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Here's one for the religious..

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The church believed that animals were created by god to fulfil a specific need. Once this need was over, the animal died out and vanished. God then created a new animal. This is wrong and proven in science by the Darwin / Wallace's theory of evolution. The bible and the church has no concept of evolution for obvious reasons.


Maybe if you didn't take the Bible literally you could believe in both evolution and God?

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Maybe if you didn't take the Bible literally you could believe in both evolution and God?


if you don't take the bible on its word, what is the bible other than a bunch of stories that have little if any relevance in the modern world.

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Who think they can back up their claims with science.


I'm getting a little bit bored of certain religious posters claiming science provides proof that their religion is true then when they are questioned on it mysteriously disappearing from the forum or blatantly avoiding the questions.


So here is a thread where if you genuinely believe that science provides evidence that your religion in true you can post your claims with the aim of allowing open debate on them.


If no one posts I will simply take it that you don't have the evidence you claim and you are a lying toe rag who has 0% faith and more than likely belongs to some cultish off shoot of a mainstream religion.


This isn't an attack on people of faith - it's specifically to debate those who claim that there is evidence to show what they believe is true.


The ball court is now open.


Er... No. If no one posts, maybe it's because they have 100% faith, so don't feel any need to use science to suppoprt their view.

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if you don't take the bible on its word, what is the bible other than a bunch of stories that have little if any relevance in the modern world.


We are seeing a radicalised Islam and a resurgent Christian right, religious tension on a global scale, and Israel located right in the middle of a geopolitical minefield.


I think those stories still have some power left. And as many a politician has found, ignore them at your peril. Just try getting elected as President of the United States of America as an Atheist.

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if you don't take the bible on its word, what is the bible other than a bunch of stories that have little if any relevance in the modern world.


You need to direct that question to someone believes that the Bible is Gods message, rather than his literal words. I cannot speak for them.

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Er... No. If no one posts, maybe it's because they have 100% faith, so don't feel any need to use science to suppoprt their view.


Erm yes, because the o/p is specifially aimed at those religious who think science does support their view.

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The church believed that animals were created by god to fulfil a specific need. Once this need was over, the animal died out and vanished. God then created a new animal. This is wrong and proven in science by the Darwin / Wallace's theory of evolution. The bible and the church has no concept of evolution for obvious reasons.


Why does the church think this? Is it backed up by scripture? I'm genuinely interested in this as I've never heard it before.

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