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Bedroom Tax megathread

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This saturday there's a march outside city hall starts at 11'O clock, against bedroom tax. Personally I think these marches would achieve more if they were happening when the council where open, rather than on a Saturday, but it is still good that the momentum is still going,

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A pensioner can contact their children if they are suffering hardship, or even move in with them.


Which leads us back to where were her children while she was starving and struggling? The Samaritans were right when they said the bedroom tax wasn't the single factor in this suicide.


Stories with headlines like this induce a great deal of rage and anger. But when you look further into it you find things aren't how the media portray them.

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Which leads us back to where were her children while she was starving and struggling? The Samaritans were right when they said the bedroom tax wasn't the single factor in this suicide.


Stories with headlines like this induce a great deal of rage and anger. But when you look further into it you find things aren't how the media portray them.


by the same token it was partly to blame.

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This saturday there's a march outside city hall starts at 11'O clock, against bedroom tax. Personally I think these marches would achieve more if they were happening when the council where open, rather than on a Saturday, but it is still good that the momentum is still going,


Just an excuse for the usual suspects to get together . There will be the Socialist workers party, The Greens, sheffield Uncut, Occupy ( they might even bring a tent) , and a few professional agitators looking for a fight with the Police.

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Just an excuse for the usual suspects to get together . There will be the Socialist workers party, The Greens, sheffield Uncut, Occupy ( they might even bring a tent) , and a few professional agitators looking for a fight with the Police.


And then there will be the foam flecked brigade on here bitching and moaning about the 'usual suspects'.

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First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Which leads us back to where were her children while she was starving and struggling? The Samaritans were right when they said the bedroom tax wasn't the single factor in this suicide.


Stories with headlines like this induce a great deal of rage and anger. But when you look further into it you find things aren't how the media portray them.


That's OK then.

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Er, what bit?

What you have just written can also be applied to someone living on JSA at £71.00 a week, half the amount a pensioner lives on. Out of this comes £10-25.00 bedroom tax.

A pensioner can contact their children if they are suffering hardship, or even move in with them.


You've marked the bit in bold I was saying would be the correct approach, but itsn't the one they've opted for.

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The problem I have with the bedroom tax is the government's complete lack of recognition that peoples' lives change - doh ! People have kids , they grow up and leave the family home . And the disabled suffer yet again from arbitrary legislation from Westminster , from folk who have never experienced caring for someone with a disability .


Where are all these single-room apartments , all these one-bed houses ? They are non-existent , so scrap this pathetic "tax" and start considering how best to deal with the housing crisis in a more pragmatic manner .

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