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Bedroom Tax Sees Thousands More Claiming Council Funds: Is Spare Room Subsidy Costing Country MORE?



Revealed: Devastating impact of 'bedroom tax' sees huge leap in demand for emergency hardship handouts for tenants



Just some food for thought.


Thanks for the link Mike. It's truly unbelieveable - that cuts are costing the taxpayer more.


The Beaurau of Investigative Journalism found:

that £1.88bn – enough to build 72,000 homes in London – has gone on renting temporary accommodation in 12 of Britain’s biggest cities over the past four years.


And that's just in 12 cities in four years....:loopy:



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Where does it say in 25 of the Human Rights Act that social tenants with a spare room they dont need should not be charged more rent than vs those who have only the rooms they need?


Where does it say in 25 of the Human Right Act that a social tenant who has surplus space should not be forced to move out into something smaller and more suitable?


Social housing is there to provide a basic need to everyone. That's what it does. It does not have to provide anything extra to anyone.


You want extra rooms for no reason - pay for it. You dont or cant pay for it then look elsewhere (including private rental if necessary). I have always said that nobody should have an automatic right to state subsidised housing unless they REALLY need it anyway.




human rights states we got the same right like every one ells to bring the children up as we like fro no interference from outside the family that includes grand children 2 if its fro no fault of there own which its not its the governments fault for messing things up lets say IE ON FULL PAY descant wage i would not get punished for having a spare bedroom would i nope.. by the way private rental cost you a hell lot more than council in some cases 1 bedroom flat cost more than a 3 bedroom house where the madness behind that


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 20:47 ----------


Where does it say in 25 of the Human Rights Act that social tenants with a spare room they dont need should not be charged more rent than vs those who have only the rooms they need?


Where does it say in 25 of the Human Right Act that a social tenant who has surplus space should not be forced to move out into something smaller and more suitable?


Social housing is there to provide a basic need to everyone. That's what it does. It does not have to provide anything extra to anyone.


You want extra rooms for no reason - pay for it. You dont or cant pay for it then look elsewhere (including private rental if necessary). I have always said that nobody should have an automatic right to state subsidised housing unless they REALLY need it anyway.

If you pursue immigration you increase demand for housing.

With births exceeding deaths there will be an increase in demand for housing.

If you reduce stock you increase demand for housing.

If you demolish properties in order to increase the price of housing (via demand) you increase demand for housing.

If you sell off stock, you increase demand for the remaining stock.


It doesn't take a genius to see why demand has risen so much! Future demand could have been forecast by anybody with a working brain cell.


Sheffield's decline continues. And social problems are now rearing their ugly head. This is not, nor should it ever be called 'unexpected'.


Sheffield - a city on the move, due to a lack of secure affordable housing.

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Where does it say in 25 of the Human Rights Act that social tenants with a spare room they dont need should not be charged more rent than vs those who have only the rooms they need?


Where does it say in 25 of the Human Right Act that a social tenant who has surplus space should not be forced to move out into something smaller and more suitable?


Social housing is there to provide a basic need to everyone. That's what it does. It does not have to provide anything extra to anyone.


You want extra rooms for no reason - pay for it. You dont or cant pay for it then look elsewhere (including private rental if necessary). I have always said that nobody should have an automatic right to state subsidised housing unless they REALLY need it anyway.




human rights states we got the same right like every one ells to bring the children up as we like fro no interference from outside the family that includes grand children 2 if its fro no fault of there own which its not its the governments fault for messing things up lets say IE ON FULL PAY descant wage i would not get punished for having a spare bedroom would i nope.. by the way private rental cost you a hell lot more than council in some cases 1 bedroom flat cost more than a 3 bedroom house where the madness behind that




You can have children. If you have children and need a second bedroom state provides you with one. When your children have grown up and moved on state can take it away again. What's the problem with that.


They are providing you with what YOU NEED not just what you want.


Therefore, if you have a spare room and dont need it - pay extra.


