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Pakistan to launch drones over the US..

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The new Pakistan govt. are about to launch armed unmanned aircraft over the United States, to take out enemies of the Pakistan state. They're saying some innocent American lives will no doubt be lost; but that's acceptable to them.


Okay, relax Americans!; I just made that up...


However, it was true; would Americans be in any (moral) position to object; given they're doing the exact same thing to Pakistan? Or would objecting only make them hypocrites?

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You're right of course; morality and ethics does not enter in to it. The *ONLY* thing that counts, is who has the most and biggest 'guns' (military power) and best spy network...


I wonder if the Pakistan military are being covertly coerced in to action by the US?

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If the Pakistani state would cease colluding eith Islamasist terrorist organisations, the they would be in a position to take the moral highground.


Until they reach said point, I don't care.


You aren't far off. If said Islamists hadn't flew planes into buildings we wouldn't be having this conversation. As the ring leader of the 911 attacks was found a stones throw from Pakistan intelligence, it seems worth while for America to, how best to put this, conduct operations within Pakistan.

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Yep they know they're not safe in Afghanistan so try and hide in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

They should not be safe there either.


Until Pakistan can get a grip on the tribal areas and assert authority then America should continue with the drone strikes.

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Yep they know they're not safe in Afghanistan so try and hide in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

They should not be safe there either.


Until Pakistan can get a grip on the tribal areas and assert authority then America should continue with the drone strikes.


I disagree, unless it has the unequivocal backing of the Pakistani state, or the Pakistan and the US become enemies and declare a state of war between each other.

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The West should give Pakistan, or any other country shielding these scum, an ultimatum.


They have three months to give them all of the terrorists up for trial by the combined countries in the civilised world, or their countries will be bombed back to the Stone Age.


In the 21st Century we decent, civilised people should not be terrorised by backward, religiously motivated vermin.

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