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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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They used to give you "POBBS" when you couldn't eat solids...:nod:


If you ate too many though you became a "POBB HEAD"....:banana:


"NEWT" - Apparently a heavy drinker....


Yer got "Pobbs" wen yer cun't affuwerd sollids.


---------- Post added 09-05-2013 at 20:20 ----------


Yer got "Pobbs" wen yer cun't affuwerd sollids.


Just reminded me after being out wi't dog's .

" Pissin" wet thro, . Soakin wet .

" ****** " To much to drink .

"****** Off" . Fed up .

How many more connotations ?

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Here are is few pronunciations of common words and phrases often used in Sheffield


I'll start us off with a few :


Hole - oyal

coal - coyal

shoes- shews-shooers

boots- boyits

head- eead

nose- nooers

are- arem

right- reight

no -neow

yes -are

me - mi

you- thee, tha, thi, da, dee

window - winder

door- dooer

house - owse

town -tarn

road- rooad

street- streeat

drink -sup

school- skoyal

hungry- ungri

some - sum

with - wi

nothing- nowt

know - nose





easily upset-mardy


Give over - geeoar


And one of my favourite Sheffield phrase " As wide as't wicker aarches "


Anyone got any to add ?

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Put wood in ole...close the door

tintintin.............it isn't in the tin

oowasheewiwasheewiersen...was the lady accompanied

danosenoltdee......you are ill informed

supwiddee...........what's your problem?

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Chit = signed requisition slip


Comp = free ticket


Dirty get = worthless


French Letter = condom


Check = credit voucher from Pagets (or that other one)


Loudspeaker = where the sound comes from


Ont' tick = 'til payday

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Chit = signed requisition slip


Comp = free ticket


Dirty get = worthless


French Letter = condom


Check = credit voucher from Pagets (or that other one)


Loudspeaker = where the sound comes from


Ont' tick = 'til payday


All I remember but ; Dirty Get was " Scruffy Bugger " or someone with a low morral joke .

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