Yes of course private rentals are more expensive. That's because of the nice big subsidised rent that council housing has. If council housing was at market rate with everything else in the real world people might think twice about hanging on to the unnecessary extra space.

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You can have children. If you have children and need a second bedroom state provides you with one. When your children have grown up and moved on state can take it away again. What's the problem with that.


They are providing you with what YOU NEED not just what you want.


Therefore, if you have a spare room and dont need it - pay extra.


Yes of course private rentals are more expensive. That's because of the nice big subsidised rent that council housing has. If council housing was at market rate with everything else in the real world people might think twice about hanging on to the unnecessary extra space.


where do your grand children stop wile your children go to work with a stranger nope grand children are family 2 you no are have you forgot that like i said we did not change the rule book plus private rentals are rip offs in London that where the cost going greedy landlords instead of building more council houses which in the long run would be cheaper than to keep paying out to private landlords .....also will get 1/2 of the people into work


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 21:01 ----------


this bedroom tax going to have a knock on affect's people will not have internet cannot afford it internet company's lose out . TV licence and a TV a be a luxury for the rich.. less to spend in the shops shops closing shop suppliers closing more job losses more people in the same boat how can the government think this way its common sense a 10 year old can do better (the world will have always people unemployed and sick so whey make them suffer


Something else that this government do which I don't agree with and if you post this please don't put my name to it. The council property we live in has my disabled partners name on the tenancy agreement. If when my daughter leaves sixth form goes into employment we will be charged rent and possible some council tax because she has an income. Me and my partner get full housing benefit and council tax so we would have to make our children pay what we get charged, because they are working and living under our roof as well as taking money from them which any normal parent would do for board, to contribute towards the meals they eat at home, the gas, electric and water which they use whilst living with us. As far as I am concerned our children's income from their employment is their income, their pay slip has their name on it not mine or my partners. Why would a young adult want to work all week to pay board which anyone would do but also pay for a property that isn't in their name? Then this government wonder why so many young ones don't want to work, yet they can't get a place of their own because there is a housing shortage, can't get a mortgage because they can't get any money saved up cos they are paying towards the property which is in a parents name. Makes me sick this government. I don't want my kids to leave home or be forced to move out, I keep telling my daughter to get into employment and stay at home and get some money saved up and move out when it is financially possible but they way things are going that isn't going to happen. What's everyone else's views on our kids having to pay for a council property they live in with their parents which doesn't have their name on the tenancy agreement?


It is bad enough that we have to pay for a so called spare room but adding council tax on top of this is just ridiculous,many of us are on the breadline as it is, not only that this is pushing many people over the edge making them ill with worry in fear of losing their homes not affording food and heating etc.Plus the law says you need X amount to live off right?So if i have to pay 20 quid a week for B.T & C.T i will be on below what the law says i need to live on,many of you have to pay more than that so who's breaking the law here?hmmmm




The ignorance around me, is more than I can bare

Your shallow little feelings, the way that you don’t care

Money in your pocket, your life is rather sweet

The roof above your head, the carpet at your feet


I am but a scrounger, I dont deserve a life

Im a lazy little fcker, Im the scum you push aside

I sit and claim my benefits, without a second thought

No pride is held within me, no shame have I been taught


So push me to the pavement, you’ve got me on the floor

I’ve conned you all for millions, I must have robbed the poor??

You think my life is like this, you don’t think I feel shame?

That I cannot provide a life, where money isn’t pain???


I’ve searched for work all over, I’ve cried myself to sleep

I’ve lived on just a pittance, I’ve starved so kids could eat..

I’ve worn my clothes till they were rags, the rain leaks through my shoes

I’ve half an empty shopping bag, I cannot pay my fuel..


You think that life is easy, that nothing can go wrong

Well I used to be just like you, but that was oh so long

I had the job, the money, I held my own for years

But life has got a funny way of giving you, your fears


It can happen in a second, that your life rolls down the drain

That you need a helping hand back from the taxes that you’ve paid

So don’t sit there and judge me when you haven’t got a clue

You think we’re all just scroungers but I used to be like you..


