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Bedroom Tax megathread

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it's derisory, isn't it? :o


I think so, but as always, you can't be sure how much media spin was put on this. It could be that they were asked if they would like an egg at Easter time and not related to the BT. Mind you, the Metro paper is published by the Daily Mail owners and they would probably enjoy sticking the boot into poor people

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I see they're are now trying to compensate people affected by the Bedroom Tax by giving them a creme egg according to this morning's Metro paper (Front page)


If you read the article properly you will see that the Creme Egg is being given to every tennant of a particular housing company who have paid their rent punctually for a given period of time. They are not singling out people who have had reductions in benefits as they are living in a house too big for them.


The headline was as misleading as if it had been "immigrants given free Creme Egg". You would be on here railing about misleading press headlines causing resentment, you have to apply standards equally.


However, I find the general tone of your post (and the subsequent one) baffling. These people are being given free or subsidised housing, they should be incredibly grateful. I grew up on the welfare state and am grateful that I had food and a roof paid for me.


They do not have to take this Creme Egg. If anyone (effected by the Housing Benefit Legislation or not) doesn't want to have a Creme Egg then they don't have to.

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If you read the article properly you will see that the Creme Egg is being given to every tennant of a particular housing company who have paid their rent punctually for a given period of time. They are not singling out people who have had reductions in benefits as they are living in a house too big for them.


The headline was as misleading as if it had been "immigrants given free Creme Egg". You would be on here railing about misleading press headlines causing resentment, you have to apply standards equally.


However, I find the general tone of your post (and the subsequent one) baffling. These people are being given free or subsidised housing, they should be incredibly grateful. I grew up on the welfare state and am grateful that I had food and a roof paid for me.


They do not have to take this Creme Egg. If anyone (effected by the Housing Benefit Legislation or not) doesn't want to have a Creme Egg then they don't have to.


They might not be singling people out but the bedroom tax will have cost some people hundreds of quid already. A creme egg is not much in the way of compensation.

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yes well matey boy thats life isnt it, haves and have nots and if you get off your backside you tend to end up with the haves! if you leave there sat eating maccy ds whilst watching jeremy kyle you stay with the have nots.

this benefit reduction is a just measure in these times.

no i dont "get off" on it in fact i help people who help themselves and as for Torys being sad and not creating anything thats a laugh, Tories have created most of the Uks economy for years and continue to do so.................so the welfare is paid. you deluded pseudo socialist :roll:


Climb out of your pram

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the egg was a reward for paying the bedroom tax....only a creme egg....not very generous....


No it wasn't. Try reading the article.


Also there is no Tax to pay!! I pay rent, I don't call it tax. No one has paid any extra tax as a result of this legislation.


They might not be singling people out but the bedroom tax will have cost some people hundreds of quid already. A creme egg is not much in the way of compensation.


It was never intended to be compensation. Who the hell gets compensation for paying their rent? Since the legislation was bought in, my rent has cost me thousands of pounds, not hundreds.

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No it wasn't. Try reading the article.


Also there is no Tax to pay!! I pay rent, I don't call it tax. No one has paid any extra tax as a result of this legislation.




It was never intended to be compensation. Who the hell gets compensation for paying their rent? Since the legislation was bought in, my rent has cost me thousands of pounds, not hundreds.


Actually it is compensation in the sense that it's a recognition of the sacrifices made and perhaps suffering endured in meeting payments. Not a legal payment as such but something that intended to recognise some kind of loss.


I honestly don't care what you have paid in rent. It's irrelevant.

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Actually it is compensation in the sense that it's a recognition of the sacrifices made and perhaps suffering endured in meeting payments. Not a legal payment as such but something that intended to recognise some kind of loss.


I honestly don't care what you have paid in rent. It's irrelevant.



Read the article, please.


It is not compensation, but a sign of gratitude for everyone who has paid their rent on time. What makes you think it is a "recognition of sacrifice"?


I think you are making this up to support your stance on the "bedroom tax" when the decision to give Creme Eggs had nothing to do with it.

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