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Sheffieldish - words & phrases

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It may have been my voice I know but all we ever got was "Wiv ad sumbody" !! which was taken as a no, but it never stopped that feeling of anticipation at the next door we sang at..


Where we just simple minded back then in the days before TV, I don't know, but I wouldn't want to try it now when Corrie was on.......:rant:


hiya, i remember a discription one calling another, a get,like he's an idle get ,or he's a lucky get. never made sense to me

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hiya, i remember a discription one calling another, a get,like he's an idle get ,or he's a lucky get. never made sense to me


I understood get to be a slightly better (note, slightly) way of saying ba..- erm.. "illegitimate" *cough*

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It may have been my voice I know but all we ever got was "Wiv ad sumbody" !! which was taken as a no, but it never stopped that feeling of anticipation at the next door we sang at..


Where we just simple minded back then in the days before TV, I don't know, but I wouldn't want to try it now when Corrie was on.......:rant:


Christmas was caroling, but New Years was "mummering".


Blacked your face with soot and went around singing,


"Happy New Year, happy New Year


Plenty of money and a celler full of beer.


Hole in mi stocking, hole in mi shoe


Please can you spare us a copper or two?


Then usually if they had had a drink or two, they would invite you in to poke the fire. Not sure why but it seemed a good luck tradition for them.


Then a verse or two of Old Land Sign, pass around the tin can and off to the next.

Edited by trastrick
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Lankey, someone over 5ft11 and slim built. Lankey streak of bacon was the expression used.

A sneck was the hooked lever opposite the spoon side on the outhouse door, sometimes used as a nickname for someone with a long nose.

Jaspers were wasps

Lakin. playing, as in What tha lakin around at

Oer yon, over there

Seller-ed, The top of the Cellar

Gubbins, items or belongings

bobbar, number twos

crow, or bogie, nose refuse.

Larakin someone who only made it halfway to being a wit.

charlie a half charlie was a half housebrick

gobbo cement, brickies would shout this from the top of a building if they needed more.


lots of words seem like slang names but are just a really bad pronunciation of the original word, Booits, shoys and cooat are 3 examples.

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Lug oil = ear


trammel = useless paraphernalia


Slobbing = when oversized hand me down shoes leave a raw blister at the back of your heel.


maw = spam, prem


Some Indian expressions





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Lug oil = ear


trammel = useless paraphernalia


Slobbing = when oversized hand me down shoes leave a raw blister at the back of your heel.


maw = spam, prem


Some Indian expressions






Bakshee is from the arabic, "Baksheesh" or charity/ gift/ tip.


trammel? I know "Trantlements" or "rammel", both of which mean paraphernalia.


Kybosh:- yep, "that's put the kybosh on that Idea!"

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