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Disusting Mainstream Media Lies About Islam - Farewell Intercourse

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thank you for education in Buddism and homosexuality,

like i said if your happy thats fine.


Buddism / homo subject closed on my side thank you


Ok, thank you for that.


Now would you mind answering the rest of my questions so I can stop chasing you for the answers.


Here they are again (obviously ignore the Buddhism/homosexuality one)




---------- Post added 12-05-2013 at 20:48 ----------


Ooops, forgot one, those questions and


'unless you think the press has an agenda which they prioritise over making a profit, if you have evidence that this is the case please share it'

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any comments on the DISGUSTING lies by the mainstream media about Islam?


one poster said cuz the west has such high morals thats why the media makes up lies about the religion,


any more offers on why the media creates lies?


some one did say money a while ago, i pointed out that some newspapers lose money printing their propaganda.

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I must admit I was interested in the definition of a Great religion and why he thinks there are only 3. I asked, and he ignored.


I have been asking for days, and he has ignored.


Fortunately I'm blessed with a great streak of patience and do not get bored pursuing answers to questions I have asked people. I do however sometimes chuckle at the lengths some people will go to in order to avoid answering questions.

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name me a iraq who bombed us?

do the same with a person from Afganistan?




yet we are bombing their mud homes every day!

LIBYA. dont make me laugh. or cry! no proof libay behind pan am flight. ask the guy whos daughter was killed in the act.


any way your statement

""we do not go to war unless a country is under threat?"


is a BIG JOKE.


The last time England was under threat was during ww2.


As an ex british soldier, and still a reserve for the next few years yet, I find you repulsive and will no longer give you the time of day. you should be deeply ashamed of yourself. Dave Marshall, 4 Para, Leeds.

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As an ex british soldier, and still a reserve for the next few years yet, I find you repulsive and will no longer give you the time of day. you should be deeply ashamed of yourself. Dave Marshall, 4 Para, Leeds.


Im sorry to say Dave, war should be the last resort as war is Hell and to wage it on a people is putting the ultimate type of pain on some one.


the fact is the fact, Iraq Afghanistan and Libya have never been a threat to us or even attacked us. so your point that we dont go to war without reason is wrong.


no war has ever has a good reason , especially the current ones.


my thread was removed which explained how the country were terrorist do come from is usa best friend.


i will not be ashamed for opposing extreme violence which is war,

war is the most extreme form of violence.

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any comments on the DISGUSTING lies by the mainstream media about Islam?


one poster said cuz the west has such high morals thats why the media makes up lies about the religion,


any more offers on why the media creates lies?


some one did say money a while ago, i pointed out that some newspapers lose money printing their propaganda.


You did but that wasn't really an answer to the question I asked (which can be found in my previous post to you with the rest of the questions on)


Many, many businesses lose money and continue to trade, therefor your 'answer' wasn't really credible as you would have to demonstrate proof (which I did ask you for - guess what, still waiting for it) that the Mainstream media have an agenda over making profit.


Simply saying 'they lose money printing their stories' is not proof, if you think it is you would have to demonstrate why every single company who has had a period of negative equity has not ceased to trade.


If you can do that I would be most impressed.

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Andy , Dave said:

"could it be that the western world is a pretty much at ease with everything, and does not go to war unless a country is under threat?"



thats the biggest bit of BS all day i wud think.



dave didn't specify which country, but you said:




etc etc etc etc etc when did these countries attack England?


iraq was under threat, a fabricated threat, maybe. wmd's?

afghanistan? under threat from the taliban warlords?

libya? under threat from itself?


there may have been some dodgy reasons behind these wars but none have threatened england directly.


you have the wrong end of the stick. the west didn't go to war because the three countries you state were threatening england, but england intervened in those countries because of the threat each was facing.


or is dave right?


the way i feel about it now, nobody is right anymore, and everybody has got used to being wrong that it has become the norm.


myself included. i'm going for a smoke and a lie down...

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dave didn't specify which country, but you said:


iraq was under threat, a fabricated threat, maybe. wmd's?

afghanistan? under threat from the taliban warlords?

libya? under threat from itself?


there may have been some dodgy reasons behind these wars but none have threatened england directly.


you have the wrong end of the stick. the west didn't go to war because the three countries you state were threatening england, but england intervened in those countries because of the threat each was facing.







the way i feel about it now, nobody is right anymore, and everybody has got used to being wrong that it has become the norm.


myself included. i'm going for a smoke and a lie down...



iraq was bombed for over a decade from us , 500,000 children died due too sanction, can you imagine that?

your kids ill and just cuz your iraqi he/she would die due to sanction.


thats half million kids pal.


at least the Taliban kept heroin at a all time record low, unlike NATO who have pushed it 500% increase.


you cant justify libay bomb dropping also.


you cant justify any war unless you home was invaded.


the British army works for the USA.

and we all know who USA work for.





war is never right

the media and Gov work in tandum with each other


during iraq invasion all media was going with gov.


libya they said VIAGRA was being used to rape women , hence our bombing for nearly a year.


Afghanistan is all about herion , the numbers prove that

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any comments on the DISGUSTING lies by the mainstream media about Islam?



The crazy thing is you've publicised the stupid story to loads of people who'd never heard it before - a lot of us don't read the Dail Mail.


You are really not a good advert for Islam - you come across as aggressive, narrow minded and incapable of taking other peoples viewpoints on board - as well as talking nonsense on the "Golden Ration" (sic) thread.


It's almost as if you want people to dislike Islam.

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