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Bedroom Tax megathread

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What do you mean if? Don't you mean when it is discovered.....and then quietly swept under the carpet and/or spun to remove blame.


Afterall isn't half the reason we went into Iraq because the US gave them Anthrax in the 80's or something?




A quick look on google and it looks like everyone and their mother was supplying Iraq with tools, materials, information and engineers for nuclear, chemical and biological warefare.

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What do you mean if? Don't you mean when it is discovered.....and then quietly swept under the carpet and/or spun to remove blame.


Afterall isn't half the reason we went into Iraq because the US gave them Anthrax in the 80's or something?




A quick look on google and it looks like everyone and their mother was supplying Iraq with tools, materials, information and engineers for nuclear, chemical and biological warefare.


Point taken. Better stay on topic of the Bedroom Tax, otherwise the Mods will intervene.

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Do the favellas in Brazil, where Mrs Rolnik comes from, have a "bedroom tax"?


What has that got to do with anything? Would you refuse to be treated by a foreign doctor because the country he/she was from had more people with chronic illness than here?

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I think you've completely misses the point.


---------- Post added 14-09-2013 at 11:43 ----------


Anyway back on track, Labour have now come out and said they will abolish it if they get in power.




So I guess this is one thing to watch, if they get in will they be able to keep their promise????

The money has gotta come from somewhere right??

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I think you've completely misses the point.


---------- Post added 14-09-2013 at 11:43 ----------


Anyway back on track, Labour have now come out and said they will abolish it if they get in power.




So I guess this is one thing to watch, if they get in will they be able to keep their promise????

The money has gotta come from somewhere right??


The top rate of tax is nowhere near high enough. I started work in 1964, the BOTTOM rate was 36%............we paid it and got services. We built the NHS, the Welfare State, in fact all the things the Torys hate.

Torys don't want ordinary Joe Public to enjoy any benefits or rights or a decent job or free healthcare. All they do is bleed people and hand cash back to their rich pals. When the top rate of tax was MUCH higher not many people left our shores, they stayed and worked hard.

Labour will not sort out the probem, Milliband is just a Tory in disguise.

The high earners must pay more tax............simples.

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The top rate of tax is nowhere near high enough. I started work in 1964, the BOTTOM rate was 36%............we paid it and got services. We built the NHS, the Welfare State, in fact all the things the Torys hate.

Torys don't want ordinary Joe Public to enjoy any benefits or rights or a decent job or free healthcare. All they do is bleed people and hand cash back to their rich pals. When the top rate of tax was MUCH higher not many people left our shores, they stayed and worked hard.

Labour will not sort out the probem, Milliband is just a Tory in disguise.

The high earners must pay more tax............simples.


Ohhhh, you are a simple soul... nope, anyone earning good money will go abroad, as most musicians and actors, racing drivers etc did when tax rates were ludicrous. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, NO ONE has to base his business here - he can establish tax domicile anywhere in the world with a low rate, such as Monaco, Gibraltar, Caymans, etc. and still earn money here. Why do you think the Revenue agreed a deal with Mohammed Al Fayed (Harrods owner) that he need not submit accounts, but just pay them a flat £100k a year? Because, dummy, they knew he could just as easily shift his tax domicile to Monaco and pay nothing. While still running Harrods.


There is a lot of truth in the saying that Governments treat their common citizens as a bullying husband treats a downtrodden wife: "You WILL do this" etc. Because she and they, usually have no option but to do as they are told. But Govts treat rich businessmen as a rich man treats a new mistress - she is spoiled, treated, made to feel welcome - why? Because she (and they) can GO ELSEWHERE..... Higher taxes mean, in this day and age, less revenue. See Amazon, Starbucks, etc...

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Ohhhh, you are a simple soul... nope, anyone earning good money will go abroad, as most musicians and actors, racing drivers etc did when tax rates were ludicrous. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, NO ONE has to base his business here - he can establish tax domicile anywhere in the world with a low rate, such as Monaco, Gibraltar, Caymans, etc. and still earn money here. Why do you think the Revenue agreed a deal with Mohammed Al Fayed (Harrods owner) that he need not submit accounts, but just pay them a flat £100k a year? Because, dummy, they knew he could just as easily shift his tax domicile to Monaco and pay nothing. While still running Harrods.


There is a lot of truth in the saying that Governments treat their common citizens as a bullying husband treats a downtrodden wife: "You WILL do this" etc. Because she and they, usually have no option but to do as they are told. But Govts treat rich businessmen as a rich man treats a new mistress - she is spoiled, treated, made to feel welcome - why? Because she (and they) can GO ELSEWHERE..... Higher taxes mean, in this day and age, less revenue. See Amazon, Starbucks, etc...

simple just stop them earning money here :roll:
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The top rate of tax is nowhere near high enough. I started work in 1964, the BOTTOM rate was 36%


So over your working life the tax rate has significantly dropped??


Now you're retired you want it hiked back up to cover your pension and medical bills???


Well good luck with that :D

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The top rate of tax used to be 9%. And people thought that was far too high! Seriously, we have gone mad as a people. We expect the government to do everything for us, up to and including wipe our kids arses. As a result so many people have become infantilized. So we have children starting school not toilet trained, unable to speak, sit up unaided, eat with cutlery, not even knowing their own name. Why? Because their parents see it as the governments job to teach them.


I read an article about the bedroom tax earlier on an american site. People were dumbfounded when it was explained to them what the "bedroom tax" was and that some British people thought they were entitled to free rooms at government expense and were up in arms at the thought of having to pay £14 for them. Somewhere we have completely lost sight of reality in this country. We have grown adults whining like children who's parents have told them they are too old for pocket money and need to get jobs if they want to have nice things.

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