys attribute other meanings to 'cockled' does not mean our version is wrong, just that they did not do their research thoroughly.


If you let others dictate their standards on and to you ...then they will.


cockled ower..however you choose to spell it


can mean anything from not vertical to turned upside down.


A pet hate is people trying to tell others how to spell both yorkshire and sheffieldish. It is spelled the same as most people spell things.

If you are trying to spell it phonetically to enable correct pronunciation please stop putting t' in wherever you feel like it. Its typical of none native speakers and makes the writer look a prat.


something on a shelf is .....ont shelf almost becoming one word

on t' shelf ...looks as though it was written by an ignorant academic


here's one more for the list..... laikin ... also not in any standard dictionaries ... meanings dependent on context




hanging around ....distinct from loitering



hiya. opn ended, arsortit,

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This were all back in old days when everybody got stuff on tick or never never, nob-di bought a telly back then thi rented it on weekly, an when tha went to work next day every body had been watchin same programs because there were only one channel an it went off at ten a clock ...


Good night everybody, good night...

Edited by grinder
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This were all back in old days when everybody got stuff on tick or never never, nob-di bought a telly back then thi rented it on weekly, an when tha went to work next day every body had been watchin same programs because there were only one channel an it went off at ten a clock ...


Good night everybody, good night...

remember one programe i saw on my first tv around 1950 it was called men of champagne.


hiya griinder j,praps thar remembers arv jus thort on warrabart oops a daisie, an daffie down dillie,.an remember wasselin fort new year like hole in the pocket,hole in the shoe please can you spare a copper or two,if tha ant gorra penny aipny will do, if tha ant gorra aipny god bless you.

Edited by willybite
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remember one programe i saw on my first tv around 1950 it was called men of champagne.


hiya griinder j,praps thy remembers arv jus thort on warrabart oops a daisie, an daffie down dillie,.an remember wasselin fort new year like hole in the pocket,hole in the shoe please can you spare a copper or two,if tha ant gorra penny aipny will do, if tha ant gorra aipny god bless you.


An if yer made too much noise playin, sumbody ad come art an gi yer a reight gob full an tell yer to play further darn rooed....


Sum on em were dead common round our way....:hihi:

Edited by grinder
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An if yer made too much noise playin, sumbody ad come art an gi yer a reight gob full an tell yer to play further darn rooed....


Sum on em were dead common round our way....hi hi:


hiya j, an if tha sung carols at new year thid shout an tellthe we had them last week so don't cum ageern.

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