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Rotherham council treatment of a gay man

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I've told you the basics there is information RMBC hold on their systems that are incorrect and need removing my friends complained got no where what else do you need to know the information held us confidential giving you that does not change your answers where he goes next for help surely it would be the same whatever the information.

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RMBC when doing any repairs etc always send a feedback questionaire out ,on that form it asks the usual stuff ethnicity etc,it also asks your sexuality and religion, it is entirely your own choice if you answer said questions,I think I understand your issue its not that hes gay but its the fact that hes on the system as gay,maybe he has filled one of these forms in and thats where they have got the information from.

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The best suggestions that I can make are to seek advice from the citizens advice bureau first. They may “do the work for you” or they may guide & advise you how to do it yourself. In any event do keep in mind that most of the staff are volunteers, so any help is provided by people giving their time and effort freely to help you.


If you fail to resolve your issue via the CAB, I guess the only other option open to you is to use the service of a solicitor. Some provide the first half an hour for free.


Good luck.

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Well this has certainly been an interesting read.


Firstly I'll start by saying I suspect this is just a joke by the OP there seems to be too much emphasis on the fact its happening because he is GAY, we know this from the first few lines so why repeat it in pretty much every comment.


Secondly I live in Rotherham and agree that RMBC are not something we should all strive to be and probably never will be I would go as far as to say in my general opinion there pretty much useless, they don't care who you are or what your situation is its irrelevant so in my opinion just drop it because unless there is good proven evidence of sexual discrimination he's fighting a losing battle and probably making it worse for himself.


If im honest I do agree with a previous poster who said this guy is probably playing the "is it because im gay" card I personally have no issues with people who are gay but the card is used alot. My general theory is no it isnt because your gay its because your an idiot.


Finally to the OP I hope you have asked your friends permission before distrubiting all this information on a public forum because im not so sure I would be happy about a so called friend telling the public my story.

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I've told you the basics there is information RMBC hold on their systems that are incorrect and need removing my friends complained got no where what else do you need to know the information held us confidential giving you that does not change your answers where he goes next for help surely it would be the same whatever the information.


RMBC (like other public sector organisations) gather personal information from all their customers. The reason they collect such information is to ensure people aren't discriminated against because of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, skin colour or age. Individuals have the choice of whether to give them the information, but organisations have to ask.


If your friend is being treated less fairly than any other person in his situation purely on the grounds that he is gay, then he is being discriminated against, and should seek advice. As has been suggested, he could go an advice bureau, or a gay rights group.


If however he has made a complaint against the council, and is unhappy with the outcome, then the next step would be to contact the Local Government Ombudsman. http://www.lgo.org.uk/

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cant your friend get one of the gay rights groups to represent him at these meetings? surely one of these groups will have a solicitor on hand to know about discrimination rights.





jesus wept!!!:rolleyes: what a story! sounds like a real drama queen excuse the pun....whenever? has a council put information on its system for the sexual orientation of someone that they are gay bi, straight or not sure! NEVER i am fairly sure! its not that you are wound up about though is it :suspect: probably you and your friend wanted something and were told NO?????? housing ? and now you are playing the GAY card .....maybe a bit of compo?? i hear its all the rage at the moment, not only alleged victims of TV stars now the gays are jumping on the band waggon:rolleyes:



Wise to ignore this waffle ^^^^^

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jesus wept!!!:rolleyes: what a story! sounds like a real drama queen excuse the pun....whenever? has a council put information on its system for the sexual orientation of someone that they are gay bi, straight or not sure! NEVER i am fairly sure! its not that you are wound up about though is it :suspect: probably you and your friend wanted something and were told NO?????? housing ? and now you are playing the GAY card .....maybe a bit of compo?? i hear its all the rage at the moment, not only alleged victims of TV stars now the gays are jumping on the band waggon:rolleyes:


Do you think anybody does have a right to compensation?

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