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Here's one for the religious..

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My score


Excessive social anxiety: 1 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Odd beliefs or magical thinking: 0 out of 7 (unsure: 0)

Unusual perceptual experiences: 3 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Odd or eccentric behavior: 1 out of 7 (unsure: 0)

No close friends: 1 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Odd speech : 1.5 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Constricted affect: 0 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Suspiciousness: 0 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Total SPQ-A: 7.5 out of 74


What does that mean?


You've scored low which I did expect because you've described yourself to me previously as an atheist who's more interested in the philosophy than the religious parts of Buddhism. You've also said you have no family history regarding religion. You do seem to have some moderate metamagical thinking when it comes to your perception of reality so perhaps you're exploring this?


Having chosen a religion that's outside western culture I would have expected you to score a little higher on the more unsocial categories, but perhaps you've chosen a religion based on the more modern western perspective that it offers community or individuation through association rather than the religious need for sanctuary.


Prior to receiving your answers I was expecting you to score in the teens/ early twenties. As you can probably tell, I'm not a psychiatrist :hihi: and I don't know you well so this is just pop psychology, only you know the real answers here.


I was interested to note that one of the two Islamic fundamentalists that were involved in the recent terror attack was described as having OCD on the news the other day.


---------- Post added 27-05-2013 at 10:12 ----------


Nope, not at all. Why should I feel bad? My conscience is free from association with the control and murder of fellow human beings, do the main religious groups feel bad about the atrocities and persecution committed in the name of their 'God'?


Have you considered at all who you're associated with as an atheist- do you really think you have no association with mass murder?-


- Napoleon Bonaparte, self-confessed atheist who murdered 6 million Europeans during his Imperial expansion.


- Than Shwe, atheist dictator of Burma who employs child soldiers and uses forced labour.


- Kim Jong Il- former atheist dictator of North Korea confined 250,000 dissidents to torture camps.


- Mussolini, atheist dictator of Italy during WWII- committed genocide in Yugoslavia, gassed huge numbers of religious leaders in Ethiopia within concentration camps.


- Pol Pot, atheist- murdered 2 million Cambodians.


- Joseph Stalin, atheist- murdered up to 60 million Russians, up to 10 million Ukranians and shot as many as 100,000 priests, monks and nuns in one year.


Would you like me to continue or do you get the message?

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Quite worrying that people still believe in a God in this day and age.


Religion should be treat with the contempt it deserves, furthermore, people who take it seriously should be sectioned under the mental health act. Brainwashed idiots.


My conscience is free from association with the control and murder of fellow human beings, do the main religious groups feel bad about the atrocities and persecution committed in the name of their 'God'?


Perhaps no guilt should be felt, but you have to question your association with the religious nutters.


I'm not totally against spirituality, the human consciousness is wonderful and should be celebrated & explored, but with perhaps an open mind and the right to individuality.


Religion, however, is a run away cancer on humanity. It divides societies for no other reason than people believing in a different fairy tale to their own.


Makes me laugh when people discuss a crime in the name of Allah, and question whether the act was religiously motivated, or whether the suspect has a mental illness, as if there is any difference between the two.

This is a Country with a cross section of people with various beliefs. Those with the religious beliefs you are so eager to demonise are present in all walks of life and every occupation, that would also include the military and those involved in the treatment of the mentally ill (I refer to your "sectioned under the mental health act" comment)

Would you be thinking about what some ones beliefs were if you ever needed medical treatment or any other service you may require.

Open your own mind if that's possible, because you certainly need to.

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You've scored low which I did expect because you've described yourself to me previously as an atheist who's more interested in the philosophy than the religious parts of Buddhism. You've also said you have no family history regarding religion. You do seem to have some moderate metamagical thinking when it comes to your perception of reality so perhaps you're exploring this?


Having chosen a religion that's outside western culture I would have expected you to score a little higher on the more unsocial categories, but perhaps you've chosen a religion based on the more modern western perspective that it offers community or individuation through association rather than the religious need for sanctuary.


Prior to receiving your answers I was expecting you to score in the teens/ early twenties. As you can probably tell, I'm not a psychiatrist :hihi: and I don't know you well so this is just pop psychology, only you know the real answers here.


I was interested to note that one of the two Islamic fundamentalists that were involved in the recent terror attack was described as having OCD on the news the other day.


---------- Post added 27-05-2013 at 10:12 ----------



Have you considered at all who you're associated with as an atheist- do you really think you have no association with mass murder?-


- Napoleon Bonaparte, self-confessed atheist who murdered 6 million Europeans during his Imperial expansion.


- Than Shwe, atheist dictator of Burma who employs child soldiers and uses forced labour.


- Kim Jong Il- former atheist dictator of North Korea confined 250,000 dissidents to torture camps.


- Mussolini, atheist dictator of Italy during WWII- committed genocide in Yugoslavia, gassed huge numbers of religious leaders in Ethiopia within concentration camps.


- Pol Pot, atheist- murdered 2 million Cambodians.


- Joseph Stalin, atheist- murdered up to 60 million Russians, up to 10 million Ukranians and shot as many as 100,000 priests, monks and nuns in one year.


Would you like me to continue or do you get the message?



I'm not associated with anyone for not believing in something there is no evidence of, I am only an atheist by definition.


I am sure a lot of people who don't believe in pink unicorns are the worst sort.


What an absolutely ridiculous argument that you mentalists always pull out of the bag, hardly surprising when you haven't got a leg to stand on.

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This is a Country with a cross section of people with various beliefs. Those with the religious beliefs you are so eager to demonise are present in all walks of life and every occupation, that would also include the military and those involved in the treatment of the mentally ill (I refer to your "sectioned under the mental health act" comment)

Would you be thinking about what some ones beliefs were if you ever needed medical treatment or any other service you may require.

Open your own mind if that's possible, because you certainly need to.



My mind has been open to religion, and I've heard enough to come to the conclusion that it is nonsense.


To answer your question, yes I would rather employ an atheist over a theist.


Common sense goes a long way in my book.

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Ideas of reference: 0 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Excessive social anxiety: 0.5 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Odd beliefs or magical thinking: 0 out of 7 (unsure: 0)

Unusual perceptual experiences: 0 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Odd or eccentric behavior: 0 out of 7 (unsure: 0)

No close friends: 2 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Odd speech : 1 out of 9 (unsure: 0)

Constricted affect: 1 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Suspiciousness: 0.5 out of 8 (unsure: 0)

Total SPQ-A: 5 out of 74


My score.


Wouldn`t god be the biggest mass murderer of all time. The religious always say its gods will so out of the estimated 60 billion humans that have ever walked the earth he would be responsible for 60 billion deaths.

By association all religious people worship a mass murdering lunatic!! :confused:


A god would be so nice he would already have let 15000 children starve to death just today alone. Its gods will though so it doesn`t matter.



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I am only an atheist by definition.

Which definition is that then?

I think you are having a problem distinguishing the theists from the atheists on this thread.


My mind has been open to religion, and I've heard enough to come to the conclusion that it is nonsense.


To answer your question, yes I would rather employ an atheist over a theist.


Common sense goes a long way in my book.

You totally missed the point I was making.

How would you know who you employed was an atheist or a theist, would you ask them?

"Common sense"- you've got it in bucketloads haven't you?


I'm doing a very good job at increasing your bigotry towards theists aren't i :hihi:

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Perhaps no guilt should be felt, but you have to question your association with the religious nutters.


I'm not totally against spirituality, the human consciousness is wonderful and should be celebrated & explored, but with perhaps an open mind and the right to individuality.


Religion, however, is a run away cancer on humanity. It divides societies for no other reason than people believing in a different fairy tale to their own.


Makes me laugh when people discuss a crime in the name of Allah, and question whether the act was religiously motivated, or whether the suspect has a mental illness, as if there is any difference between the two.


With what, should human consciousness be explored? ;)


I see things in a similar way; over indulgence in religious concepts is the opposite of spirituality, kind-heartedness, self-awareness (all of which are non-conceptual).


Truth cannot be taught, it is not to be found in books ... it's in you.


---------- Post added 27-05-2013 at 12:36 ----------


I got 47! I'm winning so far!


The bigger the score, the more nutty you are?! I started the test, and got bored after question 6 or 7...



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You haven't actually given us anything to disprove evolution or the age of the Earth yet, all you've done is call them into question.


Nor have you shown us how the Bible has been 'proved', quite alot of it has been disproved so I would be very interested, given the topic of this thread, for you to point out specifically those parts that have been proved, and for you to cite the evidence used to 'prove' it.




---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 18:06 ----------



I was wondering but wasn't quite sure, not until he had a go at Catholicism but said he believed the Bible, now I am leaning towards the 'new account' idea myself.

Ok how can we prove the bible to be true well obviously the first thing would be to pick one up. The bible took 4000 years to complete written by 40 different men one part was written in hebrew which the clergy would call for some reason the ""old testament"" by doing this they make the whole thing invalid because the hebrew has to be tied in with greek scriptures to be able to ascertain the truth of it all and how often would you see a clergyman with a bible anyway.. ok ok proof...first of all the bible is a book of prophecy

all of which has come true. it prophecied the 1st world war Mathew 24 verse 7 would you

look at that and say otherwise. another scripture writen at revalation chapter 11 verse 18

promises that god will bring to ruin those ruining the earth those words were written down

2000 years ago approx how would the writer know those words would come true in his day the only thing that might have been ruined was some castledoor by a battering ram look at our planet today the icecaps are melting playing havoc with weather patterns, today

we send up into the atmosphere thousands of tons of toxic waste that is tearing the protective shield which is above our to shreds the scientists the proper ones are begging the goverments of this world to do something about it before yesterday in some places people are walking about wearing face masks and we can go on so just two of many many prophecies that prove the bible to be true watch out for armageddon


---------- Post added 27-05-2013 at 12:53 ----------


You haven't actually given us anything to disprove evolution or the age of the Earth yet, all you've done is call them into question.


Nor have you shown us how the Bible has been 'proved', quite alot of it has been disproved so I would be very interested, given the topic of this thread, for you to point out specifically those parts that have been proved, and for you to cite the evidence used to 'prove' it.




---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 18:06 ----------



I was wondering but wasn't quite sure, not until he had a go at Catholicism but said he believed the Bible, now I am leaning towards the 'new account' idea myself.

Ok how can we prove the bible to be true well obviously the first thing would be to pick one up. The bible took 4000 years to complete written by 40 different men one part was written in hebrew which the clergy would call for some reason the ""old testament"" by doing this they make the whole thing invalid because the hebrew has to be tied in with greek scriptures to be able to ascertain the truth of it all and how often would you see a clergyman with a bible anyway.. ok ok proof...first of all the bible is a book of prophecy

all of which has come true. it prophecied the 1st world war Mathew 24 verse 7 would you

look at that and say otherwise. another scripture writen at revalation chapter 11 verse 18

promises that god will bring to ruin those ruining the earth those words were written down

2000 years ago approx how would the writer know those words would come true in his day the only thing that might have been ruined was some castledoor by a battering ram look at our planet today the icecaps are melting playing havoc with weather patterns, today

we send up into the atmosphere thousands of tons of toxic waste that is tearing the protective shield which is above our earth to shreds the scientists the proper ones are begging the goverments of this world to do something about it before yesterday in some places people are walking about wearing face masks and we can go on so just two of many many prophecies that prove the bible to be true watch out for armageddon

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