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Pakistan to launch drones over the US..

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The new Pakistan govt. are about to launch armed unmanned aircraft over the United States, to take out enemies of the Pakistan state. They're saying some innocent American lives will no doubt be lost; but that's acceptable to them.


Okay, relax Americans!; I just made that up...


However, it was true; would Americans be in any (moral) position to object; given they're doing the exact same thing to Pakistan? Or would objecting only make them hypocrites?


Well baring in mind that Pakistan is a huge support of terrorism then yes I think the US would have right to object. IMO many countries should shun Pakistan and implement trade embargos.

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Before anyone writes any more US/UK propaganda... can I suggest you read

''The US and British Oil Imperialism by Norman D Livergood,


and then take a look at

Bradley Manning video



Veterans against the War



to see just what is actually happening here.......

Anybody and everybody including you, are disposable collateral, and by siding with the War mongers you are equally culpable..imo.

Can I suggest that those who advocate invading another man's land to steal his resources; and murder innocent women and children.... be given guns and knives and then be marooned on a remote island where they can fight it out without injuring those who are innocent.... man to man, if they have any ba***. Instead of expecting our sons and daughters to go and do their dirty work for them, and become demonised by association..

For those who actually believe that OBL orchestrated 911, I feel very sorry that you have been so badly duped.




OBL was dead when 9/11 happened....



and 10 of the 19 hyjackers are STILL alive???


So who the hell hijacked all those 'planes?'


Look up - 'Hi Mom, this is Mark Bingham, you do believe me don't you? Then have a look at Operation Northwoods..... And have a read about The Gulf of Tonkin which was the official catalyst for the Vietnam War....and ask yourself - what was the catalyst for the present Middle East Wars?

Another question is, why was building 7 blown up? And ''Who gained?'' Certainly not the Muslims who have had the s*** blown out of them for over 12 years!!!!

The AlQaeda were/are a CIA funded organisation. originally the name for the 'data base' of a group of Muhajadeens recruited,trained and funded by the CIA to repel the Russians from the Oil/Poppy fields in Afghanistan.


BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-Qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…

When you have investigated all the links and read what I have posted then perhaps there will be a discussion to be had, instead of some of the ill informed knee jerk carp that has been written here..

Finally take a look at the 'Stop the War Coalition'


and read what award winning journalist John Pilger and Noam Chomsky the foremost intellectual in the world today says about Media Control: and take a peek at Professor Carole Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope... then.... just then, might you get an idea of the truth of this sordid business, that you have all been dragged into, and pass opinions about..

Sorry about the length of this post, but I believe that you all deserve a shot at the real truth rather than fabricated propaganda..

Finally... don't shoot the messenger, or call me names, which is childish. This information is out there for all to read. It is not my opinion... but well researched facts.

If you want to deny what I have written then please post some facts and links of your own to be discussed.



---------- Post added 14-05-2013 at 20:24 ----------


western wars have killed a hundred fold more than the so called terror atacks of 9-11. isnt that true?



bloody hell even wihout wars half a million iraq kids were killed due to sanction.



come on In the USA your more likly to be killed by a cop than a terror attacki think allergies and bee stings kill more people


biggest killer is Mcds and KFC food, ( heart disease )


lets put things into perspective shall we




**No one from the drone bombing areas has been involved in 911 now were they.**

Well said; and I would add to this: deaths from slipping in the bath, and lightening attacks......Yet the US Government chooses to spend trillions of dollars chasing a bogey man and putting armoured vehicles on their own streets..

Never mind it gives the Military Industrial Complex something to do.

Funding and supplying both sides?


Garbage! In the US you are more likely to be killed in a road accident, a tornado, hurricane, or succumb to cancer, heart attack or chronic alcoholism

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As are you.


Let's just face it, you and I are diametrically opposed when it come to the subjects of multi-racialism and the like.


I'm happy to live in the real world and not prepared to engineer it to suit some weird dogma.

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yes that is true,

but don't you think it is amazing how so many people have been brainwashed to think that they and they alone are on the 'right' side. The side with god behind them.


seriously they all need to just go off an kill themselves on the arctic tundra


Humans have evolved to the point where they have broken their base traits yet the world is still ruled by those who value and grasp the power to dominate others.

Whether that power is gained by fair or foul play they don't actually care they just want some power.



Islam, republicans, liberals , Christians, capitalists and etc etc... first against the wall. imo

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I'll stick with the established facts from the major news companies and discovery channel thanks. I'll be a bit ahead of the game and show why I won't be lead down the garden path with regards to 7/7. http://rachelnorthlondon.blogspot.co.uk/2009/05/77-conspiracy-theories-truth-at-last.html?m=1


''Many a True Word spoken in Jest''

Have you ever heard of Obfuscation, and Predictive Programming, or Cognitive Dissonance?


Who IS Rachel North? She just happens works for the people who make the debunking programmes, so obviously works for those who would wish to 'cover up' the truth??? She was chosen to do this job, because she is good at it.......


Her own words which she wrote to Peter Powel

**This post is a round up of all the conspiracy theories stitched together so they can be pulled apart.

I HAVE ALSO BEEN INVOLVED IN THE BBC PROGRAMME AS A CONSPIRACY THEORY CRITIC. Like you, I have been the subject of foolish speculation and unwanted focus by conspiracy theorists.........

