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Disusting Mainstream Media Lies About Islam - Farewell Intercourse

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daily express front page


" muslim force pool cover up"



---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:45 ----------


i can't comment on incorase, because i have no idea what it could be.


yes, i know what you mean. no comment.


i haven't heard any rumours about a muslim swimming pool. except that the tennis courts at the front of fir vale school (forgot the new name) were allegedly originally designed as a swimming pool when it was refurbished under PFI ten or twelve years ago. allegedly, the decision was made to have tennis courts instead because someone realised that virtually no-one would use a swimming pool. that was the rumour i heard while i was working on that project.


links too the story given for ya



FTAO : PaliRichard


let me know when you can show me that Buddism allows homosexuality, for the 10th time.

you claimed


you prove.

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Egypt does not allow any sort of FGM .


So the WHO report, and many others, are wrong then?


So when are you going to contact them and tell them?


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:50 ----------



clearly your mission is to diverts attention from the subject i raised


hence why you have yet to comment on the subject i brought up.


I HAVE commented about the subject. I will repeat it for you. I DONT CARE!!!!

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daily express front page


" muslim force pool cover up"



links too the story given for ya



you believed a tabloid - one large hahaha with a side of pointing and laughing.


edit: no, that's not right. hold on, i'm having a moment.


i'm leaving my glaring ****-up here for you all to enjoy. i don't mind admitting that sometimes i'm a bit thick and start typing before i've checked the safety catch, so to speak.

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Egypt does not allow any sort of FGM , or necrofila


any comments on why the media spouts out DISGUSTING lies about Islam?


I have a theory. could it be that the western world lets its women dress how they like, lets its people marry who they wish and dosent force religion on its children? could it be that the western world dosent get upset when its religion is mocked or scorned at? could it be that the western world is a pretty much at ease with everything, and does not go to war unless a country is under threat? could it be that not many westerners wish to blow innocent people to bits for no reason? yes, the western world has its nutters, murderers and generally bad people, but fanatics are not normal place in the west. this could be a reason why the media report on every thing that you claim.

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People make up their own minds after hearing stories on the media.


if a story is completely a BIG lie, the reader will make a judgement on the subject due too lies.


Do you think the story about necrofilla was right or wrong?


or how about the "Muslims force swimmers too cover up story "? is that right or wrong ?


You don't get it do you ?- you are coming across as a self righteous bigot and nobody believes anything in the media let alone 99% as you claim. on what do you base your figures because I don't know anybody who is gullible enough to believe all that claptrap.

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you believed a tabloid - one large hahaha with a side of pointing and laughing.


edit: no, that's not right. hold on, i'm having a moment.


well he DOES believe blogs from untrusted sources, so believing tabloids is simple!!

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So the WHO report, and many others, are wrong then?


So when are you going to contact them and tell them?


---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 19:50 ----------



I HAVE commented about the subject. I will repeat it for you. I DONT CARE!!!!


many posters on here who say they are not bothered but post over and over again on subjects they dont care about,


you ok? you seem to be confused, i wud not post on a subject i was not bothered about


why would you?


about FGM see post#107

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FTAO : PaliRichard


let me know when you can show me that Buddism allows homosexuality, for the 10th time.

you claimed


you prove.


I have proven it.




In the Buddhist moral code anything not specifically disallowed is permitted.


So unless you can show me where it is specifically disallowed the default position is that it is permitted.


You seem to be having some difficulty understanding this concept.


Here it is again, just to try and get it through:


As homosexuality in the lay community is not specifically disallowed in Buddhism, it is therefor, by default, permitted


Are you getting it yet? It is allowed. Unless you can show me a specific text where homosexuality is forbidden to the lay community you should accept that it is allowed.


So therefor your question (as you keep insisting I brought the subject up I will emphasise the your again just to make it clear)

Which religion is Homosexuality allowed? [/Quote]


the answer is Buddhism.


Now would you mind answering my other questions please?

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Egypt does not allow any sort of FGM , or necrofila


any comments on why the media spouts out DISGUSTING lies about Islam?


I have a theory. could it be that the western world lets its women dress how they like, lets its people marry who they wish and dosent force religion on its children? could it be that the western world dosent get upset when its religion is mocked or scorned at? could it be that the western world is a pretty much at ease with everything, and does not go to war unless a country is under threat? could it be that not many westerners wish to blow innocent people to bits for no reason? yes, the western world has its nutters, murderers and generally bad people, but fanatics are not normal place in the west. this could be a reason why the media report on every thing that you claim.


women in Islam are free to mary who they wish


a reason why you see Muslim matrimonial add on the net is that the VAST majoity of arabs in north Africa meet their spouses on-line.



"and does not go to war unless a country is under threat?"





etc etc etc etc etc when did these countries attack England?



nato is blowing people up and daily basis , kids women and babies while they sleep in their mud brick homes some times.


but hey, even if you were right, which u are NOT,

it still dont justify making up lies does it?

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