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Are UKIP racist homophobes?

Are UKIP racist homophobes?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Are UKIP racist homophobes?

    • UKIP are racist.
    • UKIP are homophobes.
    • UKIP ae racist homophobes.
    • UKIP are neither racist nor homophobes.
    • UKIP are racist but I don't know if they are homophobes.
    • UKIP aren't racist but I don't know if they are homophobes.
    • Don't know.
    • Anarchism.

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Are we able to debate this on here without censorship and exercise free speech? If not its pointless joining in.



Your exercise to make a vote^^^^ is given..so not entirely pointless.

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Some of their members complain regularly about "political correctness gone mad" and "you can't say anthing nowadays", which often goes with a bigoted mentality.


UKIP, are not quite the masters of 'dog whistle politics' yet, remember the odious phrase from the Conservative election campaign when Michael Howard was leader of his party: "Are you thinking what we're thinking?" along with his extrodinary speech about "middle england being driven insane by poitical correctness".


Some UKIP members are not attuned to dog whistle politics yet, they still seem to prefer the bluntness of recent UKIP statements policies like:


All incoming immigrants should be “subject to health checks” for “communicable diseases”. UKIP 2005 manifesto.


Or prefer it when UKIP youth chairman Olly Neville was sacked for supporting same sex marraige.


If it looks bigoted, sounds bigoted, then chances are it is bigoted.

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Some of their members complain regularly about "political correctness gone mad" and "you can't say anthing nowadays", which often goes with a bigoted mentality.


UKIP, are not quite the masters of 'dog whistle politics' yet, remember the odious phrase from the Conservative election campaign when Michael Howard was leader of his party: "Are you thinking what we're thinking?" along with his extrodinary speech about "middle england being driven insane by poitical correctness".


Some UKIP members are not attuned to dog whistle politics yet, they still seem to prefer the bluntness of recent UKIP statements policies like:


All incoming immigrants should be “subject to health checks” for “communicable diseases”. UKIP 2005 manifesto.


Or prefer it when UKIP youth chairman Olly Neville was sacked for supporting same sex marraige.


If it looks bigoted, sounds bigoted, then chances are it is bigoted.


UKIP are gaining votes because a lot of people are fed up with the main three political parties, who have all pussy footed and skirted around the issue of immigration until very recently ..... British politics needs a kick up the backside and the likes of UKIP might provide it !

You like the word bigoted, but there is none so bigoted as those who call everyone who does not share their views bigoted :suspect:

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The clip is pretty funny, a passerby heckles Farage and says, "racist, homophobes". Farage replies, "well I don't think were homophobes".


Are UKIP racist?


Are they homophobes?

Looks like this one has not had the anti-ukip reaction you were looking for. I will not listen to graham Norton on radio two because i cant stand him does that makes me Homophobic or just a listener with taste?

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Looks like this one has not had the anti-ukip reaction you were looking for. I will not listen to graham Norton on radio two because i cant stand him does that makes me Homophobic or just a listener with taste?


I'm not against UKIP, I've met Farage and he is alright. I don't like Graham Norton either.


I just wanted to start a thread with the youtube link in the OP, I found it hilarious.

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No insult intended. The word freedom, it seems to me, is a cop out, it can mean anything to anyone who wants to use it.


The right to vote was obtained by people who sacrificed themselves to give you and me the right to elect those who govern us. Not some banal etherial concept of "freedom".


The fact that you neither (apparently) stand for election yourself o vote for those who most closely reflect your views is,in my opinion, a betrayal of those who have created the democracy you, hopefully, thrive in.


Please reflect on this and maybe you will accept that you should participate.


In principle you are correct, however, the voting system in this country is useless.

I believe I'm correct in stating that no Government since the Second World War has actually managed to achieve even fifty percent of all votes cast. Blair's Government was in power with an overwhelming Majority having obtained 42% of the votes.

This system won't change for one simple reason, it suits the parties that have gained power using it.


I have lived in my current home for 31 years next month. The same party has been voted in on each & every occasion an election has been held. For a number of years I voted, sometimes for the party in question, some times for other candidates. Made absolutely not a blind bit of difference to the end result.

That is why voter turnout in this country is pathetic.


Please explain why I should waste my time taking part in a completely meaningless charade?


As for UKIP no I don't think they are. They are appealing to the anti Europe anti Immigration crowd in order to attract populist support. In fact I don't think that they're a serious political party at all. Seems to me they will be happy to force the Tory's into a more right wing position by appealing to the Daily Mail type reactionaries & forcing the Conservatives to respond.

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Some of their members complain regularly about "political correctness gone mad" and "you can't say anthing nowadays", which often goes with a bigoted mentality.


UKIP, are not quite the masters of 'dog whistle politics' yet, remember the odious phrase from the Conservative election campaign when Michael Howard was leader of his party: "Are you thinking what we're thinking?" along with his extrodinary speech about "middle england being driven insane by poitical correctness".


Some UKIP members are not attuned to dog whistle politics yet, they still seem to prefer the bluntness of recent UKIP statements policies like:


All incoming immigrants should be “subject to health checks” for “communicable diseases”. UKIP 2005 manifesto.


Or prefer it when UKIP youth chairman Olly Neville was sacked for supporting same sex marraige.


If it looks bigoted, sounds bigoted, then chances are it is bigoted.


Bigoty, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, why is it bigotry to expect people coming to live in the UK to undertake health checks? TB is one of a number of diseases that is being spread in the UK as a result of immigrants bringing it in with them.


If it is UKIP policy to be against Gay "marraige" then clearly the youth chairman has to go if he refuses to support it. Certainly this "bigotry" is supported by the majority of the UK population including many gay people.


Why do people of the left accuse only the right of centre parties of bigotry? The lefts intolerance of people who wish to do the right thing and get on, who run thier own businesses, scrimp and save to send thier kids to good schools, dont claim benefits and are proud of being British seems just as bigoted to me.

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If it is UKIP policy to be against Gay "marraige" then clearly the youth chairman has to go if he refuses to support it. Certainly this "bigotry" is supported by the majority of the UK population including many gay people.


What are you basing that upon?

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