The BBC's conspiracy files programme should be out this summer. I hope that by investigating and demonstrating the fallacies of some of the most popular conspiracy theories - such as the ones about you - it will help to undo some of the damage done.**


Her attempt at debunking might have had some credence, had not the same 'play' been enacted on 911 and in Boston. Didn't it strike you as strange how these 'drills' all happen on exactly the same day as the terrorists strike?? What a coincidence... you just couldn't make it up. I wish I had put a bet on this, I would be a millionaire now.

I would imagine that they needed actors to make the drills more realistic, or how would they know how they were going to react to a 'real' situation? But suddenly - all the actors disappear and are never heard of again?

These people are ultimately afraid of the truth ever being revealed. There are literally hundreds, possibly thousands, of aspects that raise serious questions about the legitimacy of the ‘official’ stories of terrorist attacks. You cannot analyse a lie, cover up, inside job or “conspiracy” in one hour, with a superficial glance at 7 or 8 aspects. It simply won’t do.

The fact that the Conspiracy Debunking programme makers keep coming back to the well, time and again, to make programmes in such a derogatory manner is indicative of their need to continually reinforce dogma, and divert people from recognising the truth...... They are afraid, don‘t ever think they aren‘t. They are afraid of the implications, of people waking up, they are afraid of the truth being revealed and they are afraid of YOU. Afraid because you can think and reason, learn and speak of it. Try not to get bogged down in semantics and arguments, because; like Rachel North and her fellow conspiracy road trip producers; they’ll use that against you. If the CT's were so far off the mark, then surely they should just be ignored?


Be sensible, level headed and informed. Don't be distracted by propaganda.. if you think something smells of sh** then you can most certainly believe that it is! The truth really does speak for itself.

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Better that than to be an apologist for terrorists and child rapists just because of the colour of their skin.


Sounds like a claim you ought to substantiate with quotes or apologise for a and retract.

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If the Pakistani state would cease colluding eith Islamasist terrorist organisations, the they would be in a position to take the moral highground.


Until they reach said point, I don't care.


it wasn't that long ago, WE were friends with and funding the Taliban and al qaeda

and currently helping certain factions in these Arab spring countries


we can't talk about the moral high ground regarding helping terrorists

then there's the US funding the IRA

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**She was a victim of the 7/7 so has a bit more of a vested interest than you do.**


I see. I feel so very sorry for all the poor innocent people who were injured and died that day.. it must have been an absolutely traumatic experience for them and their families.

However, I am very interested to know who and what Rachel is; that people like you would be so convinced that she is an authority about what actually did happen on that terrible day - just by being there?



Having read her diaries, which she began the minute she was able to hold a pen on the day of the accident.

THURSDAY 7 JULY 2259 BST ( And wasted no time in telling her story to the waiting journos and stringers?) (I know - I didn't know what a stringer was either)

**I was on a crowded train to work. It was 8.40am when I boarded the rammed Piccadilly line train at Finsbury Park. Even more people got on at Kings Cross. It felt like the most crowded train ever. I was in the first carriage, behind the driver's carriage, standing by the doors - it was absolutely packed. Then, as we left Kings Cross, at about 8.55am, there was an almighty bang. There was screaming and groaning but we calmed each other and tried to listen to the driver. He told us he was going to take the train forward a little so he could get us out, after he had made sure the track wasn't live.

After about 20 to 30 minutes we started to leave the train. We tried to keep each other calm, I remember saying: "If anyone's boss gives them grief for being late, we know what to say to them, eh, girls?"

People laughed and we kept saying, "not long, it's the long walk to freedom, nearly there".


** More journos phoned yesterday...I must have given my mobile to the stringer (definition of Stringer - Category Journalism - part-time correspondent for a newspaper magazine etc.)

who was asking questions when I was wandering outside the hospital getting fresh air after being stitched still in shock. (So she is obviously involved in Journalism? How else would she know who/what a 'stringer' was?)

The Mail on Sunday and Metro wanted to send a photographer round! I said no way! I said I felt it was important to get witness statements out at the time as I was there and felt relatively un-traumatised, so I'd rather 'they spoke to me' than shoved their mikes and cameras in the faces of those who were shell-shocked or more injured.**



**After a ''detailed anti-terrorism staff interview'' I found out some stuff I needed to share.....................

I phoned the BBC to ask them where they got this information from, then I phoned the anti-terrorist hotline and gave a more detailed witness statement.**


(It would appear that she had an inside track to the BBC and was actually able to ask for answers to questions, before giving a more 'detailed witness statement'?.... I wonder; can you give me their numbers just off the cuff?)


I have no doubt that Rachel was on the train, and suffered injury and trauma... but how would this experience qualify her to give a credible insight into what happened throughout this event, or provide her with the information needed to judge the voracity of a particular 'theory' or debunk one in favour of another?

Unless of course she was 'recruited' to do so.....


What better spokesperson, than someone who had actually been involved in the bombings. We couldn't possibly disbelieve what she says in her debunking blog..... after all that would be disrespectful?

But think on... her opinion is just as viable, or not, as anyone else's... unless they have 'inside' information.


---------- Post added 15-05-2013 at 14:39 ----------


it wasn't that long ago, WE were friends with and funding the Taliban and al qaeda

and currently helping certain factions in these Arab spring countries



Hi Melthebell,

It is so good to meet another thinker..


**we can't talk about the moral high ground regarding helping terrorists

then there's the US funding the IRA**


And don't forget the Military Industrial Complex is funding and supplying arms to BOTH sides in any conflict.

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