© 2013 D. Mahon


If you are one of the 5-6000 tenants affected please let me or someone else at the Unite Community Section know, we want to work with you to stop this happening.


There are 42,000 council tenants in Sheffield. Of these 27,000 are of working age (under 61). Of these 5-6000 tenants claiming housing benefit are designated as under occupying i.e. got too many bedrooms and need to pay more rent. If you are one of these people the first thing you need to do when you get your Change of Award letter is to check whether the number of type of people they say are living in your household and the number of bedrooms is correct.

If you cant pay the extra rent dont panic stay put. There are less than 2,000 one bedroom flats come vacant each year and they can be snapped up by people at the top of the waiting list. The council says that if, after trying to 'help' people to pay the extra rent fails, they will seek to evict. This means apply to County Court for a Possession Order. So think about it. Quite apart from the fact that it is wrong is it a realistic proposition to try and evict thousands of people?


If you pursue immigration you increase demand for housing.

With births exceeding deaths there will be an increase in demand for housing.

If you reduce stock you increase demand for housing.

If you demolish properties in order to increase the price of housing (via demand) you increase demand for housing.

If you sell off stock, you increase demand for the remaining stock.

It doesn't take a genius to see why demand has risen so much! Future demand could have been forecast by anybody with a working brain cell.

Sheffield's decline continues. And social problems are now rearing their ugly head. This is not, nor should it ever be called 'unexpected'......54% of Sheffield's affordable housing has been lost since 1980! (As of 2010 - and even more has be lost since then!) . I have to agree with no name here. It seems ludicrous that the Council, a body responsible for millions of tax payers money who budget on an annual basis for large capital projects, suddenly discovers it has 'run out of money'. What would have been the result if the Government discovered it had 'run out of money', for the 2012 Olympics?

governments favorite saying but the money ran out

I can appreciate the Government's desire to reduce costs and address the housing shortage at the same time, but is it a fair and rational decision to 'create' the benefit and housing anomalies, award housing within the policies designed, then penalise the recipients when time get tough? I don't think so.

Now I can almost hear the staunch supporters of this 'Political chest puffing, bank crisis diversionary tactic' asking the question as to what could or should be done? Well for a start, the amounts paid in bonuses to bankers for their part of the debt legacy, since 2010 would pay for the construction of over 2 million houses! Now, as the IPPR suggests a shortfall of housing in the UK by 2025 of 750,000 homes, even the most mathematically inept Politician could see that if we just taxed the bonuses by 75% for the next five years, the crisis could be wiped out in an instant. Invest this immediately in housing shortfall and infrastructure and the economy starts rolling again!

'It's not that easy' is probably the call. Well.........in short.......it is!! We just need some 'doers' as opposed to 'talkers' in control. Leave the bedroom tax for a dictatorship nation, start by awarding houses as per needs from now and remove homelessness and sleeping rough from our history books!

There are thousands upon thousands of people in Political positions who could make a difference. If only they would let go of their own self importance and focus on the people of this nation.


tell you my story like it are not.. me and wife decided not to have more children we got a boy and a girl reason for this from the last conservative government they sold of lot of council stock... destroyed the steel industry killed the miners .... plus wife poorly with her nerves now so have i got bad nerves.... we did not want to be a Borden on the state but if i known they was going to charge us bedroom tax i would have popt them out like mad wife cannot work to scared to answer a bloody phone are go out side on her own.... well wife would have popt children out like mad i forgot we men cannot have children .... so whey is the government attack the not so well of and feeding the rich the poor mans wagers and stamping on the poor

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What a load of crock.


Im sorry, but you are coming across as someone who is blaming the government for NOT funding your lifestyle. Blaming the government for not providing a nice subsidised property. Blaming the government for apparently not allowing you to have more children.


WAKE UP. Society does not owe you a lifestyle.


We are talking about deductions of around £14-£20 a week to SOME individuals not hundreds of pounds. I dont see the retailers and television companies quivering just yet.


The majority of us are feeling the pinch. However, only a minorty get council housing with others not getting a look in all thier lives. Why should they pay more just to fund others unnecessarily.


You are talking about grandchilden - why should they not remain at their parents home whilst mummy and daddy are out at work? Why do grandma and grandad need state funded spare rooms too.


Why do you assume that third and fourth generation of family will ALL be in state funded housing. I keep saying, it should be provided for those who NEED it.


Once circumstances change eg: they can afford their own home or rent privatley then it should be taken away and given to another generation of those who need it.


A rented council house is not yours. Never has been, never will be.


Some people need to shape up and learn that.

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ooo get lost Tory 20 pound may not be allot to you but to someone that got very little its allot we not all on 500 pounds a week a couples like the government states we lucky if we see 140 a week a couple 90 pounds rent that's 230 a week total and if you singly of 73 pounds a week 20 pounds out of that is a fffing allot of money

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What a load of crock.


Im sorry, but you are coming across as someone who is blaming the government for NOT funding your lifestyle. Blaming the government for not providing a nice subsidised property. Blaming the government for apparently not allowing you to have more children.


WAKE UP. Society does not owe you a lifestyle.


We are talking about deductions of around £14-£20 a week to SOME individuals not hundreds of pounds. I dont see the retailers and television companies quivering just yet.


The majority of us are feeling the pinch. However, only a minorty get council housing with others not getting a look in all thier lives. Why should they pay more just to fund others unnecessarily.


You are talking about grandchilden - why should they not remain at their parents home whilst mummy and daddy are out at work? Why do grandma and grandad need state funded spare rooms too.


Why do you assume that third and fourth generation of family will ALL be in state funded housing. I keep saying, it should be provided for those who NEED it.


Once circumstances change eg: they can afford their own home or rent privatley then it should be taken away and given to another generation of those who need it.


A rented council house is not yours. Never has been, never will be.


Some people need to shape up and learn that.


£14-20 could be the difference between having food on the table or going hungry.


Face facts. While the concept of charging for unused rooms isn't fundamentally flawed, it should have been applied to new allocations only. Trying to retrospectively apply the rules is turning into a disaster

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£14-20 could be the difference between having food on the table or going hungry.


Face facts. While the concept of charging for unused rooms isn't fundamentally flawed, it should have been applied to new allocations only. Trying to retrospectively apply the rules is turning into a disaster


((((thank you i total agree))) but member no one will take pride in there living space like the noob above states all the time its not there house so why should thy bother carpeting it are wall papering it after all its not there house


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 22:13 ----------


May i remind you 3/4 of the people in them houses are disabled and no thy do not get away with out paying most of them have to pay also the tax payer own them houses not the government are the councils the tax payer i paid tax in the past so i own a little of my house >>>> that's to the ecco noob above


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 22:17 ----------




---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 22:24 ----------




---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 22:26 ----------


by the way look up martin farrall on the you tube you find out the council corrupt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMRfSDw06cs


---------- Post added 26-05-2013 at 23:03 ----------


there many pensioner over 65 in a 3 bedroom house are a 2 bedroom house that's on there own i no there paid tax so have i thy do not have to pay extra why thy cannot move out there no houses to down size 2 i do not begrudge pensioner in them houses whats fair for 1 is fair for every one ells and do not dare take houses of the pensioner build more and stop talking poop ecconoob

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there many pensioner over 65 in a 3 bedroom house are a 2 bedroom house that's on there own i no there paid tax so have i thy do not have to pay extra why thy cannot move out there no houses to down size 2 i do not begrudge pensioner in them houses whats fair for 1 is fair for every one ells and do not dare take houses of the pensioner build more and


Of everything you've typed, this [as I understand it] is the ONLY half-sensible thing you've written.


The rest I'd like to post back in time for submission into the Beveridge Report.

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