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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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Nicker........Pound note

Bob ......... Shilling.

Tanner....... Six pence piece.

Threpney bit...... Three pence piece.

apenie .........Half pence.


Now it's all Pee.....:gag:

And the two shilling was called a ???:confused::confused:and of course in your day would be the farthing:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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And the two shilling was called a ???:confused::confused:and of course in your day would be the farthing:hihi::hihi::hihi:


we called it a Two-bob or a two-bob-bit, though the older generation would have called it a Florin.


Saying that, I call the "new" smaller 5p's a "Tanner", as they are pretty much the same size, and the new 10p pieces I call a "Shilling" as they are, again, pretty similar in size to the old "shilling" pieces.

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Don't forget the old Ten bob note, or half a nicker...


When I were a lad tha could go down town on bus, buy ten fags, get drunk come back on bus, have a fish & chip supper and still have change out o' ten bob........50p



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Don't forget the old Ten bob note, or half a nicker...


When I were a lad tha could go down town on bus, buy ten fags, get drunk come back on bus, have a fish & chip supper and still have change out o' ten bob........50p




;) Tha's bin listenin' ter that Tony Capstick bloke agee-an, an't tha?


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we called it a Two-bob or a two-bob-bit, though the older generation would have called it a Florin.


Saying that, I call the "new" smaller 5p's a "Tanner", as they are pretty much the same size, and the new 10p pieces I call a "Shilling" as they are, again, pretty similar in size to the old "shilling" pieces.

I was way out of my depth when going back for a visit not a clue to what i had in my hand just hold out the change and hope i was dealing with a honest person course that is U.K so good luck with that one:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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