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Bedroom Tax megathread

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So that means they shouldnt change the system to make it fair across the board , IE social and private renting receive the same housing benefit. ? Just because the system has favoured social tenants dosnt mean it has to continue that way . Why should people in private rental properties have to pay for spare bedrooms themselves while people in social housing continue to have their spare rooms paid for by the tax payer. ?


If the system favours social tenants, then why does this privileged group remain poor.


When blacks were enslaved, and white people were favoured, the whites got rich on the back of the blacks.


Social tenants and private tenants remain poor. They are not getting rich off of the backs of others.


The system favours landowners and landlords. It is they who get rich off of the backs of others.


In modern slavery;


Tenants are the blacks, and landowners and landlords are the whites.

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So that means they shouldnt change the system to make it fair across the board , IE social and private renting receive the same housing benefit. ? Just because the system has favoured social tenants dosnt mean it has to continue that way . Why should people in private rental properties have to pay for spare bedrooms themselves while people in social housing continue to have their spare rooms paid for by the tax payer. ?


I agree it could be made fairer. I don't agree that it should be retrospective. The way to launch this was with new allocations.

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Pensioners aren't affected by the change in HB...


That's unfair.

Definitely a case of age discrimination here. I hope the government are taken to court as a result of exempting pensioners from the bedroom tax.

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If the system favours social tenants, then why does this privileged group remain poor.


When blacks were enslaved, and white people were favoured, the whites got rich on the back of the blacks.


Social tenants and private tenants remain poor. They are not getting rich off of the backs of others.


The system favours landowners and landlords. It is they who get rich off of the backs of others.


In modern slavery;


Tenants are the blacks, and landowners and landlords are the whites.


Who said owt about tenants remaining poor. ? This is about social tenants being brought into line with private tenants where housing benefit is concerned. Social tenants should NOT get their spare bedrooms paid for while private tenants have to pay for them out of their own pocket.


This has nowt to do with landlords. If a rent for a property is £500 per month a landlord dosnt care how its paid or what percentage is paid by housing benefit or if its all paid by the tenant as long as the rent is paid each month.

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Who said owt about tenants remaining poor. ? This is about social tenants being brought into line with private tenants where housing benefit is concerned. Social tenants should NOT get their spare bedrooms paid for while private tenants have to pay for them out of their own pocket.


This has nowt to do with landlords. If a rent for a property is £500 per month a landlord dosnt care how its paid or what percentage is paid by housing benefit or if its all paid by the tenant as long as the rent is paid each month.


Probably under labour the social tenants were coining it in...with all those benefits...for doing naff all...

now the boot is on the other foot....they are not a happy bunch...

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Ian Duncan Smith spends £39.00 on a breakfast while this grandmother committed suicide, as a result of struggling to find £25.00 per week as a result of his bedroom tax policy.



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Nobody on here seemed to be bothered about the rise in suicides from 2008-2010.


And the Samaritans said:


Keep repeating that, people forget the fact very easily.


Using the occasion of someone's suicide for political point scoring in light of that fact is, well, pointless.

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Article 25.


(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Tenants are the blacks, and landowners and landlords are the whites.


It's really not that black and white though, is it? Although maybe you could have children with your landlord, and that way in 200 years a tenant might become PM!

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