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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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Kelly's eye............Number one.

Doctor's orders......Number nine.


Lucky for some.......Thirteen

Two fat ladies........Eighty eight

Top of the shop......Ninety


"OUSE"!!!! :D


"oose" won big un" :mad:


" Bloody strangers ageean" :rant:


It's got to be a fiddle......:suspect:

Edited by grinder
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Oh, this bring memories back! Although I always knew a 'bin lid' as a quid, not a kid.


Always used the term "bin lid" for a kid, or ankle biter, sprog, for the quid it was always a nicker. Half a nicker ten bob, same as half a quid, dollar 5 shillings, half a dollar 2s and 6d.


Threepenny bits referred to a lady's chest dumplings :hihi:

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10 bob nooart wor a brown drinking voucher.


Here's a penny fo thi Whistletide clooars or, tha might have gorra tanner if the giver had a drink before coming t'ut park fot parade.


Ah but it had to be a new shiny penny mind. stuck in the handkerchief pocket o the new suit.

Double breasted jacket wi short trousers, Bicycle stockings,shiny shoes. and a tie.

By wi did look Bobby dazzlers....:hihi:

Edited by grinder
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