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Tory Spiv tells the truth

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Arch tory David Young has made plain an underlying principle of employment favoured by the conservatives - that 'low wage levels in a recession make larger financial returns easier to achieve'.


What he is making clear for all to see is the basic right wing principle that big businesses profit by exploiting ordinary people.


Young, was one of the champions of privatisation during Margaret Thatcher's first administration, and held cabinet posts including Secretary of State for Employment and Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. He was a Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party and one time president of the right wing Institute of Directors.


When Mr Cameron says that we are all in this together he is lying.


When the conservatives are in control, ordinary people suffer.

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Does he run a charity?


Does this profit just disappear or does it go to portfolios owned by pension companies who use it to pay for peoples retirement?


Is there really a difference between a pay rise and profit? Both are desirable, why is one exploitation while the other a right?

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Have you got a link for what is happening under the present government. You'll probably find it's a continuation of where Labour left off. The difference now is the brazen nature of it, and now we see that one senior Tory at least is not ashamed to admit it.


Sad times

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Does he run a charity?


Does this profit just disappear...?


Off shore, to the murky world of secrecy jurisdictions - that's Tax Havens!


I don't think there are many ordinary people looking forward to a comfortable retirement.

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You do understand that inequality getting worse and the poor getting richer are not mutually exclusive... don't you?


SpikeMac is absolutely correct.Once inflation - high interest rates throughout the 80s - and indirect taxation (VAT) rises,are taken into account, ordinary people have more in their pocket today, but have gained little or nothing in real terms.


Contrast this with the dramatic rise in the remuneration enjoyed by executives and major shareholders over the same period and you will notice an astonishing disparity. The rich have got much, much richer, whilst ordinary people have remained remarkably static in terms of purchasing power.

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the tories objective as always been for you to work for nothing.when all your wages are paid out on feeding your family,fuel bills,insurance, mortgage,water,and you have nothing left for yourself then they have achieved this.well done all you tories and all the workers who didnt vote

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