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Bedroom Tax megathread

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Read the article, please.


It is not compensation, but a sign of gratitude for everyone who has paid their rent on time. What makes you think it is a "recognition of sacrifice"?


I think you are making this up to support your stance on the "bedroom tax" when the decision to give Creme Eggs had nothing to do with it.


Yes I read several articles on it, and one says this.


The letter signed by V2C's head of neighbourhoods Nigel Draper said: "The bedroom tax was introduced just over a year ago and Valleys to Coast Housing would like to thank you for your efforts to pay this shortfall.


"V2C understands that this has been a challenging time and wants to recognise your payment efforts."


The letter, if you have seen it, specifically mentions the bedroom tax and recognises increased costs met by families. It is even titled 'Recognition of your efforts towards your Bedroom Tax'. It is sent to people who have met their bedroom tax obligations and recognises the challenges involved. A creme egg is part of the reward.


I don't think it's right for you to accuse others of not having read articles when you haven't done so yourself. Your face saving efforts on this boil down to your limited interpretation of what the word 'compensation ' means.

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Yes I read several articles on it, and one says this.


The letter signed by V2C's head of neighbourhoods Nigel Draper said: "The bedroom tax was introduced just over a year ago and Valleys to Coast Housing would like to thank you for your efforts to pay this shortfall.


"V2C understands that this has been a challenging time and wants to recognise your payment efforts."


The letter, if you have seen it, specifically mentions the bedroom tax and recognises increased costs met by families. It is even titled 'Recognition of your efforts towards your Bedroom Tax'. It is sent to people who have met their bedroom tax obligations and recognises the challenges involved. A creme egg is part of the reward.


I don't think it's right for you to accuse others of not having read articles when you haven't done so yourself. Your face saving efforts on this boil down to your limited interpretation of what the word 'compensation ' means.



Wow, I have just googled the article and you are right. I read the original print article and I am 99% sure that the letter was not included. Strange!


But I stand corrected and apoloigise

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Don't even try with this mate. I have explained this in detail on this thread but the "give me, give me, give me" brigade will not accept this.

I'm not arguing here that benefit reduction is or isn't a Good Thing- merely that it's not a tax.

But I agree with you that such facts do not commend themselves to certain people!

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But no matter what "V2C" says, there is no such thing as a bedroom tax.


Technically it isn't but in practical terms it has the same impact as a tax.


The coalition hadn't helped with the language used. They have described as a subsidy when really it is a benefits reduction. The subsidy language is confusing - it implies somebody is paying something but nobody pays anything - they have it deducted at source from benefits.


Both government and opposition are guilty of not describing the benefits change in the right way. IMO if the government is trying to dress up a benefits cut as a subsidy it's fair game.

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It is but three or four years ago my nan was under pressure to give up her 2 bedroom house for a 1 bedroom flat. So this isn't new.


Going back even further to 1999 my mum had the same pressure. She was happy to move though as it was much cheaper to run a smaller house.


Going from a big house to a small house, how do you fit all your furniture? what about the friends, neighbours you have known and rely on? The Bedroom Tax is ludicrous!!


---------- Post added 04-05-2014 at 00:38 ----------


£57 a week - £14 bedroom tax = £43 , Gas, Electricity, Food, Clothes = Cant be done!!!

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Going from a big house to a small house, how do you fit all your furniture? what about the friends, neighbours you have known and rely on? The Bedroom Tax is ludicrous!

...except that the move's consequences is wholly unrelated to the "Bedroom Tax" (which doesn't even exist).

Anyone downsizing- rich or poor- has to grapple with over-furniturisation and the fracturing of relationships.

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  • 2 months later...

The LibDems have withdrawn their support for the Bedroom Tax because they say it's unfair.


"Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said it was clear the policy was unfair and was not working and said: "I think when something isn't working, you fix it.""


What, he's only just worked that out? But of course, there's an election next year.



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The question is are they actually going to try and fix it before the general election.


IMO if they don't sort it out then it will be a massive stick for Labour to beat them with, as they've already said they intend to drop it.

(They also freely admitted they still don't know how they're going to balance the budget tho)

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