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Disusting Mainstream Media Lies About Islam - Farewell Intercourse

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Not that obvious, bearing in mind you didn't say which thread it was


no worries, its a bit obvious the thread that was removed was NOT this one, hence why we both are communicating on it, can you take back calling me a lair now please.


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:14 ----------


why haven't you answered any of the questions I asked you?


Which Buddhist texts forbid homosexuality?


I'll save myself the effort of typing all of them out again.


I will do though if you don't make any attempt to answer them, and I will continue to do so until you do.


you were the one who claimed buddism allows homosexuality, i suggest you back up YOUR claim.


i did a quick search and can see nothing that suggests that the religion of Buddhism allows homosexuality,


i hope that clears things up as again i did not bring up Buddism, YOU DID.

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some one asked me if i cud speak about sumat else. look at the above post,


do you have any comment on the mainstream media lie which claimed Islam law allowed sex with dead wives?


any comment on UK only media lie about how Muslims were forcing swimming pool too cover up?


very funny link given above.


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:11 ----------





which channel is CBN on? was the programme a whole 5 mins long?


no this practice is forbidden in Islam


Glad i cud clear that misconception for you.


blade the lairs who are the mainsream media.

Would you mind answering the question I asked in post#65 ?
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So ALL that forbidden in Islam doesnt exist? Are you SURE about that?


If the media can make lies saying islam allows sex with dead women


if the media can hype up the news on a daily basis and claims muslims are forcing people to cover up in the swimming baths


( both subjects you can not talk about looks like )


i dont know what goes on in Arfica


In north arfica this does NOT happen, if it does its against Islam and Against the LAWS of all the north African nations.


does that clear things for you?


any comment about the main subject?


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:26 ----------


Would you mind answering the question I asked in post#65 ?


you got a DIRECT response from me in post#77


any comment on the fake media lie about Islam and the sex with dead wives story?


or swimming pool lie story?


i cud dig up more examples of media lies if you like.

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can you take back calling me a lair now please.


No, I dont think so. You guaranteed that FGM does not exist in Africa because you have lived there, yet this WHO report http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs241/en/ specifically mentions Africa. So, is WHO a lying organisation or is it you with your "guarantees"


Just in case you want another, heres the lying BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/femalecircumcision/


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:30 ----------



i dont know what goes on in Arfica


In north arfica this does NOT happen, if it does its against Islam and Against the LAWS of all the north African nations.


does that clear things for you?



Nope, last I looked in an atlas North Africa was in Africa.

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No, I dont think so. You guaranteed that FGM does not exist in Africa because you have lived there, yet this WHO report http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs241/en/ specifically mentions Africa. So, is WHO a lying organisation or is it you with your "guarantees"


Just in case you want another, heres the lying BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/femalecircumcision/



north Africa laws are against this.

islam law is against this.

north Africa is a different world too africa.


if some one who happens to be a Christian happens to kidnap a few girls and keep them as sex slaves for a decade or so, did he do that cuz hes Christian?



the 5 min nbc vid proves nothing

who says its africa ( the main bit )


please who live in north africa dont look like the people in the video

women in north africa tend too be very fair skin tone.

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north Africa laws are against this.

islam law is against this.

north Africa is a different world too africa.



Is Egypt in North Africa? It is in MY atlas


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:41 ----------



if some one who happens to be a Christian happens to kidnap a few girls and keep them as sex slaves for a decade or so, did he do that cuz hes Christian?


Do you REALLY want to bring up the subject of how women are treated by members of other religions when you consider how your own beloved, can do nothing wrong, perfect Islam treats women?


Boy, is THAT an open door!!!!!

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Is Egypt in North Africa? It is in MY atlas


Egypt does not allow any sort of FGM , or necrofila


any comments on why the media spouts out DISGUSTING lies about Islam?


north africa is a lot different too africa

millions of Europeans go to north africa for hols not main Africa.


like i said Islamic law forbids this

so does the written law of all the Muslim nations in north africa.


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:43 ----------


Is Egypt in North Africa? It is in MY atlas


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:41 ----------



Do you REALLY want to bring up the subject of how women are treated by members of other religions when you consider how your own beloved, can do nothing wrong, perfect Islam treats women?


Boy, is THAT an open door!!!!!


clearly your mission is to diverts attention from the subject i raised


hence why you have yet to comment on the subject i brought up.

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Yes sure, ive got lots of positive things i can talk about Islam and my self.



but this is a conspiracy , a conspiracy of lies by the media against Islam. that is the TRUTH.


can you comment on the farewell incorase story"


or the


"Muslim swimming pool" rumour which was printed in many places?


i can't comment on incorase, because i have no idea what it could be.


yes, i know what you mean. no comment.


i haven't heard any rumours about a muslim swimming pool. except that the tennis courts at the front of fir vale school (forgot the new name) were allegedly originally designed as a swimming pool when it was refurbished under PFI ten or twelve years ago. allegedly, the decision was made to have tennis courts instead because someone realised that virtually no-one would use a swimming pool. that was the rumour i heard while i was working on that project.

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you were the one who claimed buddism allows homosexuality, i suggest you back up YOUR claim.


i did a quick search and can see nothing that suggests that the religion of Buddhism allows homosexuality,


i hope that clears things up as again i did not bring up Buddism, YOU DID.


Actually you asked which religion allowed homosexuality here I responded that Buddhism did to which you responded

right, SURE[/Quote] here.


So I asked you to point me in the direction of a Buddhist text which disallows it, and explained to you here why in the Buddhist moral code it not being disallowed is tantamount to it being accepted.


So in this instance the onus falls on you to provide evidence of a text where it is specifically disallowed to lay followers of Buddhism.


Here are the other questions I asked you btw.


(1) In the link I put up yesterday which suggested that we find inherent patterns in things and the golden ratio is just such a pattern you agreed with, but then you maintain it's a miracle - it can't be both, could you clarify which you think it is.


(2) You claimed

Mecca has always been a place of worship...Prophet Abraham Built the Kabbah[/Quote]


to which I asked if you had any evidence for that? Or even that Prophet Abraham existed?


(3) I asked you why they were the great religions, what criteria are you using?


(4) Do you think the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) would have wriggled and wormed his way around avoiding difficult questions like you do?


(5) Can you can point me in the direction of a text that forbids the lay follower of Buddhism from practicing homosexuality.


(6) You claim everyone who opposes you on this thread is a hater, What is it we're supposed to hate?


In addition on this thread I asked you;


'unless you think the press has an agenda which they prioritise over making a profit, if you have evidence that this is the case please share it'


I'm still awaiting this evidence, as well as to the answers to the questions I put to you on the God thread